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COMMODORE HARDWARE ePay 360092709872

Defender II

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I'm not a commi 64 fan :D so I thought I'd let those of you who are :evil: (and willing to go to San Diego)

have at this auction 360092709872. Lot of commi, Amiga, monitors, drives, stuff, also includes 3 Atari 600XLs!

A good chunk of cash, but if it were all Atari, I might drive there for it. :o I could use some of the monitors.

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It's too bad he's not selling those separately as complete rigs (monitor, computer, disk drive and accessories). I might be able to get something from him. But one large lot? He's cutting his options down.


Whattyamean, you could probably build a time machine from all that stuff! Just add flux capacitor!

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