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Is it safe to. . .


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. . .use a screwdriver to adjust the color pot on a 7800 while its on? There are two holes in the shield of the 7800, one for each pot but you need the machine on so you can see the picture as you adjust it, I just don't want to short the thing out by sticking a metal screwdriver in there. I could take the shield off but thats a huge pain so is it safe to do it this way?


BTW, why is it necessary to ever need to adjust them? Don't they come factory ready with the right colors?

Edited by AtariLeaf
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I thought it was "You've got questions - We've got blank stares" :D


Anyway, I'm sure I can find or fashion something out of plastic without resorting to a mind-numbing conversation with a clueless Radio Shack employee.

You got that right.Everytime i go in there and ask for something,they dont know what im talking about.So i go off and end up finding what i just asked for myself,and throwing it in their faces.They have no clue what their own products are.They've got to be the doziest mf's i have ever seen.One dude didnt even know what a modem is,and they had them in the store!!!!!!!

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I once went in to buy some hex screw drivers but the two packs they had both had one of them missing. I asked about buying one for a discount so the guy went back to talk to the manager and apparently they weren't in the packs because they were being used in the back of the store. They wouldn't give me a discount for a whole pack that was actually used so I left.

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Yeah, I try my best to just not mess with the 7800 aside from the basic functions of the buttons... even loading/unloading has become risky feeling to me anymore, lol...



...Radio Shack, wow... last time I went in there, it felt more like "[You look like] You've got questions, [get the hell away from us because] We've got [no] answers [to give]".




I'm seriously not kidding, one guy avoided eye contact when I almost considered asking a question, and I swear the other two deliberately avoided my wandering path.

Edited by 2600FunTimes
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Radio Shack had to change their slogan because of all the "false advertising" lawsuits they got...claiming they actually had answers. :D


Now, it's "Do Stuff." I heard it was originally going to be "Uhhhhhhh......do stuff" but they didn't want to sound like COMPLETE neanderthals. :)


RS can go pound sand.

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To be fair, the one time I actually had a question, I had a good answer right away. I tried modifying one of my Marine Band harmonicas, and I needed some #2 machine screws to do that. I asked the lady at the counter if she had any. "I'VE HAD THOSE DAMN THINGS FOR TEN YEARS!!! I NEVER THOUGHT I'D GET ANYBODY TO BUY 'EM!!!"

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Like Kramer, I'd still like to know why they needed my address everytime I bought batteries.


Never got any catalogs or anything in the mail from them so whats the reason?

Market research apparently. It was annoying though. I remember they started putting up a poster with a picture of the CEO/President/whatever kindly explaining that you could decline to answer. That was a weak response, but eventually they finally stopped asking. They were at it for years though. It's hard to imagine that info was so valuable to make it worth being a nuisance to every customer.


Fry's does the same thing, but only when you buy something big enough that requires you to get an invoice from the salesman (as opposed to something you can just pick up and carry to checkout). First thing they ask you for is your phone number, so they can look up the account that they keep on you. It's not so annoying in that case, because you already know it's going to take some time to get your item anyway. Plus with all the frequent sales they have, it's understandable they need to figure out what sort of attached sales they're getting.


But when Radio Shack wastes time at checkout trying to log every wire and battery anyone purchased, it's just aggravating.


Grocery stores do it also, but they do it on the sly with those silly "preferred" cards they all give out.

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