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Interest check in new ColecoVision cart casings


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About 100 (semi-)transparent cartridges, and maybe 25 more if someone else order also transparent ones.

I can pay half the money now and the rest when it's ready.

It's too early for me to take pre-orders yet, but I'll keep your numbers in mind. I will drop by the Adamcon chatroom tonight, and I hope Dale Wick will be there, so I can discuss numbers with him. :)

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Um... anybody...? :? Like I said above, that's 2$CAN per cart, which is around 1.62$US. Not too bad, I'd say. I was expecting worse, personally... :)


Well I have enough free cash for 200 black ones now. It depends on when you do the product run if I can free up enough cash for more or not. I should buy more I guess. It's hard to predict the future for when the next batch will be made. :-D

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Um... anybody...? :? Like I said above, that's 2$CAN per cart, which is around 1.62$US. Not too bad, I'd say. I was expecting worse, personally... :)

Well I have enough free cash for 200 black ones now. It depends on when you do the product run if I can free up enough cash for more or not. I should buy more I guess. It's hard to predict the future for when the next batch will be made. :-D

Well, what I can tell you is that Moldex (the plastics company I'm currently doing business with) will be closed next week and the week after for the Holidays, so no real progress will be made before next January. I have a meeting scheduled for January 6th, where all final details will be settled.


The first order of business will be to have the mold modified to fit their injection machinery, and that alone is going to take some time (not sure how long) but when it's done, shell production should begin soon after. There's a machine setup fee, and also what they call a "color-change" fee each time they change plastic color because they need to take apart and clean their machinery (otherwise, the current batch of carts will have the plastic stained with the color of the previous batch).


For now, I'm just looking to pay the machine setup fee once, and for that, I need to know if 2000 black shells is a good number, or just too much. So please voice your intention to purchase (a loose estimate of how many will do for now), if you are interested.


After doing some calculations, I've determined that the price will likely be 2.10$CAN per black cart (1.77$US at current exchange rates, but those change constantly). For shells other than black, I still have some discussions to pursue with my contact at Moldex, but when I find some time later today, I will post more details about what I know about that so far.

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After doing some calculations, I've determined that the price will likely be 2.10$CAN per black cart (1.77$US at current exchange rates, but those change constantly). For shells other than black, I still have some discussions to pursue with my contact at Moldex, but when I find some time later today, I will post more details about what I know about that so far.

Any estimates on how much shipping will be to the US? Say, for, 500 carts?





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After doing some calculations, I've determined that the price will likely be 2.10$CAN per black cart (1.77$US at current exchange rates, but those change constantly). For shells other than black, I still have some discussions to pursue with my contact at Moldex, but when I find some time later today, I will post more details about what I know about that so far.

Any estimates on how much shipping will be to the US? Say, for, 500 carts?

Buddy, for 500 carts, I'd ship the lot to you by regular airmail for free. :D Although they would probably be shipped in more than one box...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, time for an update. :)


As stated a few posts above, I have an appointment at Moldex tomorrow (January 6th). They will first have to alter Eduardo's mold to make it fit into their plastic injection machinery. These are minor alterations, but I'm not sure how long it's going to take. Maybe a week, I don't know yet. I'll find out tomorrow. But even before they do it, I have to tell Moldex how many black casings I intend to have them produce for me. From the interest in this AA thread, I'd say 2000 casings is a good number.


Today, I will be sending a PM to everyone who has expressed an interest in purchasing some CV casings, just to get a confirmation. My PC at home is busted, so until I get a new one, I will only be able to reply to PMs (and e-mail) at work, between 9AM and 5PM (Eastern US/Canada time). I will not be able to reply to PMs or e-mails all day tomorrow (Moldex appointment, trip to the computer store, dentist appointment, visit at my local gym, etc. so I won't be coming in to work at all tomorrow).


Final price has not changed: 2.10$CAN per casing (roughly 1.75$US at current exchange rates). If you are interested but haven't posted about it in this thread yet, please do so now. I will NOT be accepting payments at this time, because I want to wait until the alterations to the mold have been done before actually starting to process orders. Who knows, Moldex might mess up and render the mold unusable in the process. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, as they say. For now, I just want some real confirmations from interested parties. Feel free to send me a PM directly, if you want.

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Here are the latest news! :)


I had my meeting yesterday with my contact at Moldex. First of all, the alterations to the mold are paid for and will be done shortly. I also ordered 2000 black casings, and I was told that they should be done by the first week of February. I was also advised to give them at least 3 weeks notice for any future orders.


Now for those of you who were wondering about casing colors other than black, here's a list of colors that are readily available:


- Green

- Red

- Navy blue

- Medium (sky) blue

- Yellow

- Gold


Transparent casings (polycarbonate) are also available in a variety of colors:


- Clear (no color)

- Green

- Red

- Navy blue

- Medium (sky) blue

- Yellow

- Smoke black


For all color variations, orders must be of at least 100 casings.


Colored solid carts are roughly 15% more expensive than regular black carts (depends on the color selected, red is the most expensive).


Uncolored transparent casings will be 2.40$CAN per cart, and colored transparent casings are roughly 15% more expensive than uncolored transparent casings (again, it depends on the color selected).


Other colors are possibly available, but Moldex would have to order a big bag of plastic pigments, enough to do over 11000 casings, and such bags are rather expensive. The colors listed above are those for which Moldex already has some pigments in stock right now (left-overs from past contracts, obviously). If you really want another color (like beige or pink), it can be arranged, but be ready for a bigger hole in your wallet.


For either solid (ABS) or transparent (polycarbonate) casings, I can offer NO guarantee about color shades. For example, if you order some green casings, and once you receive them, you find the green is a little too dark for your taste, well, that's just too bad. Moldex only has one shade of those colors in stock, and I'm sadly not in a position to offer pictures to demonstrate what those shades look like. If you order green, you'll get green, and you'll have to accept whatever shade of green you get. Same goes for all colors.


If you have any questions at this point, please post them in this thread so that everyone can benefit from those questions and their answers.

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Ayayaye!! I forgot to mention something very, very important!


Each time I place a new order for any number of casings of any color, Moldex imposes a machine setup fee of 140$ for solid ABS casings, and 180$ for transparent polycarbonate casings, and this fee is not included in their per-cart prices!! So for example, if you order 100 transparent casings at 2.40$ each, that's 240$ + 180$ for the setup fee = 420$CAN.


For the 2000 black casings I already ordered, this setup fee is included in the price. That's the advantage of ordering a large enough quantity, I can spread the machine setup fee as a few cents on each casing. For smaller orders, it's more of a problem, and I will surely not pay for these setup fees out of my own pocket.


Sorry I failed to mention this before... :ponder:

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Please, tell me if the following picture shows the same transparent colors you did see at Moldex.




The "marine blue" transparent color is exactly the same as the sample the lady showed me. I'm guessing the other transparent colors are roughly what you'd get as well, if you were to order CV cart casings with those transparent colors, although red might be slightly darker.

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- Green

- Red

- Navy blue

- Medium (sky) blue

- Yellow

- Gold


Out of idle curiosity (mainly because I'm too broke to go ordering stuff right now. ;)) what does the gold color look like? Are we talking reflective shiny goldish similar to how the original Zelda games looked on the NES or something entirely different?

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Out of idle curiosity (mainly because I'm too broke to go ordering stuff right now. ;)) what does the gold color look like? Are we talking reflective shiny goldish similar to how the original Zelda games looked on the NES or something entirely different?

The lady at Moldex showed me a sample of the kind of "gold plastic" she could produce. Imagine a plastic that's solid yet very slightly translucid, and gold-colored. Not reflective like a Zelda NES cart casing. It looks like a cheap imitation of gold, really. But it still looks good enough that it would make a cool-looking cart for a CV version of Zelda, if someone out there were to make such a game. ;)

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Out of idle curiosity (mainly because I'm too broke to go ordering stuff right now. ;)) what does the gold color look like? Are we talking reflective shiny goldish similar to how the original Zelda games looked on the NES or something entirely different?

The lady at Moldex showed me a sample of the kind of "gold plastic" she could produce. Imagine a plastic that's solid yet very slightly translucid, and gold-colored. Not reflective like a Zelda NES cart casing. It looks like a cheap imitation of gold, really. But it still looks good enough that it would make a cool-looking cart for a CV version of Zelda, if someone out there were to make such a game. ;)


My vote would be for gold because it's unique. I don't recall seeing any other gold case homebrews, regardless of platform.

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.... Not sure it's a good idea to use so many sprites for the characters. We're talking major flicker issues here. :)


Come on! ... I did the same thing with Mario Bros and it working very well! ...

And this's NOT the final concept... so I'm not sure how the sprites will look like...

This was just to show how it can turn on colecovision..

Our programmer have 20 years of experience in Z80 & the TI... this's not a problem for him ;)



Ten-Four: Thanks for those comments :)

Edited by retroillucid
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.... Not sure it's a good idea to use so many sprites for the characters. We're talking major flicker issues here. :)


Come on! ... I did the same thing with Mario Bros and it working very well! ...

And this's NOT the final concept... so I'm not sure how the sprites will look like...

This was just to show how it can turn on colecovision..

Our programmer have 20 years of experience in Z80 & the TI... this's not a problem for him ;)

What can I say, I hate sprite flicker! :D

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What can I say, I hate sprite flicker! :D

Yeah... you're right... this can be painfull ;)

I'll try my best to eliminate all flicker in game... :)

Most of enemy/Boss has 2 colors... and some even take one color


Here's another posiblity...

Very cute. :) And much better too, in terms of sprite usage. Most of the time, the 'walkable" landscape in Zelda is composed of a single color (like yellow in your latest mockup) so having single-colored sprite is no big deal in this case.


Alright, back on the main topic of this thread, I have some additional info to share:


1) I forgot a color in the list of transparent colors above, namely translucid white (a.k.a. milky). If you've ever owned a milky Game Boy Advance (the very first non-backlit model Nintendo released), then you know what this milky color looks like. It's like the opposite of "smoke black", really.


2) I called Moldex today to ask about prices for additional colors. Moldex buys their pigmentation from Clariant (http://clariant.com), and it costs between 420$US to 450$US for a single bag of a single pigment. As I said before, the colors Moldex can offer me now (which I listed above) are left-overs from other customer contracts, so they don't need to buy those from Clariant. For any other color, you have to pay at least 420$ (probably more, depending on the color) for the selected pigmentation. That's probably out of range of what most people here are ready to pay for colored ColecoVision casings, so better stick with the colors Moldex is offering now. :)

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Hi newcoleco :D


If your project are "top-secret" can it be hard to choose a color.


I think if the game have something with Water or maybe the Sky, would i choose Navy-Blue or Sky-Blue.


If the game has something with trees and / or grass, maybe you should choose a Green cart.


But if your game is in the absolute top class, you obviously choose Gold, it will gives you and your game respect. :)

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