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Wizard Games Fraud?


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Are these for real? It sounds like someone is dumping out repos to me and pretending, with clever wording and answers, that they're not without really addressing the issue.




The reason I ask is that, a week or so ago, I had asked a seller I wanted a game from if he had a few I was looking for. He said something to the effect of 'I can easily make any game for you and even a nice label. I do this all the time, just let me know what you want.' That being said I didn't look at his auctions anymore. Just curious how easy it is to reproduce Atari carts and if so, it seems to me this guy is trying to rip people off because of the recent, ridiculous auctions for these two games (only Texas Chainsaw Massacre in link above, check his other auctions).

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I'd expect nothing but a reproduction if I bought that auction item.


It's not at all difficult to reproduce most Atari 2600 games. The required equipment isn't anything rare or special and the knowledge can be dug out of the AtariAge forums readily. I'd guess there are easily 10-20 or more AtariAge members who have the necessary equipment and knowledge (including me).


I don't care for the ambiguity of the listing. Of course it's in good shape, he just made it. I think "good shape" is implied in a newly produced product and the use of such terminology is designed to make it seem as though this is a "vintage" item.


I don't know if it's worth $50 to somebody to have one of those, but I wouldn't buy from someone I perceived as being intentionally misleading in their auction presentation. That is how I personally perceive the referenced auction, but that may just be my natural-born skeptical and cynical nature.


I'd definitely ask the seller the direct "Is it reproduction or vintage?" question if you're interested in buying it.

Edited by BigO
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I emailed him and asked if its real or a repro and if he could take a picture, here's his reply:


it's the real thing although with the label, it might look like a reproduction copy. i can't put up a picture yet but i will sooner or later.


If the part I bolded doesn't raise red flags, I don't know what would.

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Hhahah, as I said, he uses some pretty clever wording. I hate sellers that do the 'this works but I'm not sure if it's rare or not' shtick. Just say it's a reproduction, I'm making a little over cost and I won't feel like your ruining the idea of collecting.

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Hhahah, as I said, he uses some pretty clever wording. I hate sellers that do the 'this works but I'm not sure if it's rare or not' shtick. Just say it's a reproduction, I'm making a little over cost and I won't feel like your ruining the idea of collecting.


For someone honest, it might be a grey area on ebay since they have rules against copies.... but they wouldnt be trying to sell it for $50-100 if they were honest.


I'd just fess up, its not the rare collectors one - its just the game if you want to play the game... and sell it for a lot less. :)

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Well, $50 seems fair ONLY from what I know from NES and SMS repos. That's just a little over cost for those, so I assume roughly the same price for Atari carts. If not, then yeah, I agree.


Whether or not thats true, the point is the seller is selling them as originals, not reproductions. Anyone buying is led to believe they're getting an original game.

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Well yes, I stated that earlier. If he stated that I wouldn't mind at all and even might have considered it. Then again, probably not because I'd rather own the real deal if I wanted it in the first place. Seems there have been a rash of repos lately. Someone just started selling SMS repos and we tried to have him shut down but eBay continues to allow them to move ahead.

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Well, $50 seems fair ONLY from what I know from NES and SMS repos. That's just a little over cost for those, so I assume roughly the same price for Atari carts. If not, then yeah, I agree.

Just take a look at the AA-Store, Atari 2600 homebrews or repros are usually sold for $20-$30. $50 is way too much for a 2600 repro cart!

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So I sent the seller this message:


Hi, I see where you said you can't put up an actual picture of the cartridge. So, does the cartridge look like this:



and then he responded, after the auction was over and the cart didn't sell:


no, it looks like the picture on the auction. if you're still interested, i could just put it back up.


so I sent this message back:


It's too bad you can't take a picture of the actual cartridge. Because you say it looks like the picture in the auction - which is a picture of the box the game came in - that means that the label on the cartridge was probably made by someone, not the company, so there is the possibility that this might be a duplicated cart. On the other hand, some Wizard Video cartridges were sold without a label, so it could be a legitimate cart that someone just slapped a homemade label on. With a cartridge like this that has some potential rarity & value, you probably will not be able to sell it without establishing if it is indeed an authentic cartridge or if it is an aftermarket copy that an Atari enthusiast made.

update for his reply...


actually, when i bought it, the cartridge didnt come with a label, so i printed something out of the computer and glued it on.

Edited by Zwackery
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