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2600 portable problems....


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Perhaps someone can help out here.

I've post an issue over at Ben Heck's Forum and I've got the pics in my blog.


If any of you have hacked a 2600 down to 4X4 ... and have done one of these mods, can you take a look at my pics and see if you can spot anything wrong? I used the following site for my modding: Step-by-Step guide


Link to my blog with the pics: Pics in my blog


Link to thread over at Ben Heck: Ben Heck thread



Main concerns I have:


Did I cut something from the board that caused things to not work when I trimmed off the 1/4 inch or so on the top edge (from the cart connector to the ground.

Did I hit the right marks: Chroma , sync, audio, etc

Last... take a look at the 4th picture. On the Ben Heck link provided above.... did I miss that connection? On one of the main pics after cutting it to a 4X4... it states the Letter "C" is Ground.... the big metal strip. Yet look at the pictures later in the step-by-step guide. (look at the pic that shows the Audio, Chroma, and sync... see the three pins that looked to be blobed together... and further down when it talks aboutthe controls. Same thing. Perhaps this is one of my problems?)


Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

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