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Can't use joystick extension cables on the 7800?


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Here's something odd:


I finally scored a 7800 from a nice forum member and have been playing around with it today. I have Commando (really love this game) and Mario Bros so far. I also have a few Sega Genesis (actual Sega made) joystick extension cables that I use with various systems (Colecovision, Atari 2600, XE, and so on) Well, they do work on the 7800, somewhat. I plugged one in the joystick 1 and played a few rounds of Mario Bros just fine. Popped in Commando on the otehr hand, and the left button (button to fire and to start the game) does not function. I unplugged the extension cable and plugged the joystick in directly...and it works just fine. Why is this? This is the *first* time I have ever had any type of issue using extension cables on a system. I mean, they work on the Colecovision and its two buttons/keypad. Very odd. Can someone else confirm that you cannot use extension cables with games that require two buttons?

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It sounds like one of the pins is not wired.




I think sega droped pin 5 on some of there later cords. They also switched to that crappy threaded copper wire also instead of solid copper which was really cheap of them to do as that stuff breaks SOOOO easy.



This has to be the reason. The other cord works fine, so confirmed. Thanks for the replies. That cord went straight in the trash :)

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Yeah, I am now using it on the 2600 only. It works fine with the one button stick. It's funny, because if I never tried it on the 7800 I would have never known. This was a brand new (new old stock) Genesis cable. I purchased two of these boxed, and both appear to look the same...although of course I can't see internally :) At least one of these works fine on the 7800. I like to sit a little further away than the stock cables allow.

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I had the same problem with a couple of cables I picked up from Best. Not all the pins are wired so I can't use them with the 7800 or with paddles.


If anyone knows where to get cables that for sure will work with every controller I'd like to know.


If all the pins are wired there's no reason they wouldn't work with driving controllers etc. right?

Edited by godzillajoe
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