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Please someone help me out on this Paypal dispute


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Ok here is the story. In November I sold some memory to a guy. He paid with paypal and I packed the memory and sent it within a day of his purchase, clicking "shipped" and I probably sent him a email telling him it was on the way (don't rem for sure but I usually do this). This was Nov 21 the auction ended. I never hear from him again. Now it's January and I get a "paypal dispute" and he is saying he neevr received the memory. Not once did he contact me in this whole time.


Already Paypal has I guess frozen the amount he sent me originally.


What do I do? Am I forced to refund his money? I mean, on the one hand I feel for him if he really didnt get the memory, but I seriously have my doubts. Why did he wait so long? Why didnt he contact me all this time? Am I just at any buyers mercy and now I need to pay for delivery confirmation to cover my butt? Is that why he is doing this? To take advantage of me for being naive and not getting delivery confirmation? I feel like I am being robbed by this guy.





It's not the end of the world, I know, but I would appreciate any advice or guidance in this matter.

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Assuming you shipped with USPS, did you get delivery confirmation for the package? If so, you should easily be able to see if the package was delivered, and this is generally all the proof you need on your end for PayPal to side in your favor. If not, then there's not likely much you can do. Was this an eBay transaction? If so, is the auction still visible? I'd be curious to see the guy's feedback.


Edit: I see you did state you didn't get delivery confirmation, my bad.. Yeah, there's not much you can do in this case..



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this is his feedback profile: LINK



I'm interested in what you people think. I guess you are all right, now I need to get delivery confirmation. I just don't get it. If he really didnt receive the package why wait so long and why contact PayPal before a least notifying me?


I guess I will just click refund and put this to rest, but I feel like I am being scammed and I gotta wonder if this guy is doing to this others. It seems with this system anyone that sends anything without delivery confirmation can be taken advantage by a dishonest buyer. I guess I've been lucky so far...

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