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I think I realized why many don't like resellers...


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I dont see how I didnt answer your question. But Im glad we can finally move on.

But Chris, if the only time you address me is with snide remarks and expect me not to be offended, then how can you expect me to react in any other manner than defensive? I am not eager to engage you in ugly and draining conversation, but the only time we engage is after you've made a snide remark directed at me and you know that is true. Im not eager to have these discussions with you and I do realize we have much in common which surprises me that even still you have to get a digg in towards me at every oppty.

Even now when you are subtely being civil towards me you squarely place all the blame on me for our disgreements. I dont need aggravation and that is not why I come here. So hopefully we can be more civil to each other from now on. Cheers and hopefully, another useless thread is done.

I think you take my sarcastic remarks more pointedly and find more offense in them than is necessary, especially considering that you often dish out far worse. Nevertheless, I see what you're saying and I understand that you regard those remarks by me as "slights" to your character and that you feel it is necessary to defend yourself against them.


Also, I'm not being "subtly" civil towards you. Yes, at times I've used sarcasm and tit-for-tat rhetoric in our conversations, but I have always strived to remain civil with you. I have never intentionally been disingenuous in this regard.


Nor am I suggesting that you, alone, are to blame for our disagreements, but the friction between us stems from the manner in which you've interacted with myself and several others on this forum in the past. I'm not interested in bringing up the specifics of the past as I believe delving into all that in an effort to ease relations now would be counter productive. Moreover, I recognize that although you're still willing to dish out contumely, you've moderated the crass and vituperative spirit that once characterized your interactions with those on this forum who didn't share your perspective. I don't want to be presumptive or patronizing when I say that (or this), but I think you're making an effort to move away from your past, and I respect that.


I too would like it if you and I could reach and move forward under some form of detente. In that spirit, I've decided to wipe clean your slate. Moving forward, I'm going to suspend any consideration of the past in my interactions with you and judge you based on your statements from this point forward. I can't promise that this will lead us to a rosy future, but I hope it will go some distance toward alleviating this reoccurring animosity.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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You bunch of fucking cry babies! He owns 2 copies of a $200 title so he sells off his old one when he upgraded to a better condition one that he got a great deal on so you rag him out? Fucking pathetic. Ride someone elses jock for a while why don't you. Jealous bitches.

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