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Selling a super rare black history board game!


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Right, I would have definitely given it away, or tried to give it away first. Maybe the free stuff thread wasn't exactly appropriate since that's supposed to be videogame related, but still. Goodwill etc would have been a much better alternative to adding to the landfill. It would have sold for a couple bucks there in a heartbeat, so some good would have come of it. I thought it was pretty cool, rare or not.


But, it was yours, so whatever.

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I think there is still time for you guys to go dig in the dumpster and get it before the garbage men come !


Sure he could have givien it away or tried to sell it at a flee market for $1 but it wasn't worth the time,space or energy. I agree with this move. It is not worth the space to hold it or the time to give it away. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Time to pick up and move on.

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I think there is still time for you guys to go dig in the dumpster and get it before the garbage men come !


Sure he could have givien it away or tried to sell it at a flee market for $1 but it wasn't worth the time,space or energy. I agree with this move. It is not worth the space to hold it or the time to give it away. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Time to pick up and move on.


Yeah, I can see it that way too. In my situation -- and his could very well be different of course -- I go to thrift stores quite often. So, when I get stuff that isn't worth selling but is too good to throw out, I put it in a box in my trunk. Next time I hit a thrift, I unload it to them on the way in. Convenient. Not wasteful. Someone benefits. Not in landfill. Sometimes, if I'm selling some stuff on ebay, I'll throw in a couple extras as free surprises (not junk mind you)... related to the item of course. I've gotten some nice comments from doing this. Once I sold a Pac-Man book (or something like that) and the buyer said she was having an '80s party. So, I threw in a couple 5.25" floppies, some other "worthless" '80s books, friendship pins, some '80s stickers, some ET stuff, and I don't even remember what all else. It went to someone appreciative and got one last use before being chucked.


Ultimately though, yeah, it was his to do with as he wanted, and that's all that matters, and I do respect that.


Just taking the opportunity to throw some other ideas/thoughts out there, that's all!

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I can't fault the decision to chuck it. I even collect old board games and it wasn't worth the shipping as far as I was concerned. If it was I would have offered that and a couple of bucks.


I'm a packrat too, but sometimes you just have to make that decision to let things go. When I moved last, I chucked an Aquarius no one wanted (not even the Salvation Army!) and gave away all kinds of stuff. I'm none the worse for it.

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I don't really have an issue with people chucking stuff.

But when you make a stink about how rare, undervalued and historically significant something is and then proceed to trash it after a single over-priced attempt to sell it fails, you come off like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.


I don't think so. That is just the salesmen's pitch. If he really wanted it then he wouldn't have tries to sell it on ebay at all.


You give it your best shot and if things don't work out then you start over with the next one.

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Somewhere out there on the interwebz, there are other message boards for other collecting hobbies where people are saying "yeah, just throw those old 'tari games away, don't even bother dropping them off at Goodwill"!


:P (just kidding, trying to add some humor, please don't attack me!)

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Somewhere out there on the interwebz, there are other message boards for other collecting hobbies where people are saying "yeah, just throw those old 'tari games away, don't even bother dropping them off at Goodwill"!


:P (just kidding, trying to add some humor, please don't attack me!)

Well if it was a super rare Atari game it would of sold for more than $50. :P

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Somewhere out there on the interwebz, there are other message boards for other collecting hobbies where people are saying "yeah, just throw those old 'tari games away, don't even bother dropping them off at Goodwill"!


:P (just kidding, trying to add some humor, please don't attack me!)

Well if it was a super rare Atari game it would of sold for more than $50. :P


Unless it was PAL :P

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