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Trackball controller problem.


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I got all three of my Atari systems out for some nice winter retro gaming, including my beloved 5200 and its trackball controller. I was playing some Centipede and noticed a game ruining problem with the controller when playing. Going left is no problem, but if one tries to go right or up and to the right, the trackball crashes around inside the case instead of rolling smoothly. I opened the controller up to make sure there was no dirt on the rollers. They were fine, but the little bearings were a bit dry. (Really nice design!) I put a drop of Zoom Spout oil on each bearing and that helped there. The trackball is still too loose in the case and the rollers don't look worn. Was there something besides the fit of the case that helped to keep the ball more in place?

Edited by simbalion
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For best results keep your trak-ball controller on a solid surface (like a table top) and bear down a little more when thrusting in a direction. It doesn't work great when sitting in your lap and slinging the ball around. I have a few arcade trackballs around the house, wonder if there's a way to modify the controller to use them as I doubt the standard parts can handle a full weighted arcade ball.

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For best results keep your trak-ball controller on a solid surface (like a table top) and bear down a little more when thrusting in a direction. It doesn't work great when sitting in your lap and slinging the ball around. I have a few arcade trackballs around the house, wonder if there's a way to modify the controller to use them as I doubt the standard parts can handle a full weighted arcade ball.

The parts in there aren't what I'd call light-duty. They're full ball-bearing with all axles and driven shafts being steel or brass. I don't know how that compares to an arcade quality unit, but I think the 5200 parts would be fairly difficult to mechanically damage.

Edited by BigO
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For best results keep your trak-ball controller on a solid surface (like a table top) and bear down a little more when thrusting in a direction. It doesn't work great when sitting in your lap and slinging the ball around. I have a few arcade trackballs around the house, wonder if there's a way to modify the controller to use them as I doubt the standard parts can handle a full weighted arcade ball.

The parts in there aren't what I'd call light-duty. They're full ball-bearing with all axles and driven shafts being steel or brass. I don't know how that compares to an arcade quality unit, but I think the 5200 parts would be fairly difficult to mechanically damage.


Ditto. I remember the first time I opened one up - arcade quality all the way.


I wonder if that guy's shafts are getting worn down. I'd be shocked since the only place you usually see that is on arcade games (especially the full-size Missile Command ball) due to the long, hard usage.


Enough innuendo in that last paragraph for everyone?



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the balls really should have been more captive meaning bearings holding it down into the unit because some games require violent acti0on and the ball kind of hops up and clatters against the top (same with the 2600 ball) but economics comes into play with consumer items and we get products that barely work and are affordable


to use a missile command or centipede arcade ball would have driven the cost of the the item to near $300 but it would have been cool to have arcade buttons and spiffy atari cone buttons glowing start pause reset with green yellow red leds

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It would probably be possible to rig up some spring loaded bearings on the top of the case to keep the ball from riding up on the rollers. I've also noticed the ball on mine isn't perfectly round, which probably would contribute to it riding up on the rollers. I believe its a 2.25 inch ball and I've thought about purchasing a replacement for it from time to time.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have owned two 5200 trak-ball controllers (two meaning for two-player games) since I first got my system back in 1983, and while I might have had issues with them back then, as far as them "riding up" toward the base, there is also another issue I am sure all fellow Atarians have had to put up with occasionally on our CX53 trak-ball controllers.


The only other issue I have had is with those "bubble-click" style fire buttons not responding properly, in other words, sometimes when holding one down for repetitive fire (like in Centipede and Millipede) it sometimes doesn't work, and the same thing happens in games like Missile Command, where getting the shot off when needed is critical, the "click" the bubble contacts make sometimes does not always result in a shot being fired, and that could be the difference between getting that bonus city every 10,000 points, or "The End".


While I am stuck with having to use either the 5200 TB or stock controllers for Missile Command, Super Breakout or Gorf, which run in analog, I can always use my CX82 (2600/7800) trak-ball with games like Centipede, Millipede, and Crystal Castles, which run on digital signals (or center/neutral position for zero movement on the stock 5200 controller), along with the Redemption 5200 2600 adapter and Wico 5200 keypad so I can avoid having to put up with the numerous issues the 5200 trak-ball has.

Edited by BIGHMW
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