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Got some hard drives on buy it now


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These are used(barely) 160GB hard drives. 1 Maxtor and 2 Seagates. the Seagates are ATA 100 drives and the Maxtor is SATA. Sorry I didnt check the warranty on these drives before I listed them. These are OEM drives. This is not what I was told. I am lowering the price. Thet DO NOT have a WARRANTY. So if they die on you they cannot be replaced from the manufacturer :x

Next time I will do better research and not trust "friends"





Edited by edweird13
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They are still under warranty so dont be scared if they are DOA.



Odd thing to stress for drives you tested. When does the warranty expire on these? Serial# is needed to look that up.


Also, to reitterate what Rybags said. Brand new 160g HDD's can be had for only $41.99 + $8.55 shipping (3 Day) from reputable mail-order companies.


We're almost at that golden point in time where hard drives are below DVD-Rs in cost per gigabyte.

Naa, not quite. Currently, HDD's are at $0.12/GB. DVD media comes in at $0.04/GB. Give it a few more years. ;)

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I should have said "quality DVD-R media".


You still pay around $18-$27 for a 50 pack of reputable brands like Verbatim here.


I refuse to include shitty media in the calculations... the cheap stuff often fails within a year.

Newegg - 100 spindles: Sony - $32.99 ($0.07/gb) , Verbatim - $27.99 ($0.06/gb) , TDK - $24.99 ($0.05/gb) , Fuji - $20.99 ($0.04/gb).


Anyways.. It's still an old arguement with little realistic value. Buying more expencive name brand media doesn't ensure you aren't getting cheap media, just like buying cheap media doesn't mean you aren't getting something good. Everyone suppliments their stock from outside sources. I've bought cheap spindles of compusa and expencive spindles of TDK, yet got the same CMC, Ritek, TDK and Fuji media out of both. Even Verbatim has outsourced DVD+R DL to India. The real pisser, they are still branded with the same Verbatim Singapore MKM001 MID code. :roll:


Then the fact that there are different production grades. Some CMC and Ritek media is great with terrific PI/PO ratings, other batches are crap with noticable specs on the disc and horrible PI/PO ratings. So it's not even that brands like CMC or Ritek are inherently bad, but some resellers don't care what they get and will gladly snatch up the low-quality/reject batches and pass them on to unsuspecting customers.


Then how a disc performs also depends on the burner, what MID's it supports, what write specifications it gives for unlisted/generic MID's, etc., etc., etc..


I've tried so many brands with many drives over the years and found it just doesn't matter much in the end. You never really know what you are getting anyways or how your hardware will accept it. Only exception is Memorex which has consistantly always been crap for me on every burner I've ever used. Beyond that, I've long stuck with buying store branded CompUSA & Office Depot DVD media for years now. Some discs are 6+ years old and are still good. Only time I buy name brands like TDK or Verbatim anymore is when they are onsale for the same/simmilar price range. So I operate by a simple standard. I refuse to pay more then $25 for a 100 spindle of DVD media or 20 spindle of DVD DL and buy whatever (Memorex excluded) falls into that range. I've only ever come across one bad spindle of crap from CompUSA out of dozen's purchased. Office Depot DVD's have been spot on perfect for me, even their DL's. All in all, I can't complain.

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