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Atari v Commodore


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Actual US release of Ikari Warriors for c64. You guys seem to just want to pick what suits you. UK version bites well... then the US version must be the only one that exists.. or vice versa,whatever shows your view icon_rolleyes.gif


The US version seems to be better somehow. At least the gamescreen is 320(160) wide. While the "preferred" version only has 256(128) pixel width.


That's because the actual arcade game used a monitor turned 90 degrees so it's resolution was akin to 200x320 not 320x200 ;) Most v-scroll arcade games used this format and even on pixel perfect conversions on the PSP you either have to turn the console 90 degrees or live with the black borders or zoom in (zoomed in being the worst choice as you can't see the enemies coming so gameplay is affected)

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First of all, of course you're right, given the situation you describe. But, isn't it a highly theoretical situation, when we have say 64 sprites onscreen and we need to check all of them if they collided with one another? (be it in groups of 8, because of the 8-per-scanline-limit). And if so, then of course the VIC-II wins, when we're just looking at used CPU time.


However, in many situations, we have a player and an army of enemies. Most of the time we don't care if, say enemy 45, collided with enemy 57.

OK, if we have just 8, I think it makes more difference when there were multiple collisions. Maybe sprite 0 is the player, 1&2 are some bullets, 3-7 are enemies. Then f.e. 1&6 and 0&4 could be a real situation. One enemy dies, and the player dies.



But you do need to know what you have collided with, the only time it isn't important is when checking if your own character has collided with something but even then you might need to know if you collided with an enemy character or a power up icon or something hell even a wall to make sure you don't cheat in Berzerk ;)


(although that's sprite to background not sprite to sprite collision in Berzerk example)

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lol I'm with emkay on this one. That C64 colour usage looks like someone ate a load of Skittles then puked on a B&W picture icon_smile.gif OK the A8 has NO colour, but in this case I'm wavering towards saving my eyesight icon_razz.gif






Looking at the AMIGA pictures (64 possible colours easily) , the graphicians seem to be some kind of trainees, but no proffessionals ;)




... this explains much.


No it explains nothing, ALL Magnetic Scrolls ST/Amiga games share the same graphics whilst using that non windowing system of mixed modes...Text med-res and graphics in 16 colour lo-res in fixed ST color palette of 512 shades. If you count the colours on any Mag Scrolls screenshot in PNG format you will get 20...4 from the ST's medium res and 16 for the lower resolution graphics.




I think with the A8 they gave up on the 4 or 5 colours they were limited to as in the Pawn and Guild adventures....it's just not enough and too much effort for such a small user base so they just took the monochrome output of the C64 version and did that instead...much easier on a more restricted machine as far as colour resolution @ 160x200 goes and they certainly weren't going to re-do the graphics for all 3 Atari owners in late 1980s :P

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So Barnacle Butt..

Did you ask a relevant question? I did not see one, just your usual noise. Maybe it's time for you to go back underground again or back to lemon64. Get a clue :P

You seem to be ignoring the many examples I have posted. I figured you would enjoy Atari 2600 vs c64 and the atari winning.... :D

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Did you ask a relevant question? I did not see one, just your usual noise.


Oh, allow me to refresh your memory, old chap!


In reference to your recent habit of posting shots from crappy-looking c64 games, you said:

It just shows how bad the system was during the period. There are many examples.


So I said:

But does it? I mean, really? If I post one hundred screenshots from crappy looking Atari games released in '82-'83, would you say "Well yes, that just shows how bad the Atari was during that period".


Or would you start up with the "Yeah but, no but, see, the thing is... they were just bad programmer jobs, etc etc."


And then look what happened!:

Your childish comments are hardly worth replying to, though I am glad I can irritate you. Now back to the Lemon64 site with you ;)


You really don't want to answer this question, do you?


I see I have 2 to poke at now,so much fun! Rockey the dullard in mama's basement and Barnacle butt, the bottom dweller sneaking around and occasionally popping up with non-sensical statements. Oh this will be fun!


Hey, you. Yeah, you! Instead of just dribbling out witless jibes, how about you answer my question.


Hey Barnacle butt! Nice to see you! Still up to no good as usual! Your posts lack any substance...

You still did not reply to my posts earlier..other than try to twist issues with a biased slant :roll:


Where did you make post a that required a reply? What question did you put to me? Hmm?




So anyway, how are you going with answering that question. Do you need to phone a friend?


And after all that, you pop up with:

So Barnacle Butt.. Did you ask a relevant question? I did not see one, just your usual noise. Maybe it's time for you to go back underground again or back to lemon64. Get a clue :P

You seem to be ignoring the many examples I have posted. I figured you would enjoy Atari 2600 vs c64 and the atari winning.... :D


Huh? Were you waiting for me to start raving about that Chuck Norris game falling outside of the c64's GOLDEN AGE or something like that? That kind of pointless ranting is your thing, not mine. I wouldn't want to steal your thunder. ;)


Anyway, it's obvious you're not going to answer my question. Either way, I think the point is well and truly made, so I'm going to let it go now. I'm not really keen on obsessing over it for the next ten pages like he who shall not be named...2eea06s.gif


As a matter of fact, it's probably I good idea for me to heed the advice I gave PeteD a month ago. :P

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And.. I asked you if you had a relevant question.. obviously no as usual. You need to find a better way to argue Barnacle Butt. You have no arguement as there are tons of example of how awful the c64 was during the 82-84 time period. Heck there are even some in 1988 :D Amazing!

I can post some for you if you like however you seem familar with lemon. Maybe you should go back there. Lot of other sources just as easy, you must have missed my Atari 2600 vs C64 post today. Though kind of in jest it is amazing how bad c64 was.

We use to laugh and laugh at my retail store when c64 came out :D

Edited by atarian63
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I see I have 2 to poke at now,so much fun! Rockey the dullard in mama's basement and Barnacle butt, the bottom dweller sneaking around and occasionally popping up with non-sensical statements. Oh this will be fun!

I suggest both Rockey and Barnicle butt go back to an activity more suited to thier level of intelligence like this one... :D


Let's see...you are seemingly an adult....you allegedly graduated from university....you raise your children....yet you post this kind of rubbish...hm ! From sociological point of view it's interesting phenomenon, don't you think ? :D

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And.. I asked you if you had a relevant question.. obviously no as usual. You need to find a better way to argue Barnacle Butt. You have no arguement as there are tons of example of how awful the c64 was during the 82-84 time period. Heck there are even some in 1988 :D Amazing!

I can post some for you if you like however you seem familar with lemon. Maybe you should go back there. Lot of other sources just as easy, you must have missed my Atari 2600 vs C64 post today. Though kind of in jest it is amazing how bad c64 was.

We use to laugh and laugh at my retail store when c64 came out :D


one would assume u laughed your asses off until the 64 sales went stratospheric, all the games coders jumped ship and the atari sank without trace?


must have been one hell of a year for u. a real hoot.


what did u do after 1985? did it involve asking "do u want fries with that?"



Edited by STE'86
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And.. I asked you if you had a relevant question.. obviously no as usual. You need to find a better way to argue Barnacle Butt. You have no arguement as there are tons of example of how awful the c64 was during the 82-84 time period. Heck there are even some in 1988 :D Amazing!

I can post some for you if you like however you seem familar with lemon. Maybe you should go back there. Lot of other sources just as easy, you must have missed my Atari 2600 vs C64 post today. Though kind of in jest it is amazing how bad c64 was.

We use to laugh and laugh at my retail store when c64 came out :D


one would assume u laughed your asses off until the 64 sales went stratospheric, all the games coders jumped ship and the atari sank without trace?


must have been one hell of a year for u. a real hoot.


what did u do after 1985? did it involve asking "do u want fries with that?"




You know I'm still laughing my ARSE off how in the UK, the awful Spectrum, which wasn't even considered a computer outside UK, outsold the C64 by 3 -1

Edited by frenchman
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And.. I asked you if you had a relevant question.. obviously no as usual. You need to find a better way to argue Barnacle Butt. You have no arguement as there are tons of example of how awful the c64 was during the 82-84 time period. Heck there are even some in 1988 :D Amazing!

I can post some for you if you like however you seem familar with lemon. Maybe you should go back there. Lot of other sources just as easy, you must have missed my Atari 2600 vs C64 post today. Though kind of in jest it is amazing how bad c64 was.

We use to laugh and laugh at my retail store when c64 came out :D


one would assume u laughed your asses off until the 64 sales went stratospheric, all the games coders jumped ship and the atari sank without trace?


must have been one hell of a year for u. a real hoot.


what did u do after 1985? did it involve asking "do u want fries with that?"




You know I'm still laughing my ARSE off how in the UK, the awful Spectrum, which wasn't even considered a computer outside UK, outsold the C64 by 3 -1


yeah incredible isnt it? all those good games it had must have made the difference. mind u if your figures are correct and it outsold the the 64 in the UK by 3:1 and the uk market was one of the bigger 64 markets. makes u wonder how many times it outsold the atari by then doesnt it?


about 10:1? maybe? who knows coz atari never publish their sales figures apparently. suspicious that, to someone working in the advertising industry.



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You know I'm still laughing my ARSE off how in the UK, the awful Spectrum, which wasn't even considered a computer outside UK, outsold the C64 by 3 -1


Maybe there was a cold rainy day one March, a day when only cagoul wearing soon to be spectrum owners would venture out, when the Spectrum maybe sold 3 times more than the 64.. Where exactly are you getting your facts from ? As far as I can see the spectrum sold 2 millions units in total, that's worldwide..

Anyway, it still doesn't alter the fact that owning one meant you smelt of wee..

But you know, I quite like the Spectrums simplicity, until that is onion brained wee smelling loonies start with the Vs. malarkey ;)

Edited by andym00
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And.. I asked you if you had a relevant question.. obviously no as usual. You need to find a better way to argue Barnacle Butt. You have no arguement as there are tons of example of how awful the c64 was during the 82-84 time period. Heck there are even some in 1988 :D Amazing!

I can post some for you if you like however you seem familar with lemon. Maybe you should go back there. Lot of other sources just as easy, you must have missed my Atari 2600 vs C64 post today. Though kind of in jest it is amazing how bad c64 was.

We use to laugh and laugh at my retail store when c64 came out :D


one would assume u laughed your asses off until the 64 sales went stratospheric, all the games coders jumped ship and the atari sank without trace?


must have been one hell of a year for u. a real hoot.


what did u do after 1985? did it involve asking "do u want fries with that?"




You know I'm still laughing my ARSE off how in the UK, the awful Spectrum, which wasn't even considered a computer outside UK, outsold the C64 by 3 -1


yeah incredible isnt it? all those good games it had must have made the difference. mind u if your figures are correct and it outsold the the 64 in the UK by 3:1 and the uk market was one of the bigger 64 markets. makes u wonder how many times it outsold the atari by then doesnt it?


about 10:1? maybe? who knows coz atari never publish their sales figures apparently. suspicious that, to someone working in the advertising industry.





UK was never known for having 'good taste'

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You know I'm still laughing my ARSE off how in the UK, the awful Spectrum, which wasn't even considered a computer outside UK, outsold the C64 by 3 -1


Where exactly are you getting your facts from ? As far as I can see the spectrum sold 2 millions units in total, that's worldwide..


Hey andym00, don't be surprised by his mistakes, ignorance is a bliss. ;)

Edited by Rockford
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I see I have 2 to poke at now,so much fun! Rockey the dullard in mama's basement and Barnacle butt, the bottom dweller sneaking around and occasionally popping up with non-sensical statements. Oh this will be fun!

I suggest both Rockey and Barnicle butt go back to an activity more suited to thier level of intelligence like this one... :D


Let's see...you are seemingly an adult....you allegedly graduated from university....you raise your children....yet you post this kind of rubbish...hm ! From sociological point of view it's interesting phenomenon, don't you think ? :D

I thought it was spot on for your level of behavior... It completely fits for you or Barnacle. :D

You know, kind of infantile.

Glad to know that it irritated you,thought the childish character shown in the video does show how we see you on the forum... food for thought.

Edited by atarian63
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And.. I asked you if you had a relevant question.. obviously no as usual. You need to find a better way to argue Barnacle Butt. You have no arguement as there are tons of example of how awful the c64 was during the 82-84 time period. Heck there are even some in 1988 :D Amazing!

I can post some for you if you like however you seem familar with lemon. Maybe you should go back there. Lot of other sources just as easy, you must have missed my Atari 2600 vs C64 post today. Though kind of in jest it is amazing how bad c64 was.

We use to laugh and laugh at my retail store when c64 came out :D


one would assume u laughed your asses off until the 64 sales went stratospheric, all the games coders jumped ship and the atari sank without trace?


must have been one hell of a year for u. a real hoot.


what did u do after 1985? did it involve asking "do u want fries with that?"



Steve, I am still in businees after all these years. In 85 we just moved on to the Atari ST! C64 never took of for us and with the poor quality and constant returns I never cared a bit. Software sales were only fair. C64 never did much as most people went on to ST and Amiga or Mac or PC.


However I would imagine if I want "fries with that" I'll come see you at whatever fast food place you dwell.

Edited by atarian63
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I see I have 2 to poke at now,so much fun! Rockey the dullard in mama's basement and Barnacle butt, the bottom dweller sneaking around and occasionally popping up with non-sensical statements. Oh this will be fun!

I suggest both Rockey and Barnicle butt go back to an activity more suited to thier level of intelligence like this one... :D


Let's see...you are seemingly an adult....you allegedly graduated from university....you raise your children....yet you post this kind of rubbish...hm ! From sociological point of view it's interesting phenomenon, don't you think ? :D

I thought it was spot on for your level of behavior... It completely fits for you or Barnacle. :D

You know, kind of infantile.

Glad to know that it irritated you,thought the childish character depicted here does show how we see you on the forum.

So far only you seem to clown around, so it's impossible to catch up with you. :D

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I see I have 2 to poke at now,so much fun! Rockey the dullard in mama's basement and Barnacle butt, the bottom dweller sneaking around and occasionally popping up with non-sensical statements. Oh this will be fun!

I suggest both Rockey and Barnicle butt go back to an activity more suited to thier level of intelligence like this one... :D


Let's see...you are seemingly an adult....you allegedly graduated from university....you raise your children....yet you post this kind of rubbish...hm ! From sociological point of view it's interesting phenomenon, don't you think ? :D

I thought it was spot on for your level of behavior... It completely fits for you or Barnacle. :D

You know, kind of infantile.

Glad to know that it irritated you,thought the childish character depicted here does show how we see you on the forum.

So far only you seem to clown around, so it's impossible to catch up with you. :D

Yeah, indeed. Take Rockford, at least he behaves like an adult ;) ;) ;) as one of the few here ;) ;) ;). He's a great example for all of us ;) ;) ;)

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The US version seems to be better somehow. At least the gamescreen is 320(160) wide. While the "preferred" version only has 256(128) pixel width.


That's because the actual arcade game used a monitor turned 90 degrees so it's resolution was akin to 200x320 not 320x200 icon_wink.gif Most v-scroll arcade games used this format and even on pixel perfect conversions on the PSP you either have to turn the console 90 degrees or live with the black borders or zoom in (zoomed in being the worst choice as you can't see the enemies coming so gameplay is affected)


You really believe in your words ?


If I were about to build such game in the "original" aspect ratio, I'd open the borders in the upper and the lower range of the screen.

OK, a hard job for the C64, but not impossible. The working gamescreen could have been 128x200 (ratio then 1: 1.19) for better calculations we stick to 256x200 (1.28:1)

But the used screen size is 256x168 (1.52:1)

Original size: 320x200 (1.6:1)

The Ratio of Ikari Warriors is more about 200:320 (1:1.6)


As you might see: In no way the aspect ratio is corrected to the game.

It would turn into that direction, if someone used the Sprites of the C64 to "adress" the ranges on top and on the bottom of the screen.... which seem to be done....


But what have they done?


The screen is shrinked horizontally, and also vertically, having the scoreboard with a huge black border...

I'd bet that the huge black border is an indicator of saving cpu time for the raster interupts, plus handling the scrolling and the reused Sprites.

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The US version seems to be better somehow. At least the gamescreen is 320(160) wide. While the "preferred" version only has 256(128) pixel width.


That's because the actual arcade game used a monitor turned 90 degrees so it's resolution was akin to 200x320 not 320x200 icon_wink.gif Most v-scroll arcade games used this format and even on pixel perfect conversions on the PSP you either have to turn the console 90 degrees or live with the black borders or zoom in (zoomed in being the worst choice as you can't see the enemies coming so gameplay is affected)


You really believe in your words ?


If I were about to build such game in the "original" aspect ratio, I'd open the borders in the upper and the lower range of the screen.

OK, a hard job for the C64, but not impossible. The working gamescreen could have been 128x200 (ratio then 1: 1.19) for better calculations we stick to 256x200 (1.28:1)

But the used screen size is 256x168 (1.52:1)

Original size: 320x200 (1.6:1)

The Ratio of Ikari Warriors is more about 200:320 (1:1.6)


As you might see: In no way the aspect ratio is corrected to the game.

It would turn into that direction, if someone used the Sprites of the C64 to "adress" the ranges on top and on the bottom of the screen.... which seem to be done....


But what have they done?


The screen is shrinked horizontally, and also vertically, having the scoreboard with a huge black border...

I'd bet that the huge black border is an indicator of saving cpu time for the raster interupts, plus handling the scrolling and the reused Sprites.


The first official release with sprites in the border I can think of is Delta...a lot later than Ikari. Also you can't 'open the borders' on the C64 only sprites can be displayed on top of the border as far as I know so thats not applicable to trying to make a scrolling game in the mid 80s using char graphics in the border.


More daydreaming by emkay...now daydreaming bullshit about what is possible in his dreamworld on the C64 as well as the A8 :lol:

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I see I have 2 to poke at now,so much fun! Rockey the dullard in mama's basement and Barnacle butt, the bottom dweller sneaking around and occasionally popping up with non-sensical statements. Oh this will be fun!

I suggest both Rockey and Barnicle butt go back to an activity more suited to thier level of intelligence like this one... :D


Let's see...you are seemingly an adult....you allegedly graduated from university....you raise your children....yet you post this kind of rubbish...hm ! From sociological point of view it's interesting phenomenon, don't you think ? :D

I thought it was spot on for your level of behavior... It completely fits for you or Barnacle. :D

You know, kind of infantile.

Glad to know that it irritated you,thought the childish character depicted here does show how we see you on the forum.

So far only you seem to clown around, so it's impossible to catch up with you. :D

Yeah, indeed. Take Rockford, at least he behaves like an adult ;) ;) ;) as one of the few here ;) ;) ;). He's a great example for all of us ;) ;) ;)

Et tu, Brute, contra me? ;)

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The US version seems to be better somehow. At least the gamescreen is 320(160) wide. While the "preferred" version only has 256(128) pixel width.


That's because the actual arcade game used a monitor turned 90 degrees so it's resolution was akin to 200x320 not 320x200 icon_wink.gif Most v-scroll arcade games used this format and even on pixel perfect conversions on the PSP you either have to turn the console 90 degrees or live with the black borders or zoom in (zoomed in being the worst choice as you can't see the enemies coming so gameplay is affected)


You really believe in your words ?


If I were about to build such game in the "original" aspect ratio, I'd open the borders in the upper and the lower range of the screen.

OK, a hard job for the C64, but not impossible. The working gamescreen could have been 128x200 (ratio then 1: 1.19) for better calculations we stick to 256x200 (1.28:1)

But the used screen size is 256x168 (1.52:1)

Original size: 320x200 (1.6:1)

The Ratio of Ikari Warriors is more about 200:320 (1:1.6)


As you might see: In no way the aspect ratio is corrected to the game.

It would turn into that direction, if someone used the Sprites of the C64 to "adress" the ranges on top and on the bottom of the screen.... which seem to be done....


But what have they done?


The screen is shrinked horizontally, and also vertically, having the scoreboard with a huge black border...

I'd bet that the huge black border is an indicator of saving cpu time for the raster interupts, plus handling the scrolling and the reused Sprites.


The first official release with sprites in the border I can think of is Delta...a lot later than Ikari. Also you can't 'open the borders' on the C64 only sprites can be displayed on top of the border as far as I know so thats not applicable to trying to make a scrolling game in the mid 80s using char graphics in the border.


More daydreaming by emkay...now daydreaming bullshit about what is possible in his dreamworld on the C64 as well as the A8 :lol:


very true. no character positions in the borders. sprites only (and therefore no colour ram options) and with a side panel, probably an extremely crappy ST type "judder" scroll because the scroll couldnt be hardware. hardware scrolling is an all or nothing deal when going vertically (no vertical rasters remember?). so to do a side panel, either you:


A) do the panel in sprites which will REALLY help your in game multiplexer :) )

B) you waste shedloads of cpu time or character definitions to physically rotate the chars in the panel back down in the opposite direction of the scroll at the same rate.


or option c: scroll the whole screen and define your graphics to suit the new aspect ratio.


option c wins hands down for something u would actually want to play.


game over.




edit something in the back of my mind says you could put one single repeated char in the border before anyone chimes in with this. Pete can probably illuminate this more. it was his field afterall.

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More daydreaming by emkay...now daydreaming bullshit about what is possible in his dreamworld on the C64 as well as the A8 icon_lol.gif




Are you just to dumb to read? Ikari Warriors uses more than 200 scanlines. This means that they must have used the Sprites for the scoreboard and/or the info...

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