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4port OS to 2port OS


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As you all know by now I just got a hold of 4 port but it's not compatible with 2600 adapter I know there's a fix for that but I'm not good at modding things. I did have 2 port as well but I don't want to kill the 4 port just to switch out OS to the 2 port. Is there an e-prom chip I use to copy 4port OS on to so I can used it in the 2port?

Edited by walter_J64bit
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As you all know by now I just got a hold of 4 port but it's not compatible with 2600 adapter I know there's a fix for that but I'm not good at modding things. I did have 2 port as well but I don't want to kill the 4 port just to switch out OS to the 2 port. Is there an e-prom chip I use to copy 4port OS on to so I can used it in the 2port?

Changing the BIOS is not the fix to make an early 4-port work with the 2600 adapter. Just to let you know.



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I know you said you don't like modding but this is the only way. http://cgi.ebay.com/ATARI-5200-RETROFIT-KI...VQQcmdZViewItem


It's time consuming and I found not too easy. :|

Oh, you don't want me use soldering iron there well be 5 dead Atari's in this house! :P Now I can switch out IC's all day long! :D But thanks for the link!

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Why not just use the 2-port you already have?


I've never understood the fascination with the 4-port.

the 2port won't play all 5200 games so it needs the 4port OS to play all games. ;)


Those games in question are Pitfall II and Mountain King. I had gotten a copy of PF2 and I had a 2-port and it didn't work.

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I acquired a 2600 adapater just for the sake of getting one. But, like most people, if I want to play my 2600 games, i just use my 7800.


HOWEVER, for those pesky Tigervision cartridges that won't fit in the 7800, the 2600 adapter on the 5200 is a nice alternative.


I was fortunate to get a 2 port 5200 that is compatible with Pitfall Ii and Mountain King. It is my understanding that having a system that works, is rare....

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I like my 2600 adapater, it's the one of best Atari add-on ever made

Wow, that's pretty generous. :P


Seriously so. I dunno. I probably wouldn't mind having one just to have. But considering all it was was a real and complete 2600, that cost more then a 2600 console, that could only work in conjunction with the 5200. It's right up there with the Apple "add-on" for the Commodore. :ponder:

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