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eBay thieves

Thomas Jentzsch

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Look at all the homebrews included. And the emulator is most likely Stella.


I hate when people try to make money from other people's work. Since he is selling my games without permission too, I filed a report. :)

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I'd be amazed if reporting this auction gets it ended. This guy has a slew of similar auctions for other systems, and I've seen people selling similar collections for a long time on eBay with no action taken against them. I suppose if someone slapped them with a DMCA request that eBay would act.



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I'd be amazed if reporting this auction gets it ended. This guy has a slew of similar auctions for other systems, and I've seen people selling similar collections for a long time on eBay with no action taken against them. I suppose if someone slapped them with a DMCA request that eBay would act.





I think that the DMCA should go to the seller AND ebay.

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Thank you for your email. To help you as quickly as possible, we're 

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eBay Trust & Safety

Doesn't look like somebody even cared to categorize my complaint. The listing is still up of course. :roll:

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I contacted the seller directly. The reply seems fair and the auction was removed.

Hi, Thank you for your email. We will check out what we are selling immediately and remove it if necessary. We were told by the seller that these items were registered to sell but if this is not the case we will of course take our listing off and contact the seller. Thanks agin for your email. Thanks & Regards thebigev1l

So he is selling in the name of someone else?

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I contacted the seller directly. The reply seems fair and the auction was removed.
Hi, Thank you for your email. We will check out what we are selling immediately and remove it if necessary. We were told by the seller that these items were registered to sell but if this is not the case we will of course take our listing off and contact the seller. Thanks agin for your email. Thanks & Regards thebigev1l

So he is selling in the name of someone else?

Interesting response. When the auction gets listed again (and I'm sure it will), I'm curious if any of the games are actually removed. And even if they are removed from the description, I wonder if they will actually be removed from the collection you receive.



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I received the exact same response when I questioned if the homebrewers had given their permission for their programs to be distributed as such (then mentioned that I knew in fact that they were not):



Thank you for your email.

We will check out what we are selling immediately and remove it if necessary.

We were told by the seller that these items were registered to sell but if this is not the case we will of course take our listing off and contact the seller.

Thanks agin for your email.

Thanks & Regards


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IMO the seller's response was WAY better than eBay's.


Ebay's customer service is the worst in the world.


A few years ago, I was selling movies. I had a few hundred listed. Some jerk decided to create two brand new screen names, and bid 70+ movies of mine to like $10,000 each. When the auctions ended, he immediately left negative feedback on about 30 of them - which resulted in my account being suspended.


Clearly I was a victim of fraud.


I wrote to Ebay and got an automated reply about three days later. In the interim, they demanded I pay my fees - which thanks to the phony bids added up to $2600.00. Knowing I was in for a long fight, I closed my bank account.


I wrote back to Ebay again. And three days later I got another automated response. It took about three weeks before I finally got a human being to read my Email. Of course they said that before they would do anything, I had to pay my account in full - $2600.00. THEN and only then could I discuss my issues with them.


I was very blunt and told them their response was laughable. I knew damn well I would never get my money back if I paid them that amount - which I didn't have anyway. In reality I owed them about $200.00.


It took Ebay about three days in turnaround time to respond to my Emails. And at first the responses usually came from a different person everytime - a person who had no idea what had gone on prior. So I was alays copying and pasting prior Emails when I wrote back to them.


My situation was so obviously glaring that anyone with half a brain could have seen my problem and fixed it in about five minutes. But did it work that way? Oh no. But I had one thing on them. I legitimately owed them some money - just nowhere near what they claimed. And they weren't going to see a cent of it until they fixed the problem.


In the end I won. All the negative feedback was removed. My account was reinstated. All the trumped-up final value fees were removed.


And all it took was 100 days and about 130 Emails. I kid you not.

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And all it took was 100 days and about 130 Emails. I kid you not.

Yep, it's absolutely amazing the bureaucracy at eBay and how long it takes to get something as obvious as what you've described reversed. I've been a fly on the wall for several such disputes between a friend of mine (a Powerseller who has been on eBay forever) and eBay. Absolutely mind numbing their stupidity and how they generally refuse to do jack diddly until you get lucky and talk to someone with half a brain (as opposed to just a thimbleful of brain). I'm amazed that they haven't yet gone out of business due to the sheer volume of their ineptitude.



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So he is selling in the name of someone else?

This seems to be a popular MO for people selling bootleg stuff. I ordered a poster from a company awhile ago & what I received was obviously a color print made from a poorly scanned original. I made it rather clear to them that I was unimpressed, especially in light of the fact that they have a section specifically for "reproductions" and this was not in it. Suddenly, they had a "supplier" for their posters and would refund once their "supplier" confirmed my observations.

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