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Ebay shipping hassle


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I have a Ebay seller rating of 216, but I haven't sold or bought much until recently. The shipping cost setup on Ebay is driving me crazy. I know how much the games will cost to ship, but Ebay won't allow me to put the correct shipping cost on my auction. I try to put 7 dollars to ship 15 games by priority mail and after I fill out the form for weight it says I am charging 14 dollars!? Then I try to go parcel post and it says I can't charge more than 6 dollars so I change my cost to 6 dollars by parcel post and submit the revisions only to see that the revised auction now shows shipping as 5 dollars. What the flying f***!! I know damned well it didn't used to be this hard to list your shipping cost. Is it just me or has anyone else had a problem with this? Am I just a complete dufus? :dunce:

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No, I was quite angry about this when it was first implemented. As far as I know from looking around and talking to online help directly, there is no way around it. You have to put in the weight for the prices and it's REALLY annoying. When it first happened I had to refund several bidders for overcharges because I was afraid since the first time I tried I ended up losing over $70 due to UNDERcharging. I have no idea why they did this because it leaves out the ability to add charges like bubble mailers (should the bidder want them) and such. I really wish they'd fix it. The best you can do is slightly overestimate or make sure you have exactly what you're shipping boxed up. Weigh it so it's exact and leave it at that.

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It makes you wonder though, do they get something out of it? I would find it hard to believe that a generally advanced system would have such a stupid feature in it. This goes back to the strange event that happened to a friend of mine when he didn't use his account for awhile. A mysterious, suspicious user hijacked his account and then another suspicious user purchased a watch from his account he wasn't selling and the money went into his Paypal account. Several months later Paypal asked for it back. Still haven't figured that one out. Upon looking at the list of things the bidder had bought, they were all very expensive watches with generally the same listing style.

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The easiest way around this is to charge a little bit more in the auction to make up the difference. And yes it is making a little more money for E-Bay, as you have to sale for more, they make more. I don"t like it either, but we have to play the hand they have delt us (or we can move to CTCW :) )

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The easiest way around this is to charge a little bit more in the auction to make up the difference. And yes it is making a little more money for E-Bay, as you have to sale for more, they make more. I don"t like it either, but we have to play the hand they have delt us (or we can move to CTCW :) )


Now I'm confused. How do you charge a little bit more in the auction?

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The easiest way around this is to charge a little bit more in the auction to make up the difference. And yes it is making a little more money for E-Bay, as you have to sale for more, they make more. I don"t like it either, but we have to play the hand they have delt us (or we can move to CTCW :) )


Now I'm confused. How do you charge a little bit more in the auction?


Perhaps he means making the starting bid higher?

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Yeah, that's a good idea too. DON'T do as I did and try to wait to increase shipping later, because then you get a bidder who buys based on listing and you can't really argue against them because that's what you had in the auction.

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