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Lefty or righty, and how do you hold your controller?


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I'm talking about the stock Pro-Line Joysticks.


I got my 7800 today, and I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how to hold the damned controller. It's comfortable enough either way, but neither feels exactly the way it should.


You see, I'm ambidextrous. I write with both hands, I throw with both hands, and I game on my Lynx with both hands. But the nature of the 7800 controller doesn't favor one hand over the other, so I end up using the joystick with a different hand every time I start to play a game.


The result is that I never really hit my "groove". I don't have this problem with my other controllers, but it's really got me all out of whack with my new 7800.

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I'm one of the few that like the 7800 stick. I always found it more responsive tha the 2600 one. In retrospect, twisting your hand over backwards is an ergonomic nightmare, but I was young back then and didn't care about carpal tunnel, arthritis, bone cancer, or whatever... ;-)


I also hold it like the 2600 stick. Left hand holds and fires the buttons, right hand moves.

Edited by Gregory DG
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It seems like a lot of us hold the controller lefty, as the 2600 controller was designed. I lament the day when Nintendo moved all the buttons to the other side and then all the companies followed suit.


I loved playing games with the button on the left of the stick. It was really nice when arcade games had a button on each side of the stick so that you could choose which way to play.


That is one really nice thing about the 7800 Proline joysticks. You could choose which way to use them because they had two buttons even for the one button games.

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