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Just finished my SIO2PC interface :-)


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Congrats! It's a great way to expand the muscle of the 8-bit. Now you should check into adding the ATOS windows environment, now that you have access to a hard disc (it requires 16megs of HD space). Basically it turns your 8-bit into a PC/MAC/ST/AMIGAjr. type machine and is compatible with basically everything. Soon you'll be using a mouse and have cool modern-day-computer like system with the ability to have screen-savers and the like...


Is your SIO2PC board going to be internal in the 8-bit, a disc drive or are you going to connect an SIO cable to the other end and leave it as a seperate external device?

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> Now you should check into adding the ATOS windows environment, now that you have access to a hard disc

> Soon you'll be using a mouse and have cool modern-day-computer like system with the ability to have screen-savers and the like...


AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Windows! :x

The 8-bit is a way of escaping the modern multi-megabyte GUI mess I have to deal with every day... I even prefer SIO2PC DOS over APE/Windows because I get stressed over a GUI ;)

I just want to play all those games from two decades ago!


> Is your SIO2PC board going to be internal in the 8-bit, a disc drive or are you going to connect an SIO cable to the other end and leave it as a seperate external device?


Have a look at my webpage http://www.fonck.nl/atari for updated pictures.

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