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Sealed insanity comes to the N64...


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Tell me what is the site called again. :roll: I can't believe I am getting flack for being an Atari 2600 fanboy on the premier Atari retro site. Really this is an Atari site, not an NES site, not a Playstation site, but a site dedicated to Atari. I would think if there was one place I could talk up the coolness of the Atari it would be on this site.

Just because this is an Atari site doesn't oblogate or justify being an ass towards everything else. How is that talking up the coolness of the Atari? What does you continuiously criticizing people for loving/supporting a different platform that doesn't concern you do to support that end?


Just because other collectors dare collect and spend their money on things you don't collect. The nerve! Collectors should only collect what you collect and spend their money in your hobby. How DARE they love/support their hobby and not yours. :roll:


It would be easier to accept your whining if you didn't always qualify your comments by comparing them to the 2600 and suggesting that it's the only valid system to collect for, or is the only one deserving of "outragous prices". Even with systems that are equally+ collectable (like Intellivision), you whine when something sells for more then something on the 2600 and, actuall rarity & supply/demand be damned, try to play down the rarity of said items to justify it. :|


Look at this thread there are more people actually defending the Nintendo 64 and justifying people paying outragous prices

Like Shawn said, it's about defending choice. To that end, there many people who have the same attitue towards the 2600 and would shit themselves & die at the prospect of spending $800+ dollars for 2600 game and can make all the same arguments to say it's stupid and unjustified.


This is not about me this is about the hobby I love.

Actually, it is, because you have a long history of this. Even inside your own hobby in reverse. It's all quite contrary to your statement. If it's not about you, then quit being a Fanboy (you said it, not me), accept you don't control rarity/market value inside your hobby, that other hobbies exist than yours, and that they are equaly as deserving in their own right.

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My 2 sixhundred

is my choice

shouting out with brutal voice


Old Homerdandy is my man

defending our beloved system!


he always gets a bash for it

by Arty, Shawn and other guys

Oh, this is not that surprise! ;)


But hey,

old Homerboy is even more

my man

for always fighting for my system!



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My 2 sixhundred

is my choice

shouting out with brutal voice


Old Homerdandy is my man

defending our beloved system!


he always gets a bash for it

by Arty, Shawn and other guys

Oh, this is not that surprise! ;)


But hey,

old Homerboy is even more

my man

for always fighting for my system!




Not bad Iwan. You missed your calling in life!

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My 2 sixhundred

is my choice

shouting out with brutal voice


Old Homerdandy is my man

defending our beloved system!


he always gets a bash for it

by Arty, Shawn and other guys

Oh, this is not that surprise! ;)


But hey,

old Homerboy is even more

my man

for always fighting for my system!



Thanks I appreciate the support. :D :cool:

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A lot of it has to do with the crash. Many 2600 games went unsold and sat in wherehouses and back rooms for years. There weren't many dealers who bought Mario party 1 (a $60 game that they had to pay $54 PLUS shipping for) just to have it sit the back room till now. The added ability of eBay lets many smaller stores sell the unwanted stock pretty quickly with little effort.


It was a popular and expensive game that was bought up by consumers who opened and played them. Finding a sealed copy isn't impossible but it is harder than you might think.


As for the 800 for this vs other things it doesn't matter to the customer who is trying to complete the 64 series. IF someone is trying to get a full set of sealed N64 games than it doesn't matter what 800 buys in Atari games unless they collect those.


Is Mario Party 1 worth $800? No it is overpriced and will fall in the nexzt few years. Mario 64 went through the same process before the supply outnumbered the few people willing to pay these prices.

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