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Is anyone good at Realsports Baseball?


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So I threw this one in the system again today to see if I still hate it. I can see why I stopped playing it a few days after I got it. Yuck. Fielding is too fast for a human player, and running is too slow against the absolutely perfect fielding of the computer. However, when I gave up the score was a mere 6 to 1 for the computer going into the sixth, leading me to believe it is possible to play a half ways decent game, just so long as you're flawless. So, anyone got any hints (learning pitching sets that the computer will usually fall for for example)?

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No one else has any suggestions, so I've been playing around with this. So far I've learned a couple good pitching strategies.


1) First, it's probably safest to open with the inside curve (or whatever it's called when you hold left). When guys are on first and second, a lot of the time you can retire the rest of the side by pitching nothing but outside curves (or whatever up-right is called). Don't use anything besides these two pitches, or he will hit it, and hit it deep.


2) When hitting, never bunt. Unlike for you (where a bunt is the very most impossible thing to field) the computer won't ever be longer than half a second before he is on the ball.


3) It's quicker to return a ball from the outfield than it is to throw from the pitcher to first. Once a ball is in the outfield, don't hold it to "hold" the runners. They're dumb as posts, so just pitch for first.


4) You can't win. Make one mistake in 100 pitches, and it's over.


Of course, I'm still not winning with this strategy, so if anyone else would like to add anything or play around with the game for a bit themselves to test some theories...

Edited by Atarifever
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Here's a tip that will sometimes crash the game.As the computer pitches to you,take a swing as the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.Immediately hold in the swing button and press down.As the ball passes the plate,it will get hit and land randomly outfield.Sometimes it produces crazy results like the infielder runnin all the way outfield to grab the ball if it lands there.Absolute hilarity :)

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Someone needs to port 5200 Realsports Baseball to the 7800. You would have to use both a joystick and a keypad controller which means only one player though. :(



I'm considering learning to program specifically to fix RS Baseball. Just a few minor changes makes it a good game. Here's what I'd do (and am pretty seriously contemplating).

1) Add a shadow

2) Slow down the offense to human speed (hits take longer, like they do in Baseball NES).

3) Give four teams to choose from (still no stats or anything, but at least give people the illusion of a choice; say "The Fujis, The Pros, The Ataris, and Ninja-Endo).

4) As I don't know anything about programming, I assume this wouldn't be easy, but I'd like to add a little "Series" mode, where the four teams play off for the championship.


I figure that'd pretty much fix it. Of course, I'm calling those simple fixes, but I suppose speed changes would require touch ups to the computer AI, and changes in runner speed, etc to make things balanced.

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Here's a tip that will sometimes crash the game.As the computer pitches to you,take a swing as the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.Immediately hold in the swing button and press down.As the ball passes the plate,it will get hit and land randomly outfield.Sometimes it produces crazy results like the infielder runnin all the way outfield to grab the ball if it lands there.Absolute hilarity :)

Well, I've officially had more fun playing with this bug than actually playing the game. I especially like when you fool it up so that one of your guys keeps running out from the dugout and flying over the fence and off screen. Also, sometimes the pitcher disappears and the game basically stops, although it doesn't freeze up (as you can run the bases), but once you get home nothing else happens, because there's no opposing pitcher. Sometimes he disappears and just becomes invisible, but keeps playing.


I've tried to figure out how to exploit this (as it leads to a lot of homeruns when it doesn't glitch out), but there doesn't seem to be a way to predict what will glitch it out and what will just be a hit. Seems to work best with fastballs though.


While playing around with this I noticed the computer throws a lot of balls. I don't bother swinging at all now until there are at least two strikes. Usually the computer walks a couple of the first few guys.

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Someone needs to port 5200 Realsports Baseball to the 7800. You would have to use both a joystick and a keypad controller which means only one player though. :(



I'm considering learning to program specifically to fix RS Baseball. Just a few minor changes makes it a good game. Here's what I'd do (and am pretty seriously contemplating).

1) Add a shadow

2) Slow down the offense to human speed (hits take longer, like they do in Baseball NES).

3) Give four teams to choose from (still no stats or anything, but at least give people the illusion of a choice; say "The Fujis, The Pros, The Ataris, and Ninja-Endo).

4) As I don't know anything about programming, I assume this wouldn't be easy, but I'd like to add a little "Series" mode, where the four teams play off for the championship.


I figure that'd pretty much fix it. Of course, I'm calling those simple fixes, but I suppose speed changes would require touch ups to the computer AI, and changes in runner speed, etc to make things balanced.


If you'er gonna get all ambitious, just port over NES baseball. :D

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If you'er gonna get all ambitious, just port over NES baseball. :D

If there's one thing I learned from programming in BASIC on my CoCo and Tandy 1000 back in the day, it's that I'm not a "from scratch" guy. Give me a partially completed program, and I could figure it out (I taught myself to make text based RPGs, with terrible little astrix maps, but random encounters, on the Tandy just from playing with the code from a couple other games, despite not having any books on programming for that computer). Ask me to make something from scratch, and I get overwhelmed. Also, I'm colour blind and not artistic, so even if I learned something as complex as programming for the 7800, you wouldn't want to see the sprites I'd create. Monsters all, I'm sure.


I really would like to do this though. And hey, having cut back the budget for buying games big time, I have to find something to do with the system that doesn't cost me a ton of money.

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I actually have beaten the computer, but it has been a while. I know I had to luck out and get a hit with the first batter. You could then start your runner to second and bunt. As long as it wasn't a popup, the throw would go to second and both batters would be safe. You could then repeat this to get your runner to third and home.

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I actually have beaten the computer, but it has been a while. I know I had to luck out and get a hit with the first batter. You could then start your runner to second and bunt. As long as it wasn't a popup, the throw would go to second and both batters would be safe. You could then repeat this to get your runner to third and home.


no point in playing if you have to do that just to score.


Even Pete Rose Baseball is more fun.


But I have to force myself not to cheat with it as there is a way to get a ground ball every time.

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The only game from the Realsports series that I can stand is volleyball. That one's actually playable and pretty fun


Was there every supposed to be a realsports hockey? I don't know if I'm remembering correctly but I thought there was.


There should have been another version of hockey besides Activisions (which is great IMO) since there are several baseball and football games.


I know Champ games was working on one. Anything come of it?

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Well Hat Trick is another hockey game.


Ruined by the 7800's choppy motion


And we're supposed to believe it can move hundreds of sprites simultaneously when it can't even handle 5. :roll:


Yeah, but remember that was written by the same group that did Karateka...



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Ruined by the 7800's choppy motion


And we're supposed to believe it can move hundreds of sprites simultaneously when it can't even handle 5. :roll:


You can't blame this one on MARIA as there's lots of evidence of games throwing more around the screen than HAT TRICK. :roll: :roll: :roll:


Maybe the programmers just did a really rushed, lazy port and had neither the inclination, time or the skills to figure out how to make the game better? :-)


Oh wait, these are the guys that did Karateka too ..

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  • 1 month later...

I played one game of Realsports Baseball last night. I lost 13-1

I hit a solo home run in the top of the 9th inning.

I drew 3 walks in the 5th inning, but failed to score. I'm not to good at bunting. I keep striking out.


I played Realsports Baseball again today and i lost 24-5. The computer had 49 hits.

I had 5 walks in the first inning, 2 of those walks were bases loaded walks.

In the 6th inning i drew 2 walks then i hit a 3 run home run.


How rare is it for player 1 to hit home runs against the computer?


What's the most runs anybody here has scored against the computer?

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I haven't played the game since I did my 4th of July Marathon back in 2004. Then, I won 34 - 0.


I'll try to remember a few strategies:


1) I don't recall going for homers. Mainly, it involves in getting a hit. You could then get the runner moving and if done right, the pitcher and catcher would just play catch while you ran around the bases.


2) You could force the computer to attempt a homer. If I remember right, it involved tossing the ball to your catcher (in other words, not a pitch, just throwing it there) a couple of times and then throw a fastball. Again, if memory serves correctly, the ball would always be hit right toward the shortstop.


Hmm...gonna have to run upstairs and see how I can do for the first time in over 4 years....

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Just finished a game. And despite having some slight problems with the joystick moving to the right and having not played since July of '04, I still won 11 - 1.


I did hit two homeruns, but one of them was an accident.


The majority of the time, I'm pushing right when swinging. On any hit, the infielder (or pitcher) will ALWAYS throw the ball to the catcher once they receive the ball. Once this happens, take off and enjoy your run around the bases.


Defensively...I dunno. I would have throw a shutout, but I kept throwing home when trying to throw to first.

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I've tried playing this with my son, It is rare that I can throw a pitch and we have never hit the ball.


Are you playing together? If so, make sure you aren't throwing "balls". You can only hit strikes.


If you're playing against the computer and keep swinging and missing, regardless of your timing, try taking a pitch or two...seems to help me. I do admit that I strike out a lot though.

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Has a few minutes before getting ready to bed and finally found what I did with my 7800 power supply. So, I decided to play 3 quick innings of the 7800 version of this game.


"Yall" are right! Holy cow. I still think I can beat it, but it'll take some doing. Maybe similar to how difficult Homerun can be....but at least I can play D in that one.


The lowdown on the three innings:


1 Run, 1 Hit and 3 Errors


The one hit was an accidental homer. I made contact one other time grounding out to short...all the rest were strikeouts. For the three errors.....none of them hurt me. Each one happened when I was trying to toss the ball back to my pitcher who was not on the mound...but that's where the ball went. No runners advanced, but the game decided to give me an error anyway.


For the Computer? 4 Runs on 13 Hits. It could have been worse. He stranded 8 runners on base thru the three innings. Of course it could have been much better. I had a hard time seeing the ball I guess. When it was popped into the air, the shadow was so hard to see, I couldn't tell if it was a popup or a grounder. And of course, the groundball that goes flying past my shortstop without me having a chance to get it is absurd.


Still, I vow to at least beat the computer once before shelving it for good. Yes, I'm THAT much of a sports nut. :)

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