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Atari 1050 Drive Problem


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My second post....


I have dug out my old Atari computer and 1050 drive from the garage and have had some problems with the drive.


Initially it booted up to DOS 2.5 fine using some 20+ year old disks. I managed to list the directories of a few disks and then the drive started playing up.


The drive turns for a few seconds (red light on), stops, and then repeats this process continuously. It even does this when I eject the disk. If I turn it off for about 15 mins it usually works again for a few mins but then I get the same problem.


I got this drive from Ebay about 5 years ago because the same problem happened with my old drive. Does anyone have any advice on whether this can be fixed. Thanks.

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You can fix anything, right?


When you power up the drive, it runs a little diagnostic routine that checks the major chips and sensors like the track zero LED. If it fails, it just re-cycles through the tests again. And again. And again.


Sounds like a thermal bug. May be power supply. May be capacitors/diodes.


Not so easy to fix.


Does it make nasty noises when it fails?






My second post....


I have dug out my old Atari computer and 1050 drive from the garage and have had some problems with the drive.


Initially it booted up to DOS 2.5 fine using some 20+ year old disks. I managed to list the directories of a few disks and then the drive started playing up.


The drive turns for a few seconds (red light on), stops, and then repeats this process continuously. It even does this when I eject the disk. If I turn it off for about 15 mins it usually works again for a few mins but then I get the same problem.


I got this drive from Ebay about 5 years ago because the same problem happened with my old drive. Does anyone have any advice on whether this can be fixed. Thanks.

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When you power up the drive, it runs a little diagnostic routine that checks the major chips and sensors like the track zero LED. If it fails, it just re-cycles through the tests again. And again. And again.


Actually the self-test is run only once at power-up. If it fails, then it constantly blinks the led slowly. A couple of run-time errors might make the firmware jump to the error condition (constant blinking led) as well.

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Actually I have a question too, I got a bunch of free floppies from someone today, is the drive suppose to automatically load when you insert a disk? I tried several disks and none load up. The drive seems to work find, it does the diag check and the red light stays on. He said that the disks could be bad but I want to make sure I'm not missing something since my memory is pretty foggy when it comes to disk drive usage.

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Actually I have a question too, I got a bunch of free floppies from someone today, is the drive suppose to automatically load when you insert a disk? I tried several disks and none load up. The drive seems to work find, it does the diag check and the red light stays on. He said that the disks could be bad but I want to make sure I'm not missing something since my memory is pretty foggy when it comes to disk drive usage.


switch off atari computer

insert disk

turn on atari computer. That's the trick.


If you have an atari 400/800 make sure Basic cart is inserted when you boot a disk with basic programs, and leave the basic cartridge out of the slot in any other case.


If you use an XL/XE computer, hold option while you turn on the computer, when you boot a non-basic disk.


And in case of atari 400 and atari 600XL: be sure you have upgraded your memory. 16K is too less to use the diskdrive.


And for topicstarter: I don't know this problem. There is a 1050 diagnostics disk. If you like I could post the ATR here... then you can check up the drive with that.



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Thanks for responses.


As requested I have some extra info. The drive works for about 2/3 minutes fine. Then it struggles to read a disk sometimes getting a 'timeout error' - I only get this error with a DOS 3 disks (not DOS 2.5).


If I then turn the drive off and then on again - it repeatedly lights up, turns, stops, lights up, turn, stop, etc. It will not boot up. At this stage it is NOT making a noise apart from the sound of the disk spinning. I NEED TO leave it OFF for about 5 mins and then turn it on and it works again for a couple or so minutes.


I also took a fresh disk and tried to format it. Half way through it got the same problem.


I will try to see if I can find an old spare power supply in case it is that.





You can fix anything, right?


When you power up the drive, it runs a little diagnostic routine that checks the major chips and sensors like the track zero LED. If it fails, it just re-cycles through the tests again. And again. And again.


Sounds like a thermal bug. May be power supply. May be capacitors/diodes.


Not so easy to fix.


Does it make nasty noises when it fails?






My second post....


I have dug out my old Atari computer and 1050 drive from the garage and have had some problems with the drive.


Initially it booted up to DOS 2.5 fine using some 20+ year old disks. I managed to list the directories of a few disks and then the drive started playing up.


The drive turns for a few seconds (red light on), stops, and then repeats this process continuously. It even does this when I eject the disk. If I turn it off for about 15 mins it usually works again for a few mins but then I get the same problem.


I got this drive from Ebay about 5 years ago because the same problem happened with my old drive. Does anyone have any advice on whether this can be fixed. Thanks.

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Thanks for responses.


As requested I have some extra info. The drive works for about 2/3 minutes fine. Then it struggles to read a disk sometimes getting a 'timeout error'


If I then turn the drive off and then on again - it repeatedly lights up, turns, stops, lights up, turn, stop, etc. It will not boot up. At this stage it is NOT making a noise apart from the sound of the disk spinning. I NEED TO leave it OFF for about 5 mins and then turn it on and it works again for a couple or so minutes.


I also took a fresh disk and tried to format it. Half way through it got the same problem.


I will try to see if I can find an old spare power supply in case it is that.

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First, try a different SIO cable. If you don't have another one, gently shake the cable at load time with an expendable disk. Take note if you get a different error condition.




Open the drive. Ground yourself. Press all of the socketed chips firmly, by first pushing both ends simultaneously with your first & second fingers, apply vibrato (wiggle both fingers quickly while pressing - ha...) then slide the edge of your thumb down the length of the IC. You should hear some crusty crunchy noises as the chips are reseated.


Be sure to say "Abracadabra" the first time. If it still doesn't work, threaten it with physical violence. Say it loud enough to teach the neighborhood kids some new curse words!


= )



Make more coffee, try other options, but remember, you must INTIMIDATE the machine.


If questioned, cite the definition from the old days:

Hacker: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects.


= )

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Be sure to say "Abracadabra" the first time. If it still doesn't work, threaten it with physical violence. Say it loud enough to teach the neighborhood kids some new curse words!


= )



Make more coffee, try other options, but remember, you must INTIMIDATE the machine.



= )


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Be sure to say "Abracadabra" the first time. If it still doesn't work, threaten it with physical violence. Say it loud enough to teach the neighborhood kids some new curse words!


= )



Make more coffee, try other options, but remember, you must INTIMIDATE the machine.



= )



Also, plug in the soldering iron before you do that - don't actually use it, just let the drive know you are ready and willing to do so.

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It really does sound thermal, if it works for a bit, then starts to fail. If you can, find some electronic coolant spray for testing thermal issues. I would test by taking the top cover off the drive and put a fan on it. See if the drive runs longer while being cooled. If so, remove the fan and place the top cover back on, without the screws, run it until it starts failing. When it does, remove the cover and immediately start spraying the coolant on individual parts in the power rectifier area of the drive. Each time you cool a part, try to read a disk. You should be able to track the part or parts that are failing and know what needs to be replaced.

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if drive won't seek, even at power cycle when condition occour, then i would suspect riot chip - this one is responsible for driving seek motor (don't know how could i name it - it is the one responsible for moving the head on another track) and have half of memory 1050 has (128 bytes that is)

also - check if head moves freely when drive is disconnected from power supply, check if it won't get stuck on some position - you may claen and lubricate guide bar and its bearigns, but i would not disassembly the mechanism if you have no experience with this

hope it is understadable for you

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Another update. I have tried quite a lot of things mentioned in here, and I reckon it is thermal from what a couple of you said.


I consistently get error 138 (timeout) after a few mins usage. Initially I boot to DOS 2.5 fine. Do a couple of directory listings. Jump to BASIC load a file and then get the 138 error. Turn off for a few mins and back on and works for a similar amount of time.


After opening case and fanning the drive I got a little bit longer (about 30 secs). The metal upright plates that are towards the back of the drive are quite warm. These link to two things on the circuit board (sorry electronics is not my subject). I will get some coolant spray as suggested although if I do identify the dodgy part I probably won't know how to replace it.


A stroke of luck though..... While looking in my garage for an alternative power supply I found my old 1050 drive that stopped working a long time ago. I gave it a go and it works now (I think it is because I said abracadabra!). I did try this drives power supply with the dodgy drive but it made no difference.


Thanks for all the advice. I will drop a note back once I try the coolant spray.


With regards to UnixCoffee928 advice "Press all of the socketed chips firmly, by first pushing both ends simultaneously with your first & second fingers, apply vibrato (wiggle both fingers quickly while pressing) then slide the edge of your thumb down the length of the IC.". Although it didn't help with the drive, I might be trying this on the wife tonight to see if I can get any results there.





It really does sound thermal, if it works for a bit, then starts to fail. If you can, find some electronic coolant spray for testing thermal issues. I would test by taking the top cover off the drive and put a fan on it. See if the drive runs longer while being cooled. If so, remove the fan and place the top cover back on, without the screws, run it until it starts failing. When it does, remove the cover and immediately start spraying the coolant on individual parts in the power rectifier area of the drive. Each time you cool a part, try to read a disk. You should be able to track the part or parts that are failing and know what needs to be replaced.
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With regards to UnixCoffee928 advice "Press all of the socketed chips firmly, by first pushing both ends simultaneously with your first & second fingers, apply vibrato (wiggle both fingers quickly while pressing) then slide the edge of your thumb down the length of the IC.". Although it didn't help with the drive, I might be trying this on the wife tonight to see if I can get any results there.


PMSL :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

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A stroke of luck though..... While looking in my garage for an alternative power supply I found my old 1050 drive that stopped working a long time ago. I gave it a go and it works now (I think it is because I said abracadabra!). I did try this drives power supply with the dodgy drive but it made no difference.


I know the fellow at this site found his capacitors had died and were shorting. Might be something similar. He actually fully documented what he did including the replacement (with pics).





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Also, plug in the soldering iron before you do that - don't actually use it, just let the drive know you are ready and willing to do so.




That one really cracked me up!


It is like incense, isn't it?


...gives the whole affair a rather spiritual tone... Now Place hands on drive, Read book, Light candle, Ring bell...


Hey, wait, stop... that 1050 helps to keep the room nice & toasty warm, maybe it's EVOLVING into an electric heater!


= )

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