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Filling up a Playfield Randomly

Primordial Ooze

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I would like to know if it is possible to "fill" a playfield up randomly. I am creating a remake of monstachase while i take a break on 2600 hero.


to start




then before the game is started:



// left to right
for temp1 = 2 to 29

		  // generate a random number between 0 and 1
		  rand = r

		  // if rand is greater then 127, then turn the playfield pixel on
		  if rand >  127 then pfpixel temp1 1 on:next

		  // top to bottom
		 for temp2 = 2 to 10

		 // generate a random number between 0 and 1
		  rand = r

		  // if rand is greater then 127, then turn the playfield pixel on
		  if rand >  127 then pfpixel 1 temp2 on:next


Please let me know if this is correct.


2600 Hero

Edited by 2600 Hero
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At a glance, the code looks okay to me. But in the playfield statement you need to take out the % at the beginning of each line. The % symbol is used to indicate a binary value, so you need to use it when defining the data for a player. But the data for the playfield doesn't use binary values, because there are 32 pixels instead of only 8 pixels-- plus, the playfield data is expressed using periods and Xs, whereas binary values are expressed using 0s and 1s.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not believe bBasic supports nested for-loops. To make nested loops you will have to build them yourself using if-then goto constructs.


Also, you put your 'next' instructions inside the if-then statements, so the next is executed only if the condition is true.


Moreover, trying to randomly plot the entire playfield in one overscan period is not possible, the screen will roll. I recommend you add a call to drawscreen at the end of the outer loop so that the screen is drawn as each row of random pixels is added.

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  • 4 years later...

I tried pasting the code in my project, but I get a syntax error at this line:

					 if rand > 127 then pfpixel 1 temp2 on:next

You might try putting the next on a separate line. Looking back at the original code in the first post, I'm not sure if the next statements should have been inside the ifs the way they were.


Other than that suggestion, the pfpixel statement might not be available in all bB kernels-- for example, I don't think it works with the multisprite kernel.

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I do not believe bBasic supports nested for-loops. To make nested loops you will have to build them yourself using if-then goto constructs.


You can nest for-next loops

You only get one next per for and a next is associates with the

next previous for that's not already paired with a next




for j = 1 to 10
for i = 1 to 10
goto skip


is like


for j = 1 to 10
for i = 1 to 10
goto skip
next i
next j


(even if you put in the i and the j :) )

(like this)

for j = 1 to 10
for i = 1 to 10
goto skip
next j
next i

Edited by bogax
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