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Not what I'd do when an item didn't sell...


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Funny. I once made an inquiry about an item he was selling. I offered $20 less than it sold for (sold for about $70). He went pretty ballistic bordering on "why are you trying to steal from me?". I bought from him previous though. All did go well with that. Just funny when he went all crazy about my "low-ball" offer.


Edit: (copy of pm sent to Phantom)


I anticipated posting an additional comment to what I originally posted but the thread got locked. To explain why I am writing you my comment was you kind of went ballistic at an offer I made you an offer on an auction where offers were accepted. It was a repro, can't recall which one. It was a while back and not on any completed ebay searches I just tried. Anyway I do remember I offered $20 less than the final auction end price of either $69 or $79. I didnt save the ebay message but it was a very pointed statement. Anyway, what I was going to post this additional comment : that I have had one or two transactions with you, both went well. Sorry for any unnecessary stress this may have caused. My comment was incomplete as posted.

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A $50 item for :roll: $100 Now it's a $50 item for a $109 That makes more since. :roll:


Qubes is worth more than $50. I am sure that you would get several takers at that price.


I stand corrected, I was thinking of Mr Do's Castle. I get them mixed up sometimes. Qubes is more of a $75 ish loose game.

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Weird pricing? The Price is fine. It cost $ to list things. Its not going lower than $100 when Ebay is taking $10 for selling it and DP says its a $150 game, now that is high IMO but it does fluctuate between $90 and 120 from what I have seen. BTW, I offered it here 1st asking for an offer and didnt get a bite.

If someone wants it for $90 not on Ebay, let me know. If that is too High for you then fine.



Ballistic? $20 less? A bit of an overstatement I suggest. I wish I knew what it was as I doubt I would go ballistic on a $20 less offer unless the item was a $25 game to begin with. You sure you didnt offer $20 for Gamma Attack? Ive had a zillion of those offers for the Real one and the repro and I would call some of those responses "Ballistic" to the Real versions auction at that time.

Please tell us if you remember what game it was. I mean if you offered $50 for Qbert Qubes, I'd probably respond that you can keep your lowball offer but "Ballistic"?

I wouldnt exactly call that "Ballistic"


And again, You all should wish any seller had feedback such as this.

Feedback Comments


Why am I not surprised? -Sly

Because you are a know-it-all ;)

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I just saw a Qubes go for something like 36 not too long ago, but that seemed like a bargain on that game. Was that a deal or more the going rate these days?


Pretty sure that $36 Qubes was listed as 2600 but was actually a Coleco cart.

It was colecovision and the label was a complete mess with holes in the middle.

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pretty sure the seller is a member here.

got a similar response on a lot of A8 carts

Similar Response? Oh Really? DARN!

Its no longer in messages on Ebay.

I would love to see this "similar repsonse".

Funny thing is you haven't apparently purchased anything on Ebay since 2000.

That's quite odd.

Your Feedback

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What's the thought process here? "Gosh, that didn't sell... I guess I need to charge more for it!"
To answer the "thought process" exactly.

Fact is I am in no rush to sell this. If people want to watch at $99.99 then let them.

Maybe I should list it for $1?

I set it at $109.99 and DROPPED the price the last day of the listing as I have this time as well and it isn't going less than that on ebay so if youre looking for it cheaper, you can find it elsewhere or I will sell it here for $90 but other than that, I'm not liquidating it.

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Ah, I didn't realize you had started the original auction at the same price and then lowered it on the last day... just seeing the completed auction and the new one made it look like you had tried to sell it for a price, then when it didn't sell, relisted it for even more. I wasn't trying to say whether $109 is or is not a fair price for a Qubes, just that raising the price of something when it didn't sell seemed like a strange thing to do... now that I know what you actually did, it makes more sense.

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Ah, I didn't realize you had started the original auction at the same price and then lowered it on the last day... just seeing the completed auction and the new one made it look like you had tried to sell it for a price, then when it didn't sell, relisted it for even more. I wasn't trying to say whether $109 is or is not a fair price for a Qubes, just that raising the price of something when it didn't sell seemed like a strange thing to do... now that I know what you actually did, it makes more sense.

Its not a big deal at all, there was just alot to answer here.

The fact that the peanut gallery chimed in doesnt surprise but what they cant attack is that feedback that we get and its not just +'s, people go out of their way to say nice things if anyone reads any of them. So they can attack me all they want, the facts are clear as day and to say I went Ballistic is a bit of an overstatement. Telling someone that it is a lowball offer is the truth and if the $20 less was an item that went for $70 in the end, then that would mean they atleast offered 40-50% less than the price listed if not more and to me, that is a lowball offer. Poobah I dont get at all since he hasnt bought anything since 2000 and I offered any A8's here before they ever went to ebay.

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Why am I not surprised? -Sly

Because you are a know-it-all ;)

More like, seen-it-all. ;)

More like Easily Convinced. ;) Especially when you want to believe it!

Even in the face of facts!



Don't make me dig up your past. :P

Oh no! It's the trouble makers threats again!

Why dont you and your trouble making crew go do something contructive?

My past? Fending off personal attacks?

I can find daily posts of you attacking people indiscriminantly.

That is your favorite past-time.

What is the point of making inciting comments in your posts?

Is it just to make trouble? Dont you have anything better to do with your time?

Go ahead, dig all you want. And we can go tit for tat and see whom makes trouble around here and see who only responds to trouble makers such as yourself.

Here's an idea, go do something constructive instead of pestering people all day with how you think and want all things to be and often attacking people. You want to talk facts, I can find a post here from most days where you are doing such. It is no secret you and your cronies dont like me and I certainly dont care for your bunch either so my questions is, why make like you are being genuine when you comments are completely biased on a personal level no matter what the facts? Why must you need to fill your days with attacking posts in these threads? I havent said a word to your crew in forever yet you have to get lil diggs in whenever you can. Was there any other reason to post your original post here other than to incite? Of course not. So attack all you want. Fact of the matter is we dont like each other and you cant help but make trouble for anyone you care to, if for only to get a few kicks. So how about you grow up and stop making trouble making posts that have no other purpose but to start trouble for people you dont see eye to eye with? Or you can keep on doing your daily routine of attacking people. I bet I know which route you choose.

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I just saw a Qubes go for something like 36 not too long ago, but that seemed like a bargain on that game. Was that a deal or more the going rate these days?


Pretty sure that $36 Qubes was listed as 2600 but was actually a Coleco cart.

It was colecovision and the label was a complete mess with holes in the middle.


This one?


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 140272394741

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I just saw a Qubes go for something like 36 not too long ago, but that seemed like a bargain on that game. Was that a deal or more the going rate these days?


Pretty sure that $36 Qubes was listed as 2600 but was actually a Coleco cart.

It was colecovision and the label was a complete mess with holes in the middle.


This one?


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 140272394741

That was the one I was thinking of. There are 2 big holes in the middle. Maybe it was 2600 but I think for some reason I thought it was CV. Im not sure why at this moment but I have to get ready for tHE Phils game but thats was it. 2 big nicks in the front middle label. I have a pretty good memory.

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I just saw a Qubes go for something like 36 not too long ago, but that seemed like a bargain on that game. Was that a deal or more the going rate these days?


Pretty sure that $36 Qubes was listed as 2600 but was actually a Coleco cart.

It was colecovision and the label was a complete mess with holes in the middle.


This one?


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 140272394741

That was the one I was thinking of. There are 2 big holes in the middle. Maybe it was 2600 but I think for some reason I thought it was CV. Im not sure why at this moment but I have to get ready for tHE Phils game but thats was it. 2 big nicks in the front middle label. I have a pretty good memory.


Right. I noticed the screw holes and the front label has some wear, but thought for sure it was 2600. Still a good deal for that game.

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