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Atari800WinPlus 4.2


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  • 3 weeks later...



Lazarus here.


Had a little issue with hard disk corruption. Power spike zapped my video card & fried a trace on my LVD SCA to 68 pin converter for my SCSI LVD system disk. Took some time to get to the bottom of the problem, as the drive half-worked, yet Windozed Recovery Console reported that it could not continue with chkdisk at 50%, and would just give up. Took a while to determine that it was screwed hardware... & a whole lot longer to set everything back up into a usable state again. Very Unfun.


Anyway, VFA (very f*cking annoying)... Last Straw/Last Nerve Annoying. Annoying enough for me realize exactly how much that I missed AmigaOS.


So, I built an AROS system, and a fully tweaked UAE with a SAS development system, and spent a month re-reading all of my issues of Amigaworld & Amazing Computing, and perused all of my vintage Amiga manuals, to refresh things.


Sooo much fun! Not only that, I am a happier person. Windhoes is really like a bad drug addiction. You don't wanna keep using, but you HAVE to.... & it becomes an everyday thing. You don't notice how far you are sucked in, either, because all of your friends are doing it, too.


So, Windependent as I have become, I did finally re-build my WingeOS PC. I swear it's just transitional. I can quit. Really.


= )



But, I WILL be completely moving away from Windosed any day now. For those of you who are in the unawares category, AmigaOS is enjoying a HUGE resurgence in 2009!




Look up Natami, AmigaOS 3.9,

, MorphOS,
, Amiga OSs on the Mac Mini,
, and the Brandy New Sam440 AmigaOS compatible PPC motherboards.



...& if you are not a former Amiga user, and you are chuckling about how quaint all this sounds, you just have no clue. PCs are just catching up to what expanded Amigas could do in 1990. & there are a lot of things that PCs still can't do as well & as easily as Amigas.



So, in true punkrock fashion, screw the rest of the world, I'm an AmigaOS user, the rest of the herd can follow Billy Gee over the cliff. I'm looking forward to a fabulous user experience running AROS on an Asus eee PC netbook, and building a Samantha440 to accommodate my modern computing needs, in the near future.


With the advent of the new Safari-derived

for the Amiga, the days of obsolete web browsing on the Amiga are now officially OVER. Way faster than anything on the PC. In fact, AmigaOS, in general, is just waaaaaay faster at everything. Past meets future. Future wins. AmigaOS on a Sam440 is the future. & you can have the future for just $666.66 or thereabouts with a Sam440 motherboard.


What does this have to do with Atari? You can run your Atari Emulators on any classic Amiga, Modern Amiga, or Amiga Emulation. ...& As always, hardware Amiga systems will read & write 5.25 Atari disks with no additional hardware, other than the 5.25 drive itself.


At one level, any Win-doahs user can adapt to AmigaOS, since Micro$ot stole most of it's windowing metaphors from Xerox, Macs, GEM, & Amigas, anyway. ...& Since AmigaOS is a bastard lovechild of UNIX, if you know UNIX/Linux, you will have a very easy time switching over to AmigaOS, for command-line operations & scripting. Do it today, you won't be disappointed!


When you think about all of the power that ARexx provides, by letting you script to any application, to allow all apps to communicate with one another, that alone makes AmigaOS pretty damned brilliant.


I could go on & on, but basically, this is the gist: There has been a MAJOR underground movement to present the Amiga as an alternative to the PC/Linux/Mac Addiction. If you have watched the videos above, and checked out the links, the answer should be patently obvious. Every other OS has been, and will continue to be playing a game of catch-up with the Amiga.


The new hardware & OSs make everything else look like a bad joke.


In our modern, tightly restricted society, the BIGGEST act of rebellion that you can do is to exercise your freedom of choice. It's simple, really, just say no to the Big Three, and get back to fun hacking, instead of being shackled to the 3-headed retarded infant OS that you've been forced to adopt & pay child support on. Pretty easy choice.


As far as Atari800WinPlus goes... read the whole thread. This thread contains ALL of the information needed to build & modify it yourself. It is all here, including all software version numbers necessary to build successfully. If I ever get around to resurrecting all of my data, I may post something down the line, but don't let that stop you... You can do it yourself with all the info in this thread.


In the mean-time, I'm pretty much just focused on helping the AmigaOS/AROS movement right now, and it makes me happy to do such. It is a travesty that the Amiga "died". Now that there is a widespread effort to make it a modern alternative platform, it just needs heads to make it happen, so I'm really happy to be a part of it, and I'm looking forward to sharing my computing experience to make it even better.


I sincerely hope that some of the other hackers here contribute to the cause of the modern Amiga, the Amiga community needs your help, and there has never been a better time to get involved.


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Unixcoffee....As far as I can remember, the amiga isn't a hardware platform any more in the same wy that a pc or mac is (i.e it is purely an o.s)...unless something has changed in the last days


That is why I provided all of those links in the above post, click each one for info.


The Samantha (SAM440ep) Motherboard is the commonly available BRAND NEW AMIGAOS-COMPATIBLE HARDWARE with all of the modern conveniences (USB 2.0, SATA, etc.)!


You can buy it here, right this moment, if so inclined.

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  • 3 months later...
Perhaps Jasier can give it one last try (how about it jaskier)...Mr unix coffee has probably married his amiga by now


FFS Carel...


Perhaps you can start with spelling names correctly... You do happen to know that spelling a person's name wrong is one of the most disrespectful things you can do while writing, don't you? Perhaps not, because you do it again, and again, and again, and again... SHOW SOME RESPECT AND IT WILL BE RETURNED.

But the real kicker is, you spelt his name twice in the same sentence... Once with the proper spelling, and once without... Are you fucking blind? I'm sorry, but I want to take you seriously. I'm sure others do as well. But writing at a grade school level as an adult just makes me wonder if you haven't hit your head one to many times. Especially with some of the drivel you write...

Edited by dwhyte
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