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Proof that NTSC funvision carts exist!


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NTSC Funvision carts do exist, but I've only seen PAL ones with that end label.


Your own Circle 176 (NTSC) Chinese V-Case is NTSC Dino. The Halley's Comet Funvision series (NTSC) has doubled up end labels. The end label underneath on the HC's matches the end label on your Circle 176. That makes a strong connection.

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NTSC Funvision carts do exist, but I've only seen PAL ones with that end label.


Your own Circle 176 (NTSC) Chinese V-Case is NTSC Dino. The Halley's Comet Funvision series (NTSC) has doubled up end labels. The end label underneath on the HC's matches the end label on your Circle 176. That makes a strong connection.

I agree that the cart looks like PAL as I too have these carts in my collection and they are all PAL. But this one may be a Nth American release, unlike the Chinese label ones.

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I lean towards PAL with this one.


This is the box of a PAL release:



This one is also PAL:



This one too:



All Funvision carts known to exist with that sticker type are PAL.


Nevertheless, a great find.


I'll add it to the database:



Rarity 10 and PAL until proven otherwise.



Edited by Rom Hunter
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Hey gang. That game has been been tested and worked great on my Atari 2600, but it's just a bootleg of Spacemaster X-7.




So its this:



Hey! That's my cart ( I scanned it for Rom ). As you can see the front label is different, and so is the end label. But it is NTSC Spacemaster X-7. I dumped the cart and compared it to be sure. Maybe this Funvision cart is NTSC after all.

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Hey gang. That game has been been tested and worked great on my Atari 2600, but it's just a bootleg of Spacemaster X-7.



Hi Dave,



Some times PAL carts work on a NTSC TV. It really depends on your TV. I have 2 TV's, and one "rolls" with PAL carts while the other one doesn't. To test your TV take a PAL cart that you know is for sure PAL format, and see if it rolls on your TV. If it doesn't it is possible that your Spider Kong cart is PAL.







BTW I think since you sold it you no longer have it, but that above is just meant as instructions, that's all. :)

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I still have the game. I ended the auction because I was thinking of just keeping the game in my own collection, though I don't really collect bootlegs.


I don't know if I have any PAL games. I have a copy of Pick N Pile, is that PAL?



Pick N Pile is originally PAL, but it has been converted to NTSC by Thomas Jentzsch. If you bought it off someone as a reproduction cartridge it is likely the "converted" to NTSC version.



Some other things you can look for in your cart is the colors on the screen they will be different if yours is a PAL cart. Now I am color blind so I can't be much help to you describing the colors, but here is a screenshot from an emulator of the NTSC version. Please note that the emulator will vary a little bit in color to your actual TV. It's like going to the department store and seeing a bank of TV's playing the same channel. Each one's color is slightly different. Factor in the color settings of your computer monitor at home too, and you get the idea.






Please just look at the top border and bottom border. I think the top is purple, and the bottom redish-brown. The stuff in the center of the screen is shifting colors all the time. Also if you can't see all of the screen shot picture on your TV; like it is either way to low or way to high on your TV; then your cart is probably PAL.

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The picture looks nice and centered to me, Dave. The colors look good too, but as I pointed out before I can't be certain. I think your cart is NTSC from what I see. It is a nice piece, certainly very rare, but as you pointed out before, a bootleg. A select few pay for these carts, but others ignore them. I would personally keep it in my collection then sell it, as it won't fetch much money. It is cool to have though!




As a side note the picture is a little small. This forum will allow you to upload pictures too, which people can click on and view in their full size.





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A select few pay for these carts, but others ignore them. I would personally keep it in my collection then sell it, as it won't fetch much money.



Although a bootleg, its still nice. I was kinda hoping it was Spider Maze, with a sexy funvision logo on it, rather than 'X7. As you know Omega, I pay good money for these carts ;)

Edited by Dino
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Is the pic not clickable for you?

lol, didn't even try. I'm used to the ones uploaded on the forum that tell how much it was reduced by in the black border. You click on them and it expands. I thought that was the actual size.




A select few pay for these carts, but others ignore them. I would personally keep it in my collection then sell it, as it won't fetch much money.



Although a bootleg, its still nice. I was kinda hoping it was Spider Maze, with a sexy funvision logo on it, rather than 'X7. As you know Omega, I pay good money for these carts ;)

Bah, it's NTSC Dino. You care more about the good PAL stuff. :) There isn't reserved space in Spacemaster X-7 for a logo IIRC. Not sure if I ever disassembled that. I agree a Funvision logo would be mega sexy. :lust: Let me know if you have any trouble with Time Warp. :cool: School is done on Thursday.



Edit, not tomorrow, the week after. Thank God I can still edit!!

Edited by Omegamatrix
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Is the pic not clickable for you?

lol, didn't even try. I'm used to the ones uploaded on the forum that tell how much it was reduced by in the black border. You click on them and it expands. I thought that was the actual size.




A select few pay for these carts, but others ignore them. I would personally keep it in my collection then sell it, as it won't fetch much money.



Although a bootleg, its still nice. I was kinda hoping it was Spider Maze, with a sexy funvision logo on it, rather than 'X7. As you know Omega, I pay good money for these carts ;)

Bah, it's NTSC Dino. You care more about the good PAL stuff. :) There isn't reserved space in Spacemaster X-7 for a logo IIRC. Not sure if I ever disassembled that. I agree a Funvision logo would be mega sexy. :lust: Let me know if you have any trouble with Time Warp. :cool: School is done on Thursday.



Edit, not tomorrow, the week after. Thank God I can still edit!!


Will do. As you know, access to a laptop with Win98 is the problem ATM

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