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Sprite blank space question


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Is there a difference between this:



and this:



when it comes to height? Say for example, I set the player's height at 72. Would the height be two pixels up since I put two rows of blank space above where the sprite actually starts?

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Is there a difference between this:



and this:



when it comes to height? Say for example, I set the player's height at 72. Would the height be two pixels up since I put two rows of blank space above where the sprite actually starts?

If you're using the "player0:" command (or 1 through 5), bB will set the player's height for you, and yes, it will include any blank rows in the height.


If you're talking about the player's vertical position on the screen ("player0y"), the answer is also yes, the sprite will be put at the indicated position regardless of what each row of bits looks like-- so if the first two rows are blank, then the part of the sprite you can actually see (i.e., that's made up of non-blank rows) will appear to be at a vertical position that's off by 2 from the position you specified.


The same thing goes for columns of blank pixels-- e.g., if the two leftmost bits in every row of player data (i.e., the two leftmost columns of pixels) are all 0s, the sprite will appear to be 2 off from the "player0x" position you specified.



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