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Best Electronics, Atari only?


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I've talked to them on the phone a few times, and I think they're Atari only. Get the catalog, it has more in it than just parts that have Atari stamped on them, though. Not sure about capacitors and parts like that, though, unless it's called for specifically by an Atari device. Nice enough on the phone, give em a shout.



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thanks. I went ahead and hit 'em up at Mouser to get a list of caps. Mouser seems to have everything needed for the Turbo Express and Game Gear cap kits, but I think I can get physically smaller caps at Radio Crap for a little more coin. I'll have to place an order with Mouser and see what comes in the mail.


A couple of other things I'm thinking of doing are building a combo charger/wall wart that will work with a Lynx, Game Gear, or TE that's packing NiMH batteries. The charger would be in the power brick and I'd place either temp sensors or thermal fuses in the portable. I've considered the Galaxy Power IC and I've also got a datasheet here for a Maxim 721/713 IC. A switch in the brick could turn off the IC and make it function as a normal power brick for any of these systems as long as the batteries are removed first. This project isn't really that much of a priority, though, as I might just look into a standard six cell battery charger and a truckload of NiMH AA cells.


The other project is to build a small adapter that will allow a Sega model 2105 battery pack to run a Lynx or a Turbo Express. I have to look up the power input on the TE, but the Lynx II and Game Gear have similar power requirements. All I'd have to do is build an adapter with a socket that will accept the kidney pack's plug and a tip that will fit the Lynx. I may rebuild the kidney pack with stronger NiCD batteries, or I might wind up having to replace the internal charger and use NiMH cells. Currently it pack 800 mAh NiCD cells. My De Walt cordless drill packs 1800 mAh cells, so whatever cells they used for that should be available for the kidney shaped battery pack also. Just gotta find a bit to open it, though...


lol, I wonder how fast a TE would tear through some modern rechargeable batteries...maybe they'd last an hour?


Oh, yeah...almost forgot...I wonder if Mark Wolfe contaced anyone else about his Turbo Express? The video and sound are out, so it needs caps replaced. If for some reason I can't fix it, I want to find him someone who can.

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DigiKey, Unicorn Electronics, Newark Electronics, MCM, MPJA, All Electronics, Jameco, Farnell (Actually part of Newark Electronics, but doesn't sell the same stuff), Radio Shack.


There are probably more, but those are the only other places I've ever delt with myself.


You could also pick up a phonebook and see if you have any local mom & pop electronics places. Many big cities do.

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We've got a place called Synergy in town. They'd probably be the easiest if I can ever get hold of them. I've tried and it's impossible. Radio Shack stores are next to worthless, however, it is possible to get a gift card in the store and use it to order online. I have not checked their site recently.

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