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Not what I'd do when an item didn't sell...


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Nope, you are an asshole. Like I said before PM me and get it off the boards. If you can't let it go then I will (on the board at least). And I do apologize to Poobah. But not you chrissy. Sometimes you have to know when to let it go and not keep pushing it.
:lol: You're a class act, all the way!


Next time, get your facts straight, then you won't have to resort to calling me names in order to deflect attention from your obvious mistake.


And don't forget to have your eyes checked. :P

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Not really. Instead of just admitting that you made a mistake, you (and phantom) might want to think about actually apologizing to poobah

C-Sly, keep my name out your posts please, I owe you nothing and as for you wanting me to apologize to poobah is none of your concern though you like to make everyone's business yours. As far as poo is concerned, I still havent the foggiest of his claim. The only A8 Lot I sold in the past 2 months on Ebay, I just sold for $40 a few weeks ago. If his claim were 100% true, it would still be in Ebay messages and it is not. Poo has the same Ebay messages so he can produce this so called message if it happened the way he says it did as these messages stay in your ebay messages for 60 days. I am pretty sure he offered me $20 for it when it was available here in AA. I declined and it wasnt mean spirited I can tell you that as I make sure not to even remotely try to allow grief to find me in AA any longer. Why would he offer the same amount on Ebay as he did in a PM here if he knew I already declined it anyway? That makes no sense. Like I said, if it happened the way he said it did, there would be a message still on file and there is no message from his ebay ID period. I can get the date of sale if you want me too but this is really none of your business. I thought this thread was finished yet it grows new life daily and not from me. Ive since sold the game too for $99.95 and that was what this thread was about to begin with. If you must address me, do so in a PM please. Poobah can say whatever he wants, this didnt happen the way he said it did to my recollection and you asking for an apology for him is ridiculous.

So go argue with whomever you wish, if you have issue with me, use the PM route and leave me out of your posts please. Thank you



And yes I admit I missed the - outside of his ebay ID so instead of necrowhatever I should have used -necrowhatever-

Anyone could have made that mistake and another member obviously has.

So you got me red handed. I hope you are happy :) I was wrong about his ID.

There, I said it. Now hopefully that will be it with this nonsense. Thanks

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C-Sly, keep my name out your posts please, I owe you nothing and as for you wanting me to apologize to poobah is none of your concern though you like to make everyone's business yours.
I don't care if you apologize or not. As far as staying out of your business goes, don't make that request and then turn around and launch into these massive expositions to me about your business, like you always do, like you just did. I don't care about your business and I don't even read your rambling screeds about it.


So go argue with whomever you wish, if you have issue with me, use the PM route and leave me out of your posts please.
I don't "wish" to argue with anyone. I never had anything to say to you in the first place. It's only as a result of your massive overreactions that any of these "arguments" transpired.


And don't attack me publicly and then expect that I'm going to PM you about it. If you attack me publicly, I'll respond publicly. That goes for both you and cougar.

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Poobah can say whatever he wants, this didnt happen the way he said it did to my recollection and you asking for an apology for him is ridiculous.

So go argue with whomever you wish, if you have issue with me, use the PM route and leave me out of your posts please. Thank you

Made fair offer for lot of carts, got the "i already had X people offer me $Y" reply.


Anytime someone gives me the "so and so offered me more" I always question why they haven't sold it to them then.

I interpret it as a money grab, and it pisses me off.


Since that exchange, I watched all the carts slowly appear on ebay.

Either a) the offers didn't truly exist, or b)even bigger money grab.


That is what happened, I never delete my mail (not sure where the ebay messages assumption came from), easy enough to prove, but at this point its all a little petty.


In all fairness, phantom was very pleasant in the messages we exchanged, just not excited with how he goes about doing business.

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I don't care if you apologize or not -Christophero Sly: Today, 12:31 PM

Then please dont ask me to apologize for something you are clueless about and to someone other than yourself when the person involved was not asking for an apology.

Why should anyone be asking for an apology on the behalf of someone else especially when that person wasn't involved and doesn't know the facts?


I don't "wish" to argue with anyone. I never had anything to say to you in the first place. It's only as a result of your massive overreactions that any of these "arguments" transpired.


And don't attack me publicly and then expect that I'm going to PM you about it. If you attack me publicly, I'll respond publicly. That goes for both you and cougar. -

Christophero Sly: Today, 12:31 PM

You just got done arguing with another member. Anyone can see what you do. Spin it anyway you wish. You are a bore and I don't care to listen to your BS any longer. Attack you publicly? That is all you do just as you had another arguement with cougar. You state I overreact yet you are the one mocking people daily. Get a grip and a life, you and your vocabulary that thinks it makes you look smart when all it does is prove you're petty. Now go bother someone esle with your trouble-making nonsense.

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Made fair offer for lot of carts, got the "i already had X people offer me $Y" reply.


Anytime someone gives me the "so and so offered me more" I always question why they haven't sold it to them then.

I interpret it as a money grab, and it pisses me off.


Since that exchange, I watched all the carts slowly appear on ebay.

Either a) the offers didn't truly exist, or b)even bigger money grab.


That is what happened, I never delete my mail (not sure where the ebay messages assumption came from), easy enough to prove, but at this point its all a little petty.


In all fairness, phantom was very pleasant in the messages we exchanged, just not excited with how he goes about doing business.

Well thanks for clearing that up. The reason I didnt sell it to them is because it wasnt what I thought it was worth obviously. I am sorry we didnt see eye to eye on the value of the lot but let me say this, If it is the most recent lot that I was asking for $40 for the lot when I already sold Miner 2 months before for $20 or $25 loose by itself when I got another cart of that same game, it made me feel like $20 for the same game along with its manual and 5 other games and 2 other manuals, I thought it was a bit low considering these facts. I do not collect A8's and know little about each ones true value but with the sale of a Miner alone previous for what you were offering, I thought it low and I had a $25 offer that I declined as well. Shoe on the other foot, if you had say Miner Vol II for 2600, and I offered you $20, you would say too low most likely and I would either make a better offer or move on. Money grab? If you are talking about the lot I got way before the summer, I sold them to whomever wanted them individually here in AA and about 4 that were left over have gone to ebay and eventually sold and many of the lot offers were laughable for that large a lot in the 1st lot I had especially when comparing them to individual game offers. So because you disagree with the price I got from individuals and didnt accept your lot price, that was bad judgement on my part? Look its really no big deal and I do thank you for clearing that up a bit but I dont see your point honestly. If I offered you $20 for a game or a lot and someone offered you $40 for the same thing, which one would you take? I dont know anyone who would take the $20 and I personally just move on if the price I want something for, is not what a seller is offering it for. I am sorry it pissed you off but what I dont understand is how anyone would think that the price they wanted an item or lot for has to be the "correct price" or why it should piss you or anyone off because I took a better offer? I dont undertand that at all, especially when most of that lot was sold to people here on AA and I took every offer into consideration. So some people obviously didnt mind paying more than you and I am sure I can dig up their AA names of whom bought what. I'd ask them to post if I sold to them but I really dont care to see this thread go on and on.

But to state things like this.... I can tell you and prove to you that these assumptions are false.

Since that exchange, I watched all the carts slowly appear on ebay.

Either a) the offers didn't truly exist, or b)even bigger money grab.

The Offers didnt truly exist? All the carts? I sold most of the initial large lot I had to multiple people here in AA ( I can get the exact orders if you want me to and what they paid. I have no qualms about selling something to someone for a price they offered and we agreed upon) and I sold the most recent 6 game lot the way it came and yes eventually on ebay as stated above, with 6 carts and 3 manuals so if you were watching any slowly sell on ebay, it was Final Legacy, Astrochase (which is the only one I have left) and about 2 others that were sold so long ago I dont really remember what they were. I am sorry you didnt agree with me not accepting your offer but I honestly can say I dont understand your arguement. No big deal. We just disagree. Be well poobah, I have no gripe with anything you stated here and I respect your honesty and your view however much I disagree with the reasoning behind it. Hopefully this thread can just be done because Im quite bored with it myself. Cheers

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I don't care if you apologize or not -Christophero Sly: Today, 12:31 PM

Then please dont ask me to apologize for something you are clueless about and to someone other than yourself when the person involved was not asking for an apology.

Why should anyone be asking for an apology on the behalf of someone else especially when that person wasn't involved and doesn't know the facts?

I didn't ask for an apology on poobah's behalf. I said you "might want to think about it". Believe me, I wasn't holding my breath.


You just got done arguing with another member. Anyone can see what you do. Spin it anyway you wish. You are a bore and I don't care to listen to your BS any longer. Attack you publicly? That is all you do just as you had another arguement with cougar. You state I overreact yet you are the one mocking people daily. Get a grip and a life, you and your vocabulary that thinks it makes you look smart when all it does is prove you're petty. Now go bother someone esle with your trouble-making nonsense.
I already told you that I agreed to disagree with everything you've said and move on. If you don't want to continue arguing, why did you come back to fan the flames of a dead argument? Why did you overreact in this thread in the first place, if not to provoke an argument? It's just another example of you not practicing what you preach.


As for the argument with cougar, of course his name calling is going to get a response from me. I know you and cougar want to take your cheap shots at me publicly and then retreat to PM's to avoid taking responsibility for the things you say, but that's not going to happen.


I've never mocked you or anyone else in this thread, nor have I "spun" anything. On the contrary, I've patiently explained the rationale behind every remark I've made to you and cougar in this thread that you were determined to take sideways. And I haven't said word one about the details of your business, so stop trying to project the dissatisfaction other people have expressed with you onto me. I simply expressed my lack of surprise at learning that it was you who went ballistic on someone, and I remain, unsurprised.


You criticize my vocabulary and then you call me petty!?![/rhetorical]


Is "apropos" really such a big word for you two? It's only got 7 letters. The same as "asshole". :ponder:


Only a small mind would think that "asshole" was a big word.

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And I haven't said word one about the details of your business, so stop trying to project the dissatisfaction other people have expressed with you onto me. I simply expressed my lack of surprise at learning that it was you who went ballistic on someone, and I remain, unsurprised.

Um yes you have and again, ballistic was recanted apparently by both people of that was your assumption of the 2nd persons statement as well and it clearly is false yet you still state it like it was accurate. Stop making false claims in the face of facts. Why you are in the discussion is because you mocked me in the first place yet you dont do that? Get real!


Is "apropos" really such a big word for you two? It's only got 7 letters. The same as "asshole".


Only a small mind would think that "asshole" was a big word.

There you go again and again BTW! No you dont attack people, you do it disquised as something else! It is not that apropos is a big word to me yet you again mock. However veiled, it is still a mock, a slight, whatever you want to call it. To say that apropos is too big for us is a backhanded slight. To say that you do not do these things is hysterical when you do it over and over again. I keep coming back because you keep bring up my name even when I asked you not to and asking me to apologize to people when you are clueless about said matter. I know you sure must be pissed right now that I havent taken your bait to the extent you were hoping for but get real here, you use words that most people do not use or possibly have in their vocabulary to make yourself appear more intelligent than them and to eventually degrade the person you are speaking to if need be. I have no problems with your vocabulary. I have a problem with in the way you use it against people.

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Infact poobah. If you want Astrochase, send me $3 for postage and you can have it.

I dont want it and I have no need for it.

Sorry it is the only one I have left but if you want it, PM me. Thanks

Here's my last breath on this (cause it really is silly)


If you refuse an offer because you got a better one, that's great.

But that's not really why it was refused (otherwise, the better offer person would have gotten them instead of ebay)

The refusal was because you felt it wasn't enough money, which again, is fine.


What I would have appreciated is "Hey, thanks but I really need to get $X", instead of an excuse.

I probably would have offered more, but that opportunity was missed (for both of us) because you weren't forthright.


But it doesn't matter. No harm no foul.

Someone eventually got them and is happy, you got paid and are happy.

I will have a chance to obtain those titles again at some point (since they weren't all that rare).

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If you refuse an offer because you got a better one, that's great.

But that's not really why it was refused (otherwise, the better offer person would have gotten them instead of ebay)

What game titles are you speaking of?

Did you make an offer for the entire lot or a few games?

And dont tell me that is not what actually happened just because you saw 4 games for sale out of 25+ as there is no reason I wouldnt sell you a game instead of taking it to ebay unless your offer was much lower than expected. The better offer person would not nescessarily get them and THAT is where your entire thought process has this in your head that I mislead you. I will explain more below.


Infact poobah. If you want Astrochase, send me $3 for postage and you can have it.

I dont want it and I have no need for it.

Sorry it is the only one I have left but if you want it, PM me. Thanks

Here's my last breath on this (cause it really is silly)


If you refuse an offer because you got a better one, that's great.

But that's not really why it was refused (otherwise, the better offer person would have gotten them instead of ebay)

The refusal was because you felt it wasn't enough money, which again, is fine.


What I would have appreciated is "Hey, thanks but I really need to get $X", instead of an excuse.

I probably would have offered more, but that opportunity was missed (for both of us) because you weren't forthright.


But it doesn't matter. No harm no foul.

Someone eventually got them and is happy, you got paid and are happy.

I will have a chance to obtain those titles again at some point (since they weren't all that rare).


It most certainly does matter when you claim I wasnt forthright when I most certainly was. What was your offer for? I was most certainly forthright and I have stated all along if your offer was rejected, whatever it was, it was cheaper than I was offered. And if you are saying that I told you I had a higher offer and didnt sell to that person, that doesnt mean I didnt have a better offer, it was either the deal fell through or more than likely, I didnt think the offer that was higher than yours was an even swap either or good deal either yet it WAS still a higher offer than yours. I was under NO obligation to sell them for a price I thought was low just because it was the "High Offer" at the time. That is my perogative. It says nothing about if I am being forthright. I sold the Bulk of those games to members here. Thats it. End of story. If you choose to believe I wasnt forthright with you for declining your offer in favor of a better one, then I dont know what I can tell you. Honestly, I hope A8 games never come my way again. :|


Edited for length and because Im real sick of this topic.

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Moderators please close this thread.Getting too personal........011.gif
I really don't think that's necessary.

Actually, niner, you were right and I was wrong. I'm sorry. This thread should be locked.

Yeah lock it up so sly can get the last word. He needs it to feel good about himself. And one more thing sly, do you actually use the word apropos when you talk to people or do you use it just on all the boards you belong to? Inquiring minds want to know.


And just a little advice, just state the facts and don't get personal with people. The "get your eyes checked" comes to mind. That is when I called you an asshole. I would have shut up after you pointed out the - - if not not for the insult.

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And I haven't said word one about the details of your business, so stop trying to project the dissatisfaction other people have expressed with you onto me. I simply expressed my lack of surprise at learning that it was you who went ballistic on someone, and I remain, unsurprised.

Um yes you have and again, ballistic was recanted apparently by both people of that was your assumption of the 2nd persons statement as well and it clearly is false yet you still state it like it was accurate. Stop making false claims in the face of facts. Why you are in the discussion is because you mocked me in the first place yet you dont do that? Get real!


Is "apropos" really such a big word for you two? It's only got 7 letters. The same as "asshole".


Only a small mind would think that "asshole" was a big word.

There you go again and again BTW! No you dont attack people, you do it disquised as something else! It is not that apropos is a big word to me yet you again mock. However veiled, it is still a mock, a slight, whatever you want to call it. To say that apropos is too big for us is a backhanded slight. To say that you do not do these things is hysterical when you do it over and over again. I keep coming back because you keep bring up my name even when I asked you not to and asking me to apologize to people when you are clueless about said matter. I know you sure must be pissed right now that I havent taken your bait to the extent you were hoping for but get real here, you use words that most people do not use or possibly have in their vocabulary to make yourself appear more intelligent than them and to eventually degrade the person you are speaking to if need be. I have no problems with your vocabulary. I have a problem with in the way you use it against people.

:sleep: You're sounding like a broken record. I already told you, I agree to disagree with everything you've said, and move on.


Yeah lock it up so sly can get the last word. He needs it to feel good about himself. And one more thing sly, do you actually use the word apropos when you talk to people or do you use it just on all the boards you belong to? Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't care about lame notions like having the last word. That's just another cheap shot. Why don't you look at the text you quoted again and read the part where I said, I don't think locking the thread is necessary. Regardless, when the discussion devolves to the point where someone starts hurling expletives at another person, then, yes, it's time for a thread to be locked. And, yes, I've used apropos in conversation. I've also used germane and pertinent. I have never used something like "apposite", however. :ponder: Does that satisfy your inquiring mind?


And just a little advice, just state the facts and don't get personal with people.
You should also practice what you preach.


The "get your eyes checked" comes to mind. That is when I called you an asshole. I would have shut up after you pointed out the - - if not not for the insult.
You know what? I'm going to see this one your way, because there is no reason for us to be arguing over something so silly as this.


I maintain that given the context, the remark I made about "having your eyes checked" was sarcastically apropos and harmless. Nevertheless, if you felt that there was something unduly personal about it, then I apologize to you, cougar. :)

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As an unbiased 3rd party who is getting annoyed at this stupidy and has already added a couple of people to his ignore list, let me cast my opinion.


Couple of people publicly misidentified another person here. Despite that person repeatedly saying he was not the same person, these other people continued to publicly argue with him claiming it was. Then, once they finally figured out that they did in fact have the wrong person and everything got turned around back on them, wanted it taken to private channels. What's good for the goose ISN'T good for the gander I guess?


I also find the whole argument of the eyes checked comment amusing since a couple of people both admitted to not seeing the difference in handle names, despite being told repeatedly that they had the wrong one. One would assume after the 2nd time, people would go back and cross their T's and dot their I's. Still, they didn't "see" it. Last time I checked, if one can't see something that is there to be seen, that is indicative of a visual impairement of some sort. Be it an actual impairment needing an optometrist or a self imposed impairment for the sake of being sloppy in research used to justify throwing stones.


:ponder: :roll:

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As an unbiased 3rd party who is getting annoyed at this stupidy and has already added a couple of people to his ignore list, let me cast my opinion.


Couple of people publicly misidentified another person here. Despite that person repeatedly saying he was not the same person, these other people continued to publicly argue with him claiming it was. Then, once they finally figured out that they did in fact have the wrong person and everything got turned around back on them, wanted it taken to private channels. What's good for the goose ISN'T good for the gander I guess?


I also find the whole argument of the eyes checked comment amusing since a couple of people both admitted to not seeing the difference in handle names, despite being told repeatedly that they had the wrong one. One would assume after the 2nd time, people would go back and cross their T's and dot their I's. Still, they didn't "see" it. Last time I checked, if one can't see something that is there to be seen, that is indicative of a visual impairement of some sort. Be it an actual impairment needing an optometrist or a self imposed impairment for the sake of being sloppy in research used to justify throwing stones.


:ponder: :roll:

You are right I shall make an appointment post haste with the local apothacary for my bad eyes. :roll: :ponder: :cool:

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And I haven't said word one about the details of your business, so stop trying to project the dissatisfaction other people have expressed with you onto me. I simply expressed my lack of surprise at learning that it was you who went ballistic on someone, and I remain, unsurprised.

Um yes you have and again, ballistic was recanted apparently by both people of that was your assumption of the 2nd persons statement as well and it clearly is false yet you still state it like it was accurate. Stop making false claims in the face of facts. Why you are in the discussion is because you mocked me in the first place yet you dont do that? Get real!


Is "apropos" really such a big word for you two? It's only got 7 letters. The same as "asshole".


Only a small mind would think that "asshole" was a big word.

There you go again and again BTW! No you dont attack people, you do it disquised as something else! It is not that apropos is a big word to me yet you again mock. However veiled, it is still a mock, a slight, whatever you want to call it. To say that apropos is too big for us is a backhanded slight. To say that you do not do these things is hysterical when you do it over and over again. I keep coming back because you keep bring up my name even when I asked you not to and asking me to apologize to people when you are clueless about said matter. I know you sure must be pissed right now that I havent taken your bait to the extent you were hoping for but get real here, you use words that most people do not use or possibly have in their vocabulary to make yourself appear more intelligent than them and to eventually degrade the person you are speaking to if need be. I have no problems with your vocabulary. I have a problem with in the way you use it against people.

:sleep: You're sounding like a broken record. I already told you, I agree to disagree with everything you've said, and move on.


Yeah lock it up so sly can get the last word. He needs it to feel good about himself. And one more thing sly, do you actually use the word apropos when you talk to people or do you use it just on all the boards you belong to? Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't care about lame notions like having the last word. That's just another cheap shot. Why don't you look at the text you quoted again and read the part where I said, I don't think locking the thread is necessary. Regardless, when the discussion devolves to the point where someone starts hurling expletives at another person, then, yes, it's time for a thread to be locked. And, yes, I've used apropos in conversation. I've also used germane and pertinent. I have never used something like "apposite", however. :ponder: Does that satisfy your inquiring mind?


And just a little advice, just state the facts and don't get personal with people.
You should also practice what you preach.


The "get your eyes checked" comes to mind. That is when I called you an asshole. I would have shut up after you pointed out the - - if not not for the insult.
You know what? I'm going to see this one your way, because there is no reason for us to be arguing over something so silly as this.


I maintain that given the context, the remark I made about "having your eyes checked" was sarcastically apropos and harmless. Nevertheless, if you felt that there was something unduly personal about it, then I apologize to you, cougar. :)

Great, thank you. Yes, I agree, this was silly. And I apologize if I offended you by calling you an asshole.

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