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Atari 2600 Elevator Action Prototype PCB being sold on EBay!


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Woot, for this money I would consider to sell mine as well...


Good Luck in finding that feedback 4 and 0 Bidder. :roll:


Yeah, don't like that bid history as well:/


If it wasn't for those two Wonder would've gotten it for a 10th of what he was forced to pay. Makes you wonder if they were just being jerks and hiking it up just to make someone have to shell out as much as possible.

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That's Ebay...



"Bid activity (%) with this seller: 60% "


is that because of the three bids on that one auction? or does it mean he did bid more often on the same seller's auctions?


smells a bit fishy indeed ... i don't know of any other atari collector in that leage that would bid 2000$ on an item but only has 4 feedbacks ... jose, i would contact ebay and ask them to doublecheck the origin of that account, whether it is someone from the same town or so, or if it is even from the same IP ...

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