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My Jaguar + games auction starting at $0.01 with Free Shipping. :D


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I guess what's putting people off (more than 1 person now has thought I'm selling my personal Jag :P) is, "MY Jaguar" + games auction." But what I really mean is it's just MY auction, meaning I'm whoring my own auction. I didn't mean it's MY Jaguar, as in my one and only personal Jaggy... ;)


I tried something new this time too. I don't usually start my auctions mega low or with free shipping. :) I have 9 watchers LOL. I never usually get that many watchers on anything I sell...


Oh and Jake, I sent your Jag goods out yesterday via Priority. ;) You should get the package probably Monday, Tuesday at the latest.


And now I have a nearly complete Jag cart and cd collection. :D I just need SuperCross 3d, Defender 2000, I-War and Atari Karts and I'll have all 44 originally released Jag carts. The only Jag cart game I've never owned (not counting homebrews) is Defender 2000... And I did previously own Protector: SE, which is pretty darn similar. :) I've probably at one time or another had nearly all the boxes and manuals to the 45+ Jag/Jag CD Jag games... But money has been kinda tight so I decided awhile back to not care about boxes and manuals anymore, especially since I can make a bit of money off them... Not very much with this economy though... :( Then I need Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Brain Dead 13 and Primal Rage for the Jag CD... Not in a hurry to get any of those stinkers though LOL. :P


The other thing, about that Jag/Jag CD auction I won... They didn't state if the Jag still worked etc. So imagine my horror when I got the stuff and got everything hooked up and went to hit the Power button, and I get a fuzzy screen! I thought "oh SHIT!" lol... But then I did some experimenting and found the Jag works with AV cables ONCE you get the power button to stick on, which only takes 5-10 tries or so. But then I still didn't know if the Jag CD worked. :) So I hooked it up to my personal Jag and it was a NO GO! :( Then I figured it just needed cleaning... Sure enough, I cleaned it and powered it up. I swear I was praying that it would work LMAO and it was awesome when Battlemorph started up! :D Made a difference of about $100 for me LOL... If the Jag CD was dead, would be worth A LOT less than if it worked...

Edited by kevincal
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I tried something new this time too. I don't usually start my auctions mega low or with free shipping. :) I have 9 watchers LOL. I never usually get that many watchers on anything I sell...


Oh and Jake, I sent your Jag goods out yesterday via Priority. ;) You should get the package probably Monday, Tuesday at the latest.


And now I have a nearly complete Jag cart and cd collection.


Awesome, glad you some interest in your auction. :)


Thanks again, can't wait to find out what those mystery games are :D and of course to play AvP and Doom!


Cool, one day I'll have a complete collection :cool:

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I tried something new this time too. I don't usually

Oh and Jake, I sent your Jag goods out yesterday via Priority. ;) You should get the package probably Monday, Tuesday at the latest.


Probably be here a bit later than that, we just got hit by a blizzard, already got 17 inches and its still snowing, but when it gets here I'll finally be able to see the mystery games :D the suspense is killing me :D

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