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H.E.R.O. for the SMS (sg1000)


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Actually the Sega Master System is the succesor to the Sega1000. The SG1000 is hardware wise, basically a Colecovision, check out the specs on Wiki.

The Master System is easly more powerful than the SG1000, but it also is backward compatible with it.

SG1000 also got an interesting port of Pitfall 2 that looks quiet diferent from the ports on the 5200 and Colecovision, as well as other nice ports of Sega arcade games from the time, many of them exclusive to the SG1000.

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Just noticed that H.E.R.O. actually came out for the sg1000

23 years late, but yeah... :P :lolblue:


That said...This got me to thinking, never tried any of the SG1000 stuff myself. So I just did. Bunch of games.


BTW: On the Xbox, the Xport version of SMS/GG emulator doesn't work for SG1000 roms (no graphics), but the MekaX version works.


Anywho, wow, what a hit or miss system. Some games are actually pretty good, then some are pretty bad. Congo Bongo comes to mind as being bad. Couldn't even try to simulate 3d (even the 2600 managed doing that!). Monaco GP was ok, then I remember I played it before. Le Mans on the C64 which looked and played better and came out a year earlier. Pitfall II is pretty good, so is Hero. DokiDoki Penguin looks fun, but it's pretty hard and I keep breaking my egg. I think all in all, I had the most fun playing Flicky.

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I dunno I guess I've been in one of those compare cross platform titles state of mind lately. :lol:

Yeah, i love comparing titles that appeared on many consoles too. :)



I love doing that as well. The "Many Faces Of..." portion of RTM was always my favorite section. It's sad that publication seems to be dieing out. They seriously need help in the form of extra writers. I need to motivate myself to do so soon.

As for the cross platform games, I'm trying to obtain as many versions as possible for my favorite games, mostly 80's Arcade titles. It's so much fun comparing both the similarities and differences of any given game between systems. Even in a simple game such as Galaxian there's so much variety between the ports I have, those being: VCS, 5200, Famicom, ColecoVision, Vic-20, Sinclair Spectrum, Bally Astrocade, Apple ][, IBM PC (PC Booter), MSX and Commodore 64. Both in graphical make up and game play they are so similar but yet at the same time very unique unto themselves to some degree. Just as it is with H.E.R.O. as the OP noted. Being another of my favorites, I'm trying to get as many of those as I can. The SG-1000 version is very unique, graphically, being reworked into a cartoon-ish appearance. Sadly, I got outbid on it the last time the card was on Ebay. :( Playing it via emulation is fine and all but nothing beats playing games on the original hardware. ;)


Check out the different screen shots for H.E.R.O. on MobyGames, linked below. Unfortunately they don't include the Sega 1000/3000 version, but can be seen in the other links below the MobyGames one. :D


H.E.R.O. screenshots


H.E.R.O. SG-1000


also at VG Museum

Edited by darthkur
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