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Not what I'd do when an item didn't sell...


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Anyway, what I was going to post this additional comment : that I have had one or two transactions with you, both went well. Sorry for any unnecessary stress this may have caused. My comment was incomplete as posted. -mianrtcv

This PM was sent to me because they think this thread is locked for some reason.

I guess the new icon by the topics fooled them.

Anyhow, I assume they dont mind me posting it since they planned to anyhow and it was a nice gesture on their part so thank you mianrtcv. off to get Ready for baseball.

I'll leave this topic for the true angry people to have fun in.

Edited by Phantom
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Oh no! Its the trouble makers threats again!

Why dont you take you and youre trouble making crew and go do something contructive.

My past? I can find daily posts of you attacking people.

That is your favorite past-time.

What is the point of making inciting comments in your posts?

Is it just to make trouble? Dont you have anything better to do with your time?

Go ahead, dig all you want. And we can go tit for tat and see whom makes trouble around here and who only responds to trouble makers such as yourself.

Here's an idea, go do something constructive instead of pestering people all day with how you think all things should be and attacking people. You want to talk facts, I can find a post here from most days where you are doing such, It is no secret you and your cronies dont like me and I certainly dont care for your bunch either so my questions is, why make like you are being genuine when you comments are completely biased on a personal level no matter what the facts. Why must you need to fill your days with attacking posts in these threads? I havent said a word to your crew in forever yet you have to get lil diggs in whenever you can. Was there any other reason to post your original post here other than to incite? Of course not. So attack all you want. fact of the matter is we dont like each other and you cant help but make trouble for anyone you wish, if for only to get a few kicks. So how about you grow up and stop making trouble making posts that have no other purpose but to make trouble for people you dont see eye to eye with? Or you can keep on doing your daily routine of attacking people. I bet I know which route you choose.

You do, of course, realize that my original question was a rhetorical one, and that you were under no obligation to answer it? But that's exactly what you're doing with these posts. :ponder:


You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. I suggest you leave it here. Don't get yourself worked up into another apoplectic, vituperative, unpunctuated meltdown. No one is attacking you.


Oh, and please practice what you preach.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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Just to clarify my post (I think it is second in the thread). I did not get a chance to mention I had one or two deals with either phantom or his friend and it was positive transactions. The offer I made was beat by a solid amount percentage wise (roughly 30% or 25%), I wasn't attempting a lowball, however after the final bid I can see another point of view on it.

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You do, of course, realize that my original question was a rhetorical one, and that you were under no obligation to answer it? But that's exactly what you're doing with these posts. :ponder:


You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. I suggest you leave it here. Don't get yourself worked up into another apoplectic, vituperative, unpunctuated meltdown. No one is attacking you.


Oh, and please practice what you preach.

I do practice what I preach. I completely ignore threads that I disagree with when I see certain posters and have done so since Gamma Attack came out so I dont get attacked anymore and its been a good personal policy for me. This thread posed a question that was indirectly asked of me and then when my name popped up 5 times or so, I seen it and answered it and it wasnt a big deal at all in and of itself. But no where was it called for a slick inciting remark and a lil icon by it to be cute.

Your question was a rhetorical slight any way you try to spin it. There is no need for slighting me and I do not go around slighting you or making similar remarks about you or others. If what you are saying is that your comment was relevant, I suggest it has more to do with your opinion of me personally. I am glad you puncuate well. That is important on a discussion board. No meltdown here. Just stating facts, I hold no ill will against you and I dont see a need for slights of any kind, from anyone. If I bothered you or disagreed with you in a post, then you would have an opening but there was none of that and you took it anyway and spin it anyway you please, it was still a slight. Hopefully I dont have to see anymore of these because it really does no one any good. Have a good night, I'm off to watch the Philles win. Cheers

Edited by Phantom
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I was going to sit and watch the epic battle going on here but I really see what is happening. I have plenty of MUD outside and can give a pile to everyone if they want some. :D In all fairness this game is really worth his asking price. Yes you have seen them go higher and yes you've seen them go lower. It's right there in the middle where the price should be. If he doesn't want to sell it at a haggled bottom of the barrell price then he won't. I'm sure he really doesn't want to really sell it if he really doesn't want to. Phantom is right that he offered here and nobody bought from him here. This is a part of the game that I dislike and that's too many opinions. Everyone is entitled but some need to keep them to theirself if they become nonconstructive. Pot shots aren't the answer. :|

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I do practice what I preach. I completely ignore threads that I disagree with when I see certain posters and have done so since Gamma Attack came out so I dont get attacked anymore and its been a good personal policy for me. This thread posed a question that was indirectly asked of me and then when my name popped up 5 times or so, I seen it and answered it and it wasnt a big deal at all in and of itself. But no where was it called for a slick inciting remark and a lil icon by it to be cute.

Your question was a rhetorical slight any way you try to spin it. There is no need for slighting me and I do not go around slighting you or making similar remarks about you or others. If what you are saying is that your comment was relevant, I suggest it has more to do with your opinion of me personally. I am glad you puncuate well. That is important on a discussion board. No meltdown here. Just stating facts, I hold no ill will against you and I dont see a need for slights of any kind, from anyone. If I bothered you or disagreed with you in a post, then you would have an opening but there was none of that and you took it anyway and spin it anyway you please, it was still a slight. Hopefully I dont have to see anymore of these because it really does no one any good. Have a good night, I'm off to watch the Philles win. Cheers

My remark was not a slight. An individual who is is not familiar with your history like most everyone else on this forum posted an anecdote of a seller who went ballistic for something relatively innocent. When I saw who the seller was, I wasn't surprised. Believe me, no one here was. It made me laugh. It's that simple. If my intention was to antagonize you, I could and would have used a more direct approach.


I'm even more surprised that you're surprised. I mean, what, you've been on probation here multiple times for interacting with people in similar fashion. Is it really so shocking to you that your past behavior has branded you with a reputation for irrationality, so that someone would not be surprised to learn that you were the one who went ballistic? Really?


Beyond the fact that I wasn't surprised to learn that you were the seller, I made no pointed commentary. I suppose if you're determined to take my remark as a slight, then so be it. Like I said, you're only answering the rhetorical question and blowing this out of all proportion in the process.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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I was going to sit and watch the epic battle going on here but I really see what is happening. I have plenty of MUD outside and can give a pile to everyone if they want some. :D In all fairness this game is really worth his asking price. Yes you have seen them go higher and yes you've seen them go lower. It's right there in the middle where the price should be. If he doesn't want to sell it at a haggled bottom of the barrell price then he won't. I'm sure he really doesn't want to really sell it if he really doesn't want to. Phantom is right that he offered here and nobody bought from him here. This is a part of the game that I dislike and that's too many opinions. Everyone is entitled but some need to keep them to theirself if they become nonconstructive. Pot shots aren't the answer. :|
This isn't a battle, I took no "pot-shots" and the discussion that I've been drawn into with phantom has absolutely nothing to do with they way he chooses to price his items. :| Edited by Christophero Sly
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My remark was not a slight. An individual who is is not familiar with your history like most everyone else on this forum posted an anecdote of a seller who went ballistic for something relatively innocent. When I saw who the seller was, I wasn't surprised. Believe me, no one here was. It made me laugh. It's that simple. If my intention was to antagonize you, I could and would have used a more direct approach.

yes and the person clarified that later. Ballistic was way overblown. And the other guy has no feedback since 2000 which leads me to believe he is one of your operatives. ;) :-o ;-) Ok so i dont use the Icons as cute as you. But Believe me, no one here questions when I say that you attack people in post after post on wide ranging topics because you think you know everything. Do you really think I care that you and your cronies like to paint me a certain way. I am glad you stated no one here was surprised by the comment, since it blatantly proves you think that you speak for AA as a whole! You must think for everyone in your mind! Thanks for clearing that up! I didn't realize you were so in touch with the group as a whole! You should run for president of AA one day since you claim to know what everyone is thinking on different subjects. You must know everyone here on a personal level! I am impressed. But sadly for you, I can think for myself. And when I see you and your cohorts attack people, I have to walk on by so I dont get dragged into exactly what you've managed to drag me into here once again but this time, I wont call you names and get probation. I may think them, but I wont type them I can promise you that.


'm even more surprised that you're surprised. I mean, what, you've been on probation here multiple times for interacting with people in similar fashion. Is it really so shocking to you that your past behavior has branded you with a reputation for irrationality, so that someone would not be surprised to learn that you were the one who went ballistic? Really?

It never does end with you does it? Probation. How many times was I on it? You seem to think you know but that is adminstrative business and I dont see no hall monitor button under your ID thank goodness. Yet you think you know how many times I was right? I can tell you this, one time Al posted that I was until he got all the facts and decided not to put me on probation and your buddy has been on it atleast as much as I, he's a huge factor in why I was in the first place. So tell me, how many times is it? You and your backhanded BS. You go around and bully people all day. The only one that deems me irrational is you and your cronies that go around making trouble just as you are here once again! You can spin it anyway you want. Truth is truth and you attack people and belittle them on a consistent basis if only just to get your rocks off. You act as if you have some authoritative pull. Heck, you KNOW how many times I've been on probation apparently right?! Thats a riot! Please do tell us how many times I was on probation. All one needs do is look who is in your friends list to get the entire picture if they know any history.

Spin it anyway you want. You are good at spinning your crap, I'll give you that and your lil attacks that you think are cute but you spin as rhetorical questions should be kept to yourself if they are rhetorical.

Why do you ask rhetorical questions? To get a rise outta people. Just like you do in 90% of your cutsie posts. I've asked you to be done with this nonsense but you keep on spinning your BS.

Edited by Phantom
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My remark was not a slight. An individual who is is not familiar with your history like most everyone else on this forum posted an anecdote of a seller who went ballistic for something relatively innocent. When I saw who the seller was, I wasn't surprised. Believe me, no one here was. It made me laugh. It's that simple. If my intention was to antagonize you, I could and would have used a more direct approach.

yes and the person clarified that later. Ballistic was way overblown. And the other guy has no feedback since 2000 which leads me to believe he is one of your operatives. ;) :-o ;-) Ok so i dont use the Icons as cute as you. But Believe me, no one here questions when I say that you attack people in post after post on wide ranging topics because you think you know everything. Do you really think I care that you and your cronies like to paint me a certain way. I am glad you stated no one here was surprised by the comment, since it blatantly proves you think that you speak for AA as a whole! You must think for everyone in your mind! Thanks for clearing that up! I didn't realize you were so in touch with the group as a whole! You should run for president of AA one day since you claim to know what everyone is thinking on different subjects. You must know everyone here on a personal level! I am impressed. But sadly for you, I can think for myself. And when I see you and your cohorts attack people, I have to walk on by so I dont get dragged into exactly what you've managed to drag me into here once again but this time, I wont call you names and get probation. I may think them, but I wont type them I can promise you that.


'm even more surprised that you're surprised. I mean, what, you've been on probation here multiple times for interacting with people in similar fashion. Is it really so shocking to you that your past behavior has branded you with a reputation for irrationality, so that someone would not be surprised to learn that you were the one who went ballistic? Really?

It never does end with you does it? Probation. How many times was I on it? You seem to think you know but that is adminstrative business and I dont see no hall monitor button under your ID thank goodness. Yet you think you know how many times I was right? I can tell you this, one time Al posted that I was until he got all the facts and decided not to put me on probation and your buddy has been on it atleast as much as I, he's a huge factor in why I was in the first place. So tell me, how many times is it? You and your backhanded BS. You go around and bully people all day. The only one that deems me irrational is you and your cronies that go around making trouble just as you are here once again! You can spin it anyway you want. Truth is truth and you attack people and belittle them on a consistent basis if only just to get your rocks off. You act as if you have some authoritative pull. Heck, you KNOW how many times I've been on probation apparently right?! Thats a riot! Please do tell us how many times I was on probation. All one needs do is look who is in your friends list to get the entire picture if they know any history.

Spin it anyway you want. You are good at spinning your crap, I'll give you that and your lil attacks that you think are cute but you spin as rhetorical questions should be kept to yourself if they are rhetorical.

Why do you ask rhetorical questions? To get a rise outta people. Just like you do in 90% of your cutsie posts. I've asked you to be done with this nonsense but you keep on spinning your BS.

Sometimes you remind me of Don Quixote. Always fighting the windmills.

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pretty sure the seller is a member here.

got a similar response on a lot of A8 carts

Similar Response? Oh Really? DARN!

Its no longer in messages on Ebay.

I would love to see this "similar repsonse".

Funny thing is you haven't apparently purchased anything on Ebay since 2000.

That's quite odd.

Your Feedback


Probably 'cause that's not me. Good effort though.

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I was going to sit and watch the epic battle going on here but I really see what is happening. I have plenty of MUD outside and can give a pile to everyone if they want some. :D In all fairness this game is really worth his asking price. Yes you have seen them go higher and yes you've seen them go lower. It's right there in the middle where the price should be. If he doesn't want to sell it at a haggled bottom of the barrell price then he won't. I'm sure he really doesn't want to really sell it if he really doesn't want to. Phantom is right that he offered here and nobody bought from him here. This is a part of the game that I dislike and that's too many opinions. Everyone is entitled but some need to keep them to theirself if they become nonconstructive. Pot shots aren't the answer. :|
This isn't a battle, I took no "pot-shots" and the discussion that I've been drawn into with phantom has absolutely nothing to do with they way he chooses to price his items. :|



No problem. I'm outta here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1232.gif

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It never does end with you does it? Probation. How many times was I on it? You seem to think you know but that is adminstrative business and I dont see no hall monitor button under your ID thank goodness. Yet you think you know how many times I was right? I can tell you this, one time Al posted that I was until he got all the facts and decided not to put me on probation and your buddy has been on it atleast as much as I, he's a huge factor in why I was in the first place. So tell me, how many times is it? You and your backhanded BS. You go around and bully people all day. The only one that deems me irrational is you and your cronies that go around making trouble just as you are here once again! You can spin it anyway you want. Truth is truth and you attack people and belittle them on a consistent basis if only just to get your rocks off. You act as if you have some authoritative pull. Heck, you KNOW how many times I've been on probation apparently right?! Thats a riot! Please do tell us how many times I was on probation. All one needs do is look who is in your friends list to get the entire picture if they know any history.

Spin it anyway you want. You are good at spinning your crap, I'll give you that and your lil attacks that you think are cute but you spin as rhetorical questions should be kept to yourself if they are rhetorical.

Why do you ask rhetorical questions? To get a rise outta people. Just like you do in 90% of your cutsie posts. I've asked you to be done with this nonsense but you keep on spinning your BS.

Attack. Attack. Attack. That's all you seem to be able to do when something is at odds with your peculiar brand of reasoning. Suit yourself; I can't keep up. But, remember, no matter how vociferously you attack and mischaracterize other people, you won't alter the underlying reality that it is you, with your pugnacious attitude, who continues to bring these confrontations upon yourself. You lose more than you gain by continually acting in this manner. None of the animosity you foster is required to get your points across. If you'd make an attempt at being reasonable, you might discover that you share a lot of common ground with the individuals whom you pillory.
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pretty sure the seller is a member here.

got a similar response on a lot of A8 carts

Similar Response? Oh Really? DARN!

Its no longer in messages on Ebay.

I would love to see this "similar repsonse".

Funny thing is you haven't apparently purchased anything on Ebay since 2000.

That's quite odd.

Your Feedback


Probably 'cause that's not me. Good effort though.

Funny as it may seem but I got it straight out of your PROFILE here in AA ;)

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It never does end with you does it? Probation. How many times was I on it? You seem to think you know but that is adminstrative business and I dont see no hall monitor button under your ID thank goodness. Yet you think you know how many times I was right? I can tell you this, one time Al posted that I was until he got all the facts and decided not to put me on probation and your buddy has been on it atleast as much as I, he's a huge factor in why I was in the first place. So tell me, how many times is it? You and your backhanded BS. You go around and bully people all day. The only one that deems me irrational is you and your cronies that go around making trouble just as you are here once again! You can spin it anyway you want. Truth is truth and you attack people and belittle them on a consistent basis if only just to get your rocks off. You act as if you have some authoritative pull. Heck, you KNOW how many times I've been on probation apparently right?! Thats a riot! Please do tell us how many times I was on probation. All one needs do is look who is in your friends list to get the entire picture if they know any history.

Spin it anyway you want. You are good at spinning your crap, I'll give you that and your lil attacks that you think are cute but you spin as rhetorical questions should be kept to yourself if they are rhetorical.

Why do you ask rhetorical questions? To get a rise outta people. Just like you do in 90% of your cutsie posts. I've asked you to be done with this nonsense but you keep on spinning your BS.

Attack. Attack. Attack. That's all you seem to be able to do when something is at odds with your peculiar brand of reasoning. Suit yourself; I can't keep up. But, remember, no matter how vociferously you attack and mischaracterize other people, you won't alter the underlying reality that it is you, with your pugnacious attitude, who continues to bring these confrontations upon yourself. You lose more than you gain by continually acting in this manner. None of the animosity you foster is required to get your points across. If you'd make an attempt at being reasonable, you might discover that you share a lot of common ground with the individuals whom you pillory.


Are you done teaching me about how you perceive my shortcomings? Oh wait, that is another attack. Oh no but it can't be. You don't do that type of thing. You're the greatest :)

I am wrong and you are right but could you do one last thing for me?

Stop attacking people and claim that you are not since only a IQ of 12 could think you are not doing so here in this thread to me.


Suit yourself; I can't keep up. But, remember, no matter how vociferously you attack and mischaracterize other people
Aint that the Pot callin the Kettle Black!


Funny, you do this often and somehow manage to talk yourself into believing that you do not. Show me where I've attacked you here? Pointing out that you post often with the sole intention of mocking others certainly isn't an attack. Infact, that is the entire reason this thread is so off topic. I know I know, your opinion is the only one tha counts, you've made that perfectly clear many times but yet you continue to throw disguised and blatant insults throughout and somehow this is supposed to sway me that you are not attacking me? Ok. Whatever. I've asked numerous times to drop it and even closed by saying in one (when i really thought it would end at that point) that I wished you no ill will and lets move on but you couldnt resist posting again and making more accusations. Whatever dude, you are right. If that makes you happy than good. Hopefully you can go back to doing whatever it is you do around here and just move on from this discussion since it really serves no purpose and neither of us are going to change our views on one another. In fact, if you have anything else to say to me, please do so in a PM as this is tiresome and I see no benefit of arguing semantics and our POVs of each other in this thread any longer. Whats been said is nothing new. I dont go making sly comments about you and I would hope you can do the same. If you have an issue with me, come to me. nothing else needs to be said as it has already been said over and over again in this thread and in others in the past. We can agree to disagree and move on. Cheers

Edited by Phantom
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pretty sure the seller is a member here.

got a similar response on a lot of A8 carts

Similar Response? Oh Really? DARN!

Its no longer in messages on Ebay.

I would love to see this "similar repsonse".

Funny thing is you haven't apparently purchased anything on Ebay since 2000.

That's quite odd.

Your Feedback


Probably 'cause that's not me. Good effort though.

Funny as it may seem but I got it straight out of your PROFILE here in AA ;)


You might want to read that a teeny bit closer.

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pretty sure the seller is a member here.

got a similar response on a lot of A8 carts

Similar Response? Oh Really? DARN!

Its no longer in messages on Ebay.

I would love to see this "similar repsonse".

Funny thing is you haven't apparently purchased anything on Ebay since 2000.

That's quite odd.

Your Feedback


Probably 'cause that's not me. Good effort though.

Funny as it may seem but I got it straight out of your PROFILE here in AA ;)


You might want to read that a teeny bit closer.

I looked at ALL the necromancer profiles and do not see an E-bay member from Ohio as you say you are from. But as far as the E-bay NECROMANCER ID goes, the info. put out by Phantom is 100% correct. If you are a different Necromancer ( for example NECROMANCER06 or any of the many others) then the state you are claiming that you are from does not jibe either, because no one with a NECROMANCER profile is from Ohio. I know I am going to get some flak from you over this, but I wanted to see who was telling the truth. If I am wrong also please set me straight.

Edited by cougar302b
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I looked at ALL the necromancer profiles and do not see an E-bay member from Ohio as you say you are from. But as far as the E-bay NECROMANCER ID goes, the info. put out by Phantom is 100% correct. If you are a different Necromancer ( for example NECROMANCER06 or any of the many others) then the state you are claiming that you are from does not jibe either, because no one with a NECROMANCER profile is from Ohio. I know I am going to get some flak from you over this, but I wanted to see who was telling the truth. If I am wrong also please set me straight.

You are wrong.


You and phantom need to have your eyes checked.



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I looked at ALL the necromancer profiles and do not see an E-bay member from Ohio as you say you are from. But as far as the E-bay NECROMANCER ID goes, the info. put out by Phantom is 100% correct. If you are a different Necromancer ( for example NECROMANCER06 or any of the many others) then the state you are claiming that you are from does not jibe either, because no one with a NECROMANCER profile is from Ohio. I know I am going to get some flak from you over this, but I wanted to see who was telling the truth. If I am wrong also please set me straight.

You are wrong.


You and phantom need to have your eyes checked.



I am wrong I did not notice the - - part. But my eyes are fine. Thanks for the advice though. Just show me what I did wrong next time and I will correct it. The "get the eyes checked" was just an asshole thing to say. I was simply trying to find out who was lying or misinformed.

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I looked at ALL the necromancer profiles and do not see an E-bay member from Ohio as you say you are from. But as far as the E-bay NECROMANCER ID goes, the info. put out by Phantom is 100% correct. If you are a different Necromancer ( for example NECROMANCER06 or any of the many others) then the state you are claiming that you are from does not jibe either, because no one with a NECROMANCER profile is from Ohio. I know I am going to get some flak from you over this, but I wanted to see who was telling the truth. If I am wrong also please set me straight.

You are wrong.


You and phantom need to have your eyes checked.



The "get the eyes checked" was just an asshole thing to say.

No it wasn't.


Despite being told by poobah that you need to look at his ebay ID a "teeny bit closer", you and phantom both failed to see the obvious details. In light of that fact, I think my remark was apropos and mostly harmless.


I understand that you were only trying to discover the truth here, but accusing someone of lying is serious business, and when you take it upon yourself to establish whether or not someone has done so, and you get it wrong, I don't think you need to take it personal when you're set straight.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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I looked at ALL the necromancer profiles and do not see an E-bay member from Ohio as you say you are from. But as far as the E-bay NECROMANCER ID goes, the info. put out by Phantom is 100% correct. If you are a different Necromancer ( for example NECROMANCER06 or any of the many others) then the state you are claiming that you are from does not jibe either, because no one with a NECROMANCER profile is from Ohio. I know I am going to get some flak from you over this, but I wanted to see who was telling the truth. If I am wrong also please set me straight.

You are wrong.


You and phantom need to have your eyes checked.



The "get the eyes checked" was just an asshole thing to say.

No it wasn't.


Despite being told by poobah that you need to look at his ebay ID a "teeny bit closer", you and phantom both failed to see the obvious details. In light of that fact, I think my remark was apropos and mostly harmless.


I understand that you were only trying to discover the truth here, but accusing someone of lying is serious business, and when you take it upon yourself to establish whether or not someone has done so, and you get it wrong, I don't think you need to take it personal when you're set straight.

Apropos? Nice word, big word. Anyway, whatever (my big word) I made a mistake and admitted it. Case closed, right? If not pm me and lets get it off the board. I have no desire to continue it AFTER admitting I was wrong.

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Apropos? Nice word, big word.
Here's a short word for you. Petty.


Anyway, whatever (my big word) I made a mistake and admitted it. Case closed, right?
Not really. Instead of just admitting that you made a mistake, you (and phantom) might want to think about actually apologizing to poobah.


You might also want to consider apologizing for the mistake you made by calling me an "asshole" for telling you that you had things wrong, as, you'll remember, you requested.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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Apropos? Nice word, big word.
Here's a short word for you. Petty.


Anyway, whatever (my big word) I made a mistake and admitted it. Case closed, right?
Not really. Instead of just admitting that you made a mistake, you (and phantom) might want to think about actually apologizing to poobah.


You might also want to consider apologizing for the mistake you made by calling me an "asshole" for telling you that you had things wrong, as, you'll remember, you requested.

Nope, you are an asshole. Like I said before PM me and get it off the boards. If you can't let it go then I will (on the board at least). And I do apologize to Poobah. But not you chrissy. Sometimes you have to know when to let it go and not keep pushing it.

Edited by cougar302b
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