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My turn to bitch about the Post Office!

Captain Beard

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Usually, I'm the guy defending the post office, but boy am I steamed right now!


Here in Madison, WI, a major snowstorm is bearing down on us, which they predict will dump 5-10" during the night and into tomorrow. So, smart guy that I am, I decided I'd take the eBay stuff I have to ship to the 24-hour Automated Postal Kiosk and get'em out tonight so I wouldn't have to trek through the snow to do it tomorrow.


Only problem is, the damn drop box is jammed shut!! (And this isn't the first time this has happened to me, only the most annoying and inconvenient!)


So much for the POs promise that these kiosks are quick, easy and convenient, eh?


I. Am. So. Mad.


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Usually, I'm the guy defending the post office, but boy am I steamed right now!


Here in Madison, WI, a major snowstorm is bearing down on us, which they predict will dump 5-10" during the night and into tomorrow. So, smart guy that I am, I decided I'd take the eBay stuff I have to ship to the 24-hour Automated Postal Kiosk and get'em out tonight so I wouldn't have to trek through the snow to do it tomorrow.


Only problem is, the damn drop box is jammed shut!! (And this isn't the first time this has happened to me, only the most annoying and inconvenient!)


So much for the POs promise that these kiosks are quick, easy and convenient, eh?


I. Am. So. Mad.


That happened to me once the stupid box was full and wouldn't open. I live in an apartment so I just left the package at the leasing office for the mail man to pick up the following day.


Other times, several in fact, the APC computer was down and I couldn't even buy the postage. That was even more aggravating.

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Those kiosks are ok for me most of the time, but they do not accept media mail and they have restrictions on the minimum purchase (try buying a single stamp). Since there are no longer stamp vending machines, you have to wait in line to buy one stamp. If you want a book of stamps, well, step right up!


Annoying too is they do not offer parcel post on the first screen usually... you have to select "show me more options" -- I wonder how many suckers buy the Priority Mail when they don't really need it...


Last rant:


If I walk up to the clerk and say (very politely too) all in one sentence: "parcel post please, no insurance, no confirmation, no extras, just the cheapest please" they will always say "do you want insurance?" "do you want confirmation?" "for just $2 more you can mail it priority!" etc etc etc


It's like talking to a wall...

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Those kiosks are ok for me most of the time, but they do not accept media mail and they have restrictions on the minimum purchase (try buying a single stamp).

Well, you can't buy a single stamp, but you can buy a single 1st Class postage sticker as long as you already know where it's going ('cuz you have to give the machine a zip code.)


If I walk up to the clerk and say (very politely too) all in one sentence: "parcel post please, no insurance, no confirmation, no extras, just the cheapest please" they will always say "do you want insurance?" "do you want confirmation?" "for just $2 more you can mail it priority!" etc etc etc

Have you noticed that the kiosks do that too?

If you send something Priority Mail, first it asks if you'd like any special services. If you touch the button that says "No, just send it Priority Mail" the next screen asks "Would you like insurance?" and when you hit NO, it then asks "Would you like delivery confirmation?" Uh... what the heck's the point of that first question if you're gonna ask those next two anyway? (It doesn't do this for 1st Class, however.)


As for not accepting Media Mail, yeah... that sucks.

In fact, yesterday I took a $6 hit in postage because I had one box of records to ship via Media Mail (and a bunch of other stuff going out 1st Class and Priority) but this being Christmas, the line at the PO was out the door and at least an hour's wait. But there was nobody using the kiosk, so I decided that my time was worth a few bucks and I just went ahead and shipped the damn thing Priority Mail. In and out in 5 minutes.

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Those kiosks are ok for me most of the time, but they do not accept media mail and they have restrictions on the minimum purchase (try buying a single stamp).

Well, you can't buy a single stamp, but you can buy a single 1st Class postage sticker as long as you already know where it's going ('cuz you have to give the machine a zip code.)


If I walk up to the clerk and say (very politely too) all in one sentence: "parcel post please, no insurance, no confirmation, no extras, just the cheapest please" they will always say "do you want insurance?" "do you want confirmation?" "for just $2 more you can mail it priority!" etc etc etc

Have you noticed that the kiosks do that too?

If you send something Priority Mail, first it asks if you'd like any special services. If you touch the button that says "No, just send it Priority Mail" the next screen asks "Would you like insurance?" and when you hit NO, it then asks "Would you like delivery confirmation?" Uh... what the heck's the point of that first question if you're gonna ask those next two anyway? (It doesn't do this for 1st Class, however.)


As for not accepting Media Mail, yeah... that sucks.

In fact, yesterday I took a $6 hit in postage because I had one box of records to ship via Media Mail (and a bunch of other stuff going out 1st Class and Priority) but this being Christmas, the line at the PO was out the door and at least an hour's wait. But there was nobody using the kiosk, so I decided that my time was worth a few bucks and I just went ahead and shipped the damn thing Priority Mail. In and out in 5 minutes.

Personal Time is a valuable commodity. You got off cheap. Smart move!

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All I can say is, the post office sucks. They wasted literally hours of my life yesterday, and it wasn't in line. It was arguing about regulations in the postal inspectors office because they don't like the format of my edicica/stamps.com LABELS. Have you ever hear of anything so stupid. They get paid, I mail the packages, end of story. But no... it has to be square, and I have to mail it the same day I print it, and I have to use an adhesive label... and I can't tape the label on... A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS... Ive been using the same shipping method for 2 YEARS. They pull this the week before Christmas... and return packages over it!?



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It was arguing about regulations in the postal inspectors office because they don't like the format of my edicica/stamps.com LABELS.


You need to elaborate. I use Endicia on 4x6 thermal labels. I ship 1st class and Priority. I have not had any returned to me because of label format.



But no... it has to be square, and I have to mail it the same day I print it, and I have to use an adhesive label... and I can't tape the label on... A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS... Ive been using the same shipping method for 2 YEARS. They pull this the week before Christmas... and return packages over it!?


They are becoming real sticklers on the date of the postage. I have had to estimate the day I will get the package to them and print for that day. I am usually only 1 day off at the most.

Edited by Almost Rice
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Only problem is, the damn drop box is jammed shut!! (And this isn't the first time this has happened to me, only the most annoying and inconvenient!)

Heck, I've seen these drop boxes jammed at multiple post offices, even in the middle of the day when they are open! I've had to go over to the counter and ask them to unclog it and then wait five minutes while they do. Very well designed.


All I can say is, the post office sucks. They wasted literally hours of my life yesterday, and it wasn't in line. It was arguing about regulations in the postal inspectors office because they don't like the format of my edicica/stamps.com LABELS. Have you ever hear of anything so stupid. They get paid, I mail the packages, end of story. But no... it has to be square, and I have to mail it the same day I print it, and I have to use an adhesive label... and I can't tape the label on... A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS... Ive been using the same shipping method for 2 YEARS. They pull this the week before Christmas... and return packages over it!?

I remember when I first started using Stamps.com, before I later switched to Endicia. I'd get funny looks from postal clerks who weren't familiar with those labels, like I was trying to pull a fast one over the USPS. Never had anyone argue with me about them, though. However, clerks at the current post office I use (and one clerk in particular) make it a point to ask, "Do those packages have today's date on them?" just about every time I drop off a bunch of packages to be mailed. I'm quite confident that they will bounce back packages that don't have the correct date on them (and they've explicitly told me this).


I really loathe the USPS.



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A Virginia Beach post office insisted that I buy stamps from the machine in the lobby once. I explained that I only had a $20 bill and it only gave out dollar coins. I didn't want a pocket full of dollar coins, could you please just sell me a book of stamps. They flat-out refused. I don't remember if I didn't have a cc with me or if it didn't take them, but it wasn't an option for some reason. The thing is that there was NO ONE else in the post office! No one, yet they still wouldn't sell me a book of stamps at the counter! I never returned to that God-forsaken office. Since then, I've bought books of stamps at many other post offices with no issue, so I don't know what their problem was.


The one nearest to me now has very nice (but very slow) people working there, so I've had no problems.

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However, clerks at the current post office I use (and one clerk in particular) make it a point to ask, "Do those packages have today's date on them?" just about every time I drop off a bunch of packages to be mailed. I'm quite confident that they will bounce back packages that don't have the correct date on them (and they've explicitly told me this).


This may be my wife's fault. She is bad a shipping things out late. I print and she gets the items ready for shipment. Which PO do you drop it off at? My wife drops it at Cross Park Dr at the loading dock. She love is because she skips all the lines, boxes that are full, or boxes modified not to accept anything over 13oz.

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A Virginia Beach post office insisted that I buy stamps from the machine in the lobby once. I explained that I only had a $20 bill and it only gave out dollar coins. I didn't want a pocket full of dollar coins, could you please just sell me a book of stamps. They flat-out refused. I don't remember if I didn't have a cc with me or if it didn't take them, but it wasn't an option for some reason. The thing is that there was NO ONE else in the post office! No one, yet they still wouldn't sell me a book of stamps at the counter! I never returned to that God-forsaken office. Since then, I've bought books of stamps at many other post offices with no issue, so I don't know what their problem was..

Wow, that's pretty ridiculous, I can't believe they would not sell you stamps at the counter. Anytime I've had to wait in line at the post office (which thankfully is something I have to do very infrequently now), every third person or so buys stamps from the clerk. How utterly pathetic that they refused to sell you stamps. I would have written the postmaster directly (and copied the postmaster general) had they tried that crap with me.



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A Virginia Beach post office insisted that I buy stamps from the machine in the lobby once. I explained that I only had a $20 bill and it only gave out dollar coins. I didn't want a pocket full of dollar coins, could you please just sell me a book of stamps. They flat-out refused. I don't remember if I didn't have a cc with me or if it didn't take them, but it wasn't an option for some reason. The thing is that there was NO ONE else in the post office! No one, yet they still wouldn't sell me a book of stamps at the counter! I never returned to that God-forsaken office. Since then, I've bought books of stamps at many other post offices with no issue, so I don't know what their problem was..

Wow, that's pretty ridiculous, I can't believe they would not sell you stamps at the counter. Anytime I've had to wait in line at the post office (which thankfully is something I have to do very infrequently now), every third person or so buys stamps from the clerk. How utterly pathetic that they refused to sell you stamps. I would have written the postmaster directly (and copied the postmaster general) had they tried that crap with me.




That wasn't the only problem I had with that station, it was just the most ridiculous and the last straw. They are (or were?) on a huge power trip and had weird made-up rules all the time. For anyone who happens to be in the area, it was the PO on Lynnhaven, across the street and north a little from the Lynnhaven Mall. The one by the courthouse was much bigger and less stupid.

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It was arguing about regulations in the postal inspectors office because they don't like the format of my edicica/stamps.com LABELS.


You need to elaborate. I use Endicia on 4x6 thermal labels. I ship 1st class and Priority. I have not had any returned to me because of label format.



But no... it has to be square, and I have to mail it the same day I print it, and I have to use an adhesive label... and I can't tape the label on... A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS... Ive been using the same shipping method for 2 YEARS. They pull this the week before Christmas... and return packages over it!?


They are becoming real sticklers on the date of the postage. I have had to estimate the day I will get the package to them and print for that day. I am usually only 1 day off at the most.


I use the 2 x 7 format (four on the sheet but long ways). It is in the Endicia templates. If you can't use it, why do they provide it!? The reason for the 2 x 7 is that one or two strips of tape will affix it. I tried using labels, but the cost is nuts, plus if you run out they aren't as easy to get as paper, generally have to order them online. Endicia assures me you CAN tape them on. The only postal rule is with regards to STAMPS not having tape on them. Since an indicia from the post office isn't a stamp, but a prepaid self cancled unique code you can tape it.



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I use the 2 x 7 format (four on the sheet but long ways). It is in the Endicia templates. If you can't use it, why do they provide it!? The reason for the 2 x 7 is that one or two strips of tape will affix it. I tried using labels, but the cost is nuts, plus if you run out they aren't as easy to get as paper, generally have to order them online. Endicia assures me you CAN tape them on. The only postal rule is with regards to STAMPS not having tape on them. Since an indicia from the post office isn't a stamp, but a prepaid self cancled unique code you can tape it.

You most certainly can tape the normal forms you print out, but not stamps as you said. Anything that you can print and affix to a package for mailing from Endicia or Stamps.com will have been approved in advance by the USPS as valid postage. You can bet your ass that the USPS goes through this stuff meticulously (as only they can do) to make sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed. If anyone at a post office branch gives you crap, ask them to point out the regulations showing that the postage you have printed and affixed is not valid (including the use of tape). I've encountered so many USPS clerks that know less about their rules and regs than I do, it's amazing.



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I use the 2 x 7 format (four on the sheet but long ways). It is in the Endicia templates. If you can't use it, why do they provide it!? The reason for the 2 x 7 is that one or two strips of tape will affix it. I tried using labels, but the cost is nuts, plus if you run out they aren't as easy to get as paper, generally have to order them online. Endicia assures me you CAN tape them on. The only postal rule is with regards to STAMPS not having tape on them. Since an indicia from the post office isn't a stamp, but a prepaid self cancled unique code you can tape it.


Prior to using thermal labels, I printed and taped labels to the box. I also used plastic bags for the labels. I never had a problem using either method. I went with thermal labels because printing is faster and ink is expensive. I would avoid that PO just because they do not sound like they want your business..

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I use the 2 x 7 format (four on the sheet but long ways). It is in the Endicia templates. If you can't use it, why do they provide it!? The reason for the 2 x 7 is that one or two strips of tape will affix it. I tried using labels, but the cost is nuts, plus if you run out they aren't as easy to get as paper, generally have to order them online. Endicia assures me you CAN tape them on. The only postal rule is with regards to STAMPS not having tape on them. Since an indicia from the post office isn't a stamp, but a prepaid self cancled unique code you can tape it.

You most certainly can tape the normal forms you print out, but not stamps as you said. Anything that you can print and affix to a package for mailing from Endicia or Stamps.com will have been approved in advance by the USPS as valid postage. You can bet your ass that the USPS goes through this stuff meticulously (as only they can do) to make sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed. If anyone at a post office branch gives you crap, ask them to point out the regulations showing that the postage you have printed and affixed is not valid (including the use of tape). I've encountered so many USPS clerks that know less about their rules and regs than I do, it's amazing.




The people I dealt with were an actual postal inspector and a customer relations specialist. They took me into a special office to "talk" to me for an hour, called the Mailing Requirements Office. They showed me regulations pertaining to stamps, and kept referring to them. I kept saying that what I use are not stamps... they would move on to another issue, and then hit me with the tape on stamps thing again.


I've asked Endicia for the postal regulations showing that you can tape it on. I've had them before (2 years ago) when they pulled this crap on the local level. This time it goes all the way up to the regional inspectors.



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The people I dealt with were an actual postal inspector and a customer relations specialist. They took me into a special office to "talk" to me for an hour, called the Mailing Requirements Office. They showed me regulations pertaining to stamps, and kept referring to them. I kept saying that what I use are not stamps... they would move on to another issue, and then hit me with the tape on stamps thing again.


I've asked Endicia for the postal regulations showing that you can tape it on. I've had them before (2 years ago) when they pulled this crap on the local level. This time it goes all the way up to the regional inspectors.



So stupid. The whole thing with tape over stamps is to prevent people from reusing stamps since the actual "stamp" won't be postmarked if it is covered with tape. You could then theoretically remove the stamp, clean off the postmark, and then apply it to another mail piece. That is a reasonable regulation. With electronic postage, each piece is serialized AND dated, so there's no way to reuse the "stamp" again, at least if the USPS even scans electronic postage to see if it's valid. I would imagine somewhere it get scanned and validated.



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So stupid. The whole thing with tape over stamps is to prevent people from reusing stamps since the actual "stamp" won't be postmarked if it is covered with tape. You could then theoretically remove the stamp, clean off the postmark, and then apply it to another mail piece. That is a reasonable regulation.

I'd find it much more reasonable if the PO was at all consistent about postmarking stamps.

My Dad's a stamp collector who likes to have a fresh, clean copy as well as a postmarked copy of every stamp (I'd make fun of him if I didn't have 1500+ Atari game label/cart variations... but I digress. :) ) To that end, whenever he mails me anything, he expects the stamp returned postmarked. I'd say 1 out of 5 times, the postmark is nowhere near the stamp and every once in a while there isn't one at all.



I really do gotta say how flabbergasted I am by some of the horror stories you guys tell of your local POs.

I guess here in Madison, I'm spoiled, 'cuz with few exceptions, all the postal clerks I deal with are friendly and helpful (and not just the ones that know me.) I've never had any of them suggest I "upgrade" to Priority Mail and if I say "no special services" they don't ask if I'd like any special services. In fact, sometimes they're a little too eager to be helpful (I've had a few far-too-involved run-ins with new clerks who insist it would be cheaper if I used the Flat Rate box to ship LPs. That'd work, I suppose... but I'd have to shave 1½" or so off every album to fit'em in the box... :D)

Actually, my biggest pet peeve (and note that compared to all your complaints, it's barely even worth mentioning) is that no matter how many times I write or stamp "First Class" or "Media Mail" on a package, the clerk invariably hunts around their desk to find their ink stamp so they can add one of their own. Can postal carriers only see "official" PO rubber stamps or what? They also have a bizarre tendency to add a strip of Priority Mail tape to my packages, even if there's already a PM sticker on every single side of the box.

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I guess I'm lucky too, I've never had any trouble with taped paper PayPal postage labels, or with them being a day off. I love waltzing into the PO service counter area, bypassing the line completely, and plopping down a pile of packages, saying "these are ready to go!" (So this is how VIPs must feel being whisked into trendy nightclubs!) The only time I have had any trouble was when dropping them off in a different ZIP code, but now that PayPal added a field to type in a different originating ZIP, that problem is alleviated.

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...Since there are no longer stamp vending machines, you have to wait in line to buy one stamp. If you want a book of stamps, well, step right up!...


The two post offices closest to where I work now have no single stamp machines, no book stamp machines, and no APCs. It's really ticking me off... the fact that the 24hr Walgreens sells books of stamps just became much more useful, though.

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I guess I'm lucky too, I've never had any trouble with taped paper PayPal postage labels, or with them being a day off. I love waltzing into the PO service counter area, bypassing the line completely, and plopping down a pile of packages, saying "these are ready to go!" (So this is how VIPs must feel being whisked into trendy nightclubs!) The only time I have had any trouble was when dropping them off in a different ZIP code, but now that PayPal added a field to type in a different originating ZIP, that problem is alleviated.



Try that in Nashville, TN. I'm no racist. I state that first. You walk in there 4pm you are going to find two women working, and a black guy sitting there reading white hate books (I'm not kidding... you should see the titles alone) You try to give them to the guy not doing anything, he WILL tell you to get in the line. Even if you try to give it to one of the ladies checking people out, he will get huffy with you. If I can't get it in the APC slot and avoid them all together (ADD ANOTHER APC THAT IS ALWAYS CLOGGED, Nashville, TN Royal PKWY) I have to have it picked up by my mail man. They WILL find a problem with any package I send from the customer counter. They have gone so far as to refuse a package that was 1/4 inch larger than allowed for the service selected per their tape measure, even though the box said 12 x 4 x 36 clearly printed on the bottom. The woman said This is 12 x 4 x 36 1/4, $23 extra please.



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...Since there are no longer stamp vending machines, you have to wait in line to buy one stamp. If you want a book of stamps, well, step right up!...


The two post offices closest to where I work now have no single stamp machines, no book stamp machines, and no APCs. It's really ticking me off... the fact that the 24hr Walgreens sells books of stamps just became much more useful, though.


The small post office where I have my P.O. box has had a sign on their stamp book machine for months saying that it was out of order and would be removed in June. This isn't just a handwritten note, but an official form. It seems that it was very picky about the dollar bills that it would accept. Some times people would get 5 or 6 dollars in and then it wouldn't work with the other ones that they had. Of course, it would not return the money that they had already put in. So there were times when I would stop by on my way to work and the machine would show a bunch of credit on it.



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