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Guy steals not just pics from Atariage but the whole damn page !


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Hmm might be better if he can't end it.


What if you change the pic to show a lot of 300 or so cartridges. Then add the text "this auction is for all 295 cartdidges pictured"


That will sure be hell for him to deal with once the auction ends with a bidder.

LOL that would be hilarious. If someone wants to make an interesting picture for me (nothing disgusting or perverse--all the links DO go back to AtariAge), I can quickly swap it out. Even something simple like, "I HOTLINKED THIS IMAGE AND NEARLY ALL THE TEXT ON THIS PAGE AND DIDN'T ASK FOR PERMISSION. THE GAME PICTURED WASN'T THE ACTUAL GAME BEING SOLD."



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Hmm might be better if he can't end it.


What if you change the pic to show a lot of 300 or so cartridges. Then add the text "this auction is for all 295 cartdidges pictured"


That will sure be hell for him to deal with once the auction ends with a bidder.

LOL that would be hilarious. If someone wants to make an interesting picture for me (nothing disgusting or perverse--all the links DO go back to AtariAge), I can quickly swap it out. Even something simple like, "I HOTLINKED THIS IMAGE AND NEARLY ALL THE TEXT ON THIS PAGE AND DIDN'T ASK FOR PERMISSION. THE GAME PICTURED WASN'T THE ACTUAL GAME BEING SOLD."





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Refresh the auction. Unfortunately he added a gallery image, which is shown at the top and bottom of the auction still.


It would probably require more effort than it would be worth, but what would be particularly amusing would be if you kept a cache of which IP addresses had accessed pictures from which eBay items, such that the first IP address to access a picture from a particular eBay item would always see it correctly, while others would see some other arbitrarily-selected picture (what would be most cool, IMHO, would be a picture of a common cart or box with a post-it note bearing the name of the game, using the same general concept as the Church Sign Generator, etc.)


Give the impression of "I'm selling this rare game, mint with box. The mint box happens to be from some other common game, but it's a mint box." If reloads from the first IP to post the item keep showing the good picture, sellers may not realize what buyers are talking about when they ask questions.


(incidentally, I think any good auction site should insist upon hosting pictures themselves, so as to maintain a record of what pictures were associated with what items).

Edited by supercat
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(incidentally, I think any good auction site should insist upon hosting pictures themselves, so as to maintain a record of what pictures were associated with what items).

Shhh... don't give eBay any more idea for required seller surcharges.


They're perfectly capable of adding surcharges for things whether or not they add real value, so what's wrong with suggesting something which would at least add some value for the money?


Under the present system, it would be pretty easy for someone to show a picture of a high-quality item, wait until they'd gotten a good bid, and then replace it with a picture of a crummy item. I'm unaware of any means by which the buyer could prove that when the bid was placed the seller's site showed a quality item. I don't know if any scammers presently play that game, but it would be easy for them to do so.


IMHO, any material change to an item's description or pictures should constitute a legitimate basis for a prospective purchaser to withdraw a bid; a seller who changes his listing should be able to demand that within a specified time a buyer must either reaffirm his bid (after having noted the changes) or have the bid canceled, but a bidder should not be forced to buy something whose description is materially different from what he bid on.

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It would probably require more effort than it would be worth, but what would be particularly amusing would be if you kept a cache of which IP addresses had accessed pictures from which eBay items, such that the first IP address to access a picture from a particular eBay item would always see it correctly, while others would see some other arbitrarily-selected picture (what would be most cool, IMHO, would be a picture of a common cart or box with a post-it note bearing the name of the game, using the same general concept as the Church Sign Generator, etc.)


Give the impression of "I'm selling this rare game, mint with box. The mint box happens to be from some other common game, but it's a mint box." If reloads from the first IP to post the item keep showing the good picture, sellers may not realize what buyers are talking about when they ask questions.

That is an amusing idea and it would be a lot of fun to do. The easiest thing is to simply block any image references coming from eBay. I had remote linking disabled for a while, but then I was running some auctions on eBay and using AtariAge to host the images, so I turned that off. Probably should turn it back on since I'm not running any auctions at present.


(incidentally, I think any good auction site should insist upon hosting pictures themselves, so as to maintain a record of what pictures were associated with what items).

I'm sure eBay does this as a cost saving measure (images hosted elsewhere aren't costing them any bandwidth) and because they'd need a good system for uploading images and then referencing them in HTML that people use in their descriptions. And given the horrible user interfaces I've seen on eBay's site, I'm quite confident they'd screw this one up as well.


Your suggestion wouldn't stop people from simply copying the images instead of hotlinking them directly. I do agree that eBay should "archive" successfully ended auctions, in case a dispute does arise later. Just another fine example of something eBay could do to improve their service (and something I'm sure has been suggested to them countless times), but doesn't.



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