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odd: An OSG auction! S-Vid modded Genny 3 w/LED


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I'm not pimpin' my product, I'm just giving a fellow expert console modder a hard way to go. I don't even own that Genesis 3 console any more, I sold it a few years back. But in all seriousness, Steve as always, nice job, and good luck with the auction. I think the most I was ever able to get for a modded Genesis 3 was about $75.

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Is this unit compatible with Sega CD or 32x?

No. Genesis 3's are electronicly stripped down variants and only support stock genesis carts.


Edit: Doesn't work with the Game Genie either.

Edited by Artlover
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Sorry about the link. I'll fix it if I can.


And thanks doubledown, for, uh..whatever it is you are doing to be helpful in my sell thread. Your Genny 3 looks very nice. I thought about adding region, but again, the way eBay is lately, is there any reason to add that much more on an uncertain outcome eh?


I'm just getting back into eBay, and now I wait three weeks after shipping to be paid? And that's with tons of positive feedback and PP since 2003? No wonder people are bitching about eBay.


At the very least I need to pimp OSG some more. After having my site ripped down, and rebuilt securely, I've lost some major web presence. At the very least I'm proving I'm here for the long haul, and take it serious. We've seen some come and go, but some try to stay despite challenges.


Like doubledown for example. He's been around a while, which says good things about him.


I guess I'll have to post some pics of something he doesn't provide service for in one of his sale threads. (joking!) ;)

Edited by omne
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I hear ya man. The real money in modded consoles is always going to be the vintage stuff, the consoles that only originally offered RF. As the Genesis already had composite video people don't think that the S-Video is that much of an upgrade. I for one can personally vouch for how incredible the difference is on the Genesis 3 between composite and S-Video, but people in the market for the Genny aren't starting with the horribly degraded 25+ year old RF. For them realistically the composite signal isn't really that bad, but that's partially because they haven't experienced the S-Video first hand. Just my 3 cents, and Steve you gotta just keep on keepin' on. :) I remember a few years back I sold a A/V modded Odyssey 2 with box, and like 12 games all boxed on ebay and I think I got maybe $60 for it. Hell, just a couple of days ago I saw an A/V modded ColecoVision with a starting bid of $29.99 end without even 1 bid, it didn't even sell, while on the other hand I've never sold one for less than $150, and my last one, the "Mini ColecoVision" sold for $440.00. The way I see it for any upgrades on consoles newer than the RF only age, you'll only get your asking price when you're comissioned for the work, not the ebay sales.

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I hear ya man. The real money in modded consoles is always going to be the vintage stuff, the consoles that only originally offered RF. As the Genesis already had composite video people don't think that the S-Video is that much of an upgrade. I for one can personally vouch for how incredible the difference is on the Genesis 3 between composite and S-Video, but people in the market for the Genny aren't starting with the horribly degraded 25+ year old RF. For them realistically the composite signal isn't really that bad, but that's partially because they haven't experienced the S-Video first hand. Just my 3 cents, and Steve you gotta just keep on keepin' on. :) I remember a few years back I sold a A/V modded Odyssey 2 with box, and like 12 games all boxed on ebay and I think I got maybe $60 for it. Hell, just a couple of days ago I saw an A/V modded ColecoVision with a starting bid of $29.99 end without even 1 bid, it didn't even sell, while on the other hand I've never sold one for less than $150, and my last one, the "Mini ColecoVision" sold for $440.00. The way I see it for any upgrades on consoles newer than the RF only age, you'll only get your asking price when you're comissioned for the work, not the ebay sales.


Ya but Joe Blow selling a mod'd console VS you, me or steve selling a mod'd console there is a big difference as we have a track record and reputation to back up our work where as Joe Blow, for all we know could be using hot glue instead of soldier.

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