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SNES SCART interfacing


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I have a VINTAGE Commodore 1084 monitor on it's way that I am going to use with my SNES to play in full 15 kHz RGB video quality...WHOO HOO!


In the meantime though, I need to make a cable that will work with my "new" monitor. I've been able to find merchants that sell the SCART RGB cable for my SNES, and in order to use it, I will need to a terminate a DIN 6 connector for the video and 2 stereo RCA jacks for the audio. The only problem is I need tips in how to nicely put together the cable, I tried using the popular "shrink tubing" that everyone talks about and it's far too stiff to use for this application, I need some of that nice black cable that we are so used to on most AV cables. So if you guys can link me up to that, I'd appreciate it.


Also, my SCART cable only brings out one ground wire, and to my knowledge the stereo audio and video portions of the signal all need a ground, so that means I'll have to somehow make that 1 ground wire into 3! Please help me with this because I am a novice with electronics.


Well that should be it, I am still looking for shrink wrap breakout boots for turning that one wire into 3 (1 video 2 audio)


Thanks for the help guys, I hope this wasn't too confusing.

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