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Ungrateful eBay Rant

Captain Beard

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An open letter to my wonderful customers:


Thank you so much for your business -- especially in these trying economic times, it's greatly appreciated. And I especially appreciate your enthusiasm! No single cart purchases for you! No sir, you wanted a dozen or more! Again, thank you.

But could you do me a favor? When you request an invoice, could you be done shopping? 'Cuz the thing is, when you request an invoice, I go into my store, I pull all your carts, and I lovingly determine how best to arrange them so they'll fit in the box all snug and cozy in their bubble-wrap blankets, nestled on a bed of soft, pillowy packing peanuts -- with just a whisper of the finest crumpled newspapers to keep everything in place. Then I pack them up just so, weigh the box and return to my computer to calculate your shipping charges. Only sometimes I discover, you weren't done shopping at all! In the twenty minutes since I left the room to provide you with the best possible service at the lowest possible prices, you've decided to buy a couple more games. Thanks. I mean, who am I to complain that I'm making more sales, right? So I wait a few minutes and sure enough, you send me another request for a total with shipping. I'd be happy to! So it's back to the store to cut open what was a securely-sealed-and-ready-to-ship box and re-arrange my carefully laid out bundles to accommodate your latest -- very much appreciated, of course -- purchases. Whew! Back to the computer to calculate shipping. Only, you still weren't finished yet. Um... again, thanks... I guess... I mean, like I said, more sales = good thing, right? But I have to wonder -- if you weren't done shopping, why'd you request an invoice?


I know, I know... the problem's on my end. Clearly, I need to provide slower, less efficient service... :cool:


;) Now, I'm not really upset, of course, 'cuz y'know, I do likes me some Atari monies.

But I wonder, do you do this at brick and mortar stores? 'Cuz I worked as a store clerk for at least a decade and never once recall anyone bringing their stuff up to the counter, asking me to ring it up, and then, after I'd given them a total, deciding they'd actually like to continue shopping for another twenty minutes. It just seems... odd.

Odder still, it's been happening to me a lot lately... which means business is good! Hooray! :D

Edited by Captain Beard
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So it's back to the store to cut open what was a securely-sealed-and-ready-to-ship box and re-arrange my carefully laid out bundles to accommodate your latest -- very much appreciated, of course -- purchases.

Sorry, but you're bringing this on yourself unneccessarly. Read below.


I sometimes take a lot longer then 20 minutes to make multiple purchases but after rereading your post I see the problem. If they requested an invoice they are done and anything else they buy is seperate in my opinion.



I've often bought stuff from places, completed my order, then realized I forgot something, or just decided to get something else and placed another order right away. I did so EXPECTING them to be SEPERATE orders.


These people HAVE finished shopping; for "each" order. They simply placed multipul orders, and they should be treated as such. Unless they specificly requested the additions to be combined into the first order, in which case you should charge a nominal service charge for doing so.

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As a seller, lemme say I think it's supercool that you guys would adopt the attitude that you have, but I think if I actually did that (charged separate shipping for orders placed within minutes or hours of each other) I'd get slammed with a big fat neg.


Lemme be clear: I was just venting some frustration about having to repeat busywork (and questioning the logic of requesting an invoice before you're actually done shopping.)

I don't think these buyers did anything wrong and I don't have a problem combining shipping.

As long as the package is still in my house, I'll add or subtract anything you tell me to.

Once it's out the door, of course, you're SOL.

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Ok, I think I have a simple solution for you.

If you waited until it was actually paid for, then packed, wouldn't that solve the issue?

Still would be quick and good service right?

And then you could just mumble to yourself about these dasterdly demons! :P


I try to always combine as much as possible when I buy.

Shipping one thing is a waste.

Good luck with you sales :)

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If you waited until it was actually paid for, then packed, wouldn't that solve the issue?


But I prefer to pack before I weigh because occasionally an ounce difference can mean a big jump in s&h rates.

And I prefer to put the mailing label on immediately because otherwise I end up with a bunch of boxes and no idea what's in them.

But there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for me to actually tape the darn thing closed.

I just can't help myself. :)

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If you waited until it was actually paid for, then packed, wouldn't that solve the issue?


But I prefer to pack before I weigh because occasionally an ounce difference can mean a big jump in s&h rates.

And I prefer to put the mailing label on immediately because otherwise I end up with a bunch of boxes and no idea what's in them.

But there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for me to actually tape the darn thing closed.

I just can't help myself. :)

Good point about the weight. Goodluck with it all. :)

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