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I negged a seller today


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There's no way you would have gotten the post office to reimburse you if it the game was shipped in an envelope.

Darn tootin'!


Frankly, I think PO insurance is a complete scam -- unless it's truly worth a lot of money -- and I actively discourage my customers from wasting their money on it. Even if something goes wrong (which I maintain is exceedingly rare -- in my 10 years in business, I've had maybe 4-5 packages never arrive and only 1 get crushed en route -- even if some on this board seem to think it's an everyday occurrence), the likelihood of convincing the PO that the fault was on their end is vanishingly small.


Eating a few bad sales is yet another cost of doing business, and again, this is just as true in a brick and mortar store as it is on the Web. To me, it's about taking pride in the service you provide -- the deal's not done until the customer is satisfied. You say your cart didn't arrive? Fine, here's your $7.00 back. 'Cuz if you weren't scamming me, you'll likely do business with me again, and if you were, well... better not try it again, or you'll be disappointed.


Arguing about refunds, insurance and what-not is a sucker's bet and it's not the way I want to treated, so it's not the way I treat my customers.

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One has to think about eating the cost of a game. In my case, most of what I sell, I paid maybe a few dollars at most for. I got a couple of R8 titles for less than $2 each recently. They could sell for a good $40. In the end, though, if they got to their destination and didn't work, I'd just send the person's MO back plus what it costs to have the games shipped back. I'm out what, seven bucks? That's not really a big deal, IMO.

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I should point out that my philosophy is based on the fact that I earn my living selling stuff online.

I think there's a different expectation for somebody just selling a few things here and there -- I wouldn't expect Joe Schmoe to eat the cost of a lost game necessarily, but I do think weselloverpricedgames.com should.

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Captain Beard, I guess I should have clarified the inflating shipping BS comment a little better: I win an auction with shipping that states it is $5.99 to Canada ( from the USA ) okay no problem, I will pay that because I want the game. Then the seller contacts me and tells me the shipping to Canada was miscalculated and it will be $9.99, I try to tell the seller it is not that much, seller disagrees. I really want he game so I pay the $9.99, and low and behold it shows up a week later in the mail in a small brown envelope, not even bubble wrapped style, with a postage tag of a whopping $1.66. That is the BS I am talking about :) Yes, I realize there are other costs, but you can be thrifty and resourceful as well. Boxes are free at my local grocery store, all shapes and sizes, and great sturdy cardboard. Cheers, FB

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yes I hate people that charge the big price.


however, if the price of the shipping was posted in the action.....then you agree to pay the fee..... + you received the item safely within a reasonable time (less then 4 days of shipping....you paid on 14 we are the 18)


sorry to say that but no reason for a neg feed.....


It wasn't the overcharge alone. It was the low quality of service for the price paid (hadling does mean you are paying extra for good packing materials) and their reply to my displeasure, together with the cost that I agreed to.


Think of it like this.


A transaction on eBay is a game with three lives.


If a seller does something wrong, they loose one.


If they do three things wrong, then I'm really upset, and the game is just about over.


They are given a "continue" when I extend the olive branch of communication.


But if they don't hit start and take the continue: aka, make it right.


All three lives are lost. It's Game Over! The seller gets a neg.




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Darn tootin'!


Frankly, I think PO insurance is a complete scam -- unless it's truly worth a lot of money -- and I actively discourage my customers from wasting their money on it. Even if something goes wrong (which I maintain is exceedingly rare -- in my 10 years in business, I've had maybe 4-5 packages never arrive and only 1 get crushed en route -- even if some on this board seem to think it's an everyday occurrence), the likelihood of convincing the PO that the fault was on their end is vanishingly small.


Eating a few bad sales is yet another cost of doing business, and again, this is just as true in a brick and mortar store as it is on the Web. To me, it's about taking pride in the service you provide -- the deal's not done until the customer is satisfied. You say your cart didn't arrive? Fine, here's your $7.00 back. 'Cuz if you weren't scamming me, you'll likely do business with me again, and if you were, well... better not try it again, or you'll be disappointed.


Arguing about refunds, insurance and what-not is a sucker's bet and it's not the way I want to treated, so it's not the way I treat my customers.

This is a great philosophy and pretty much the way I act as well. Not worth the headaches of trying to deal with insurance, especially for relatively low-dollar items. For anything particularly valuable (for instance, if I was selling a rare, one-of-a-kind 2600 prototype), I'd use FedEx or UPS and get proper insurance. No way I'd trust the USPS with something like that. The USPS insurance isn't worth the hassle.



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Darn tootin'!


Frankly, I think PO insurance is a complete scam -- unless it's truly worth a lot of money -- and I actively discourage my customers from wasting their money on it. Even if something goes wrong (which I maintain is exceedingly rare -- in my 10 years in business, I've had maybe 4-5 packages never arrive and only 1 get crushed en route -- even if some on this board seem to think it's an everyday occurrence), the likelihood of convincing the PO that the fault was on their end is vanishingly small.


Eating a few bad sales is yet another cost of doing business, and again, this is just as true in a brick and mortar store as it is on the Web. To me, it's about taking pride in the service you provide -- the deal's not done until the customer is satisfied. You say your cart didn't arrive? Fine, here's your $7.00 back. 'Cuz if you weren't scamming me, you'll likely do business with me again, and if you were, well... better not try it again, or you'll be disappointed.


Arguing about refunds, insurance and what-not is a sucker's bet and it's not the way I want to treated, so it's not the way I treat my customers.

This is a great philosophy and pretty much the way I act as well. Not worth the headaches of trying to deal with insurance, especially for relatively low-dollar items. For anything particularly valuable (for instance, if I was selling a rare, one-of-a-kind 2600 prototype), I'd use FedEx or UPS and get proper insurance. No way I'd trust the USPS with something like that. The USPS insurance isn't worth the hassle.




I do the same as Capt. I ship and self insure everything. I have had 2 shipments lost and 1 I knew was a scammer. Insurance would not have help in many of my cases and it would cost me a few thousand instead of my total replacement costs currently under $100.

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Ground mail for one cart costs $5.85 and I charge $6. Air for one cart costs $6.45 and I charge $7. Bubble mailers are $1 a pop, I have to pay to get a ride to the post office and back, so ya you can see why I don't feel bad asking for an extra 50 cents over the acutal ship cost.

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Ground mail for one cart costs $5.85 and I charge $6. Air for one cart costs $6.45 and I charge $7. Bubble mailers are $1 a pop, I have to pay to get a ride to the post office and back, so ya you can see why I don't feel bad asking for an extra 50 cents over the acutal ship cost.


What are you putting those in?!?

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i only read a couple replies on the first page and im sorry if this is done and over with

but anyway this is for the hole handling part

i dont see anything wrong adding 0.50 to a 1.00 for the handling and anything over that is overkill

then theres the paypal fees and that varies with price of the item

im on the chuckwagon so i dont use ebay to sell anymore but if im going to buy something on ebay or just to figure out the paypal fees i use this cute tool


it helps out a lot

oh while i was writing this i found this cool little guy



sorry if im posting too many links

i just find this stuff cool

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Ground mail for one cart costs $5.85 and I charge $6. Air for one cart costs $6.45 and I charge $7. Bubble mailers are $1 a pop, I have to pay to get a ride to the post office and back, so ya you can see why I don't feel bad asking for an extra 50 cents over the acutal ship cost.


What are you putting those in?!?


Dude, Canada Post is so messed up. It costs more to mail something to my nextdoor neighbour than it does to send the exact same package to Germany.

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As well you should have negged him. :thumbsup:


It wouldnt be a bad idea to post his ebay ID here as well to warn others. There should be a "bad ebay user" sticky in the marketplace forum like he bad trader alert thread....

Not surprised that would be your response. :roll: The shipping rate is fine, His response is what deserved a Neg.

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Captain Beard, I guess I should have clarified the inflating shipping BS comment a little better: I win an auction with shipping that states it is $5.99 to Canada ( from the USA ) okay no problem, I will pay that because I want the game. Then the seller contacts me and tells me the shipping to Canada was miscalculated and it will be $9.99, I try to tell the seller it is not that much, seller disagrees. I really want he game so I pay the $9.99, and low and behold it shows up a week later in the mail in a small brown envelope, not even bubble wrapped style, with a postage tag of a whopping $1.66. That is the BS I am talking about :) Yes, I realize there are other costs, but you can be thrifty and resourceful as well. Boxes are free at my local grocery store, all shapes and sizes, and great sturdy cardboard. Cheers, FB

The Canada thing is true, There are customs charges to Canada with Fed EX and USPS has raised the rate so much that it's pretty stupid.

We always say in the auction. "email us for Canadian shipping price". For jewelry you would think he would have used a small box...

We had a feedback this week that said the item was packed so well it could be shot to mars! Love those feedbacks! :)

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yes I hate people that charge the big price.


however, if the price of the shipping was posted in the action.....then you agree to pay the fee..... + you received the item safely within a reasonable time (less then 4 days of shipping....you paid on 14 we are the 18)


sorry to say that but no reason for a neg feed.....


In my case, it was posted in auction as 'actual charges', which it wasn't, and the item was not received safely (worst packaging I've ever seen). And according to the seller, that wasn't a reason for a neg. Ahem... right, okay buddy. But anyway, that was my experience, not the OP's.

I recently got in a complete control panel for an arcade game. The thing was packed in newspaper barely and was charged $29 for shipping. the actual was like $10. I still wasn't upset at all as the item worked fine and I knew the price when I bid. I left great feedback and all 5 stars.

Got my item, knew what I was paying, item worked, good feedback left, end of story. I was grateful to get that hard to find item that I could never find without ebay.

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yes I hate people that charge the big price.


however, if the price of the shipping was posted in the action.....then you agree to pay the fee..... + you received the item safely within a reasonable time (less then 4 days of shipping....you paid on 14 we are the 18)


sorry to say that but no reason for a neg feed.....


In my case, it was posted in auction as 'actual charges', which it wasn't, and the item was not received safely (worst packaging I've ever seen). And according to the seller, that wasn't a reason for a neg. Ahem... right, okay buddy. But anyway, that was my experience, not the OP's.

I recently got in a complete control panel for an arcade game. The thing was packed in newspaper barely and was charged $29 for shipping. the actual was like $10. I still wasn't upset at all as the item worked fine and I knew the price when I bid. I left great feedback and all 5 stars.

Got my item, knew what I was paying, item worked, good feedback left, end of story. I was grateful to get that hard to find item that I could never find without ebay.

almost got a similar story...ok maybe not but i bought a "brand new" psp screen (the screen was 20 the shipping was 15 and it came in a tiny flimsy box) on ebay for my friend and the thing didnt work

so of course me i take it apart and sure enough the back light was dead in it

i switched the back light with the an old one and it worked just great but even after all that i still left good feedback because all i needed from him was the screen ^_^

what im trying to say is people abuse the feedback system

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Ground mail for one cart costs $5.85 and I charge $6. Air for one cart costs $6.45 and I charge $7. Bubble mailers are $1 a pop, I have to pay to get a ride to the post office and back, so ya you can see why I don't feel bad asking for an extra 50 cents over the acutal ship cost.


What are you putting those in?!?


Dude, Canada Post is so messed up. It costs more to mail something to my nextdoor neighbour than it does to send the exact same package to Germany.


Canada Post bites the big one :roll: How screwed up is that, I can also mail something to Australia cheaper then I can mail the exact same thing to my brother in another Canadian province. ????????? :dunce:

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It's that way on small items in the USA to Canada too. Ounce for ounce 1 through about 9 actually costs the same exact or less to Canada and Mexico from the USA, as a USA to USA transaction.



Can't blame you for giving him the neg for such a crappy reply, certainly would have been better for him to talk a bit, that kind of behavior does deserve the neg.

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Now get this... they gave me $5 back... a day AFTER the neg without further communication. Maybe they hope Ill remove it. I don't think there is any way to.



Well.. somebody was thinking on their end, ebay does now allow you to remove a Neg.

This should help if you are inclined..



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Now get this... they gave me $5 back... a day AFTER the neg without further communication. Maybe they hope Ill remove it. I don't think there is any way to.

You could post a follow-up, if you were so inclined.


But I wouldn't bother. Rude is rude, refund or no.







So out of the Blue I receive this Ebay Email Today On my Ebay profile from a member, I looked up his Ebay feedback ti see who it was, if this was someone I bought from!




Here is the text below in RED!


Message from eBay member, dixonbain


Do not respond to the sender if this message requests that you complete the transaction outside of eBay. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programs. Learn More.


User details:

From User: dixonbain (173)

98.7% Positive Feedback

Member since Oct-13-07 in United States

Location: IL, United States

Activity with dixonbain (last 90 days): I have bid on 0 items from dixonbain

Activity with dixonbain (last 90 days): dixonbain has bid on 0 of my items


Dear nonner242,


Have you drowned in your tears yet, huh?


- dixonbain Want to reply?


Marketplace Safety Tip

Keep your money safe - never pay for items with cash or instant money transfer services, such as Western Union or MoneyGram. In the past some sellers have exploited these


This is the guy I neg'd on Ebay last week! (I posted here in thread)

Seems like someone else felt the same about his "Mailing" habits

So I guess he had to send me a email to lift my spirits up!


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This is the guy I neg'd on Ebay last week! (I posted here in thread)

Seems like someone else felt the same about his "Mailing" habits

So I guess he had to send me a email to lift my spirits up!


Nice. I'd pass that email on to eBay. It had absolutely nothing to do with the transaction and he's just harassing you now.



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This is the guy I neg'd on Ebay last week! (I posted here in thread)

Seems like someone else felt the same about his "Mailing" habits

So I guess he had to send me a email to lift my spirits up!


Nice. I'd pass that email on to eBay. It had absolutely nothing to do with the transaction and he's just harassing you now.




True :ponder:


You know, I was going to take the hit for this damaged game. And just leave a Neg!

But I think Im going to ask for half my cash back. Or at least S&H back

Since the onlything I wanted was the box and it was Crushed!

and since he only spent $1.67 to ship and charged me $4

And now this,hmmmmm


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As well you should have negged him. :thumbsup:


It wouldnt be a bad idea to post his ebay ID here as well to warn others. There should be a "bad ebay user" sticky in the marketplace forum like he bad trader alert thread....

Not surprised that would be your response. :roll: The shipping rate is fine, His response is what deserved a Neg.


Nor am I surprised that your contribution to this thread is taking a shot at me.


The author of this thread stated the seller was wrong because of the AMOUNT of the shipping rate. I agreed with him, as did just about everyone else in this thread yet you chose to single out me.


I'm still waiting to hear your Ebay Id. You said you were this big time seller in one of random attacks on me, yet you never stated what it was. Obviously you lied. And you're a troll.


Back under your bridge, troll.

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