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Phantasm 2600 by Hozer? Ya right!


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Evil Dead 2, Jaws and Dawn of the dead are all hacks with labels that I designed for Salem Frost. I forget what Evil Dead 2 was a hack of but Jaws is a very nice hack of Texas Chainsaw and Dawn of the Dead is my Worm War I hack. I have no idea what the original game is for the Phantasm hack, Maybe Haunted House? That Phantasm game is not in any way associated with the upcoming Phantasm Homebrew release.


I don't pretend to have any rights to these games since the ones I worked on are hacks of original games. Anyone that has released any of my hacks knows that all I ask for is a copy for my personal collection. Randy has sent me a few cartridges in the past so I really don't have a problem with these since I did receive copies of the games from Salem Frost.


That being said, Anyone can do a search here on AtariAge for ( Hozer ), And make you own decisions based on what you read. There is a reason I do not post BINS of original hombrew games or high resolution labels. All of my future releases, Starting with Phantasm, Will use original artwork from professional artist that do not let unauthorized copies of their work go unchallenged or unpunished.

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Just did a search and found this site:



I have no idea who it is but they are selling the same versions on EBAY.


From the Evil Dead 2 description it must be another Texas Chainsaw Massacre hack:


Product Description

This is the game Evil Dead 2 for the Atari 2600 game system.


Imagine hunting down Deadites and Demons with a chainsaw that you used to lop off your own hand and replaced it with.

Edited by neotokeo2001
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Just did a search and found this site:



I have no idea who it is but they are selling the same versions on EBAY.


From the Evil Dead 2 description it must be another Texas Chainsaw Massacre hack:


Product Description

This is the game Evil Dead 2 for the Atari 2600 game system.


Imagine hunting down Deadites and Demons with a chainsaw that you used to lop off your own hand and replaced it with.

Yep, i also stumbled over this site a few weeks ago... IMO every site that sells hozer-crap sucks and it's best to forget about it.


About Evil Dead 2... I think it's Salem Frost's TCM-Hack:



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if the fat bastard does


Don't hate him because he is fat. There are nice fat people too :D


AX (the fat bearded guy)



I don't descriminate on physical apearance. I was once overweight also. Fat is his body type, Bastard is his life style. Hense, FAT BASTARD.

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Jaws is a very nice hack of Texas Chainsaw


That it is, I play it on Stella and would buy it if it were sold here at AA instead of Hozer.

I have had no dealings with Randy but from his reputation I refuse to do so even though I want a copy of Edtris, I don't want it his way.


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Bastard is his life style.

Technically, "bastard" isn't really a lifestyle...it's something you're born into. But whatever. :P

In this day and age, I don't think anyone uses the original meaning of having unmarried parents; the originally slang meaning, "a vicious, despicable, or thoroughly disliked person," is pretty much standard now.

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Okay guys, I'm not a big fan of Randy either, but the name calling needs to stop. If you have factual information or questions you want to post, that's fine, but resorting to name calling (no matter how much you don't like the guy) goes against the grain of the forums here.





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