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**ENDED** HD Loader for Playstation 2


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EDIT: I have this one on ebay now. Here is a link:


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I came across this item and don't know much about it. I belive that it only works with the PS2 fat, a network adapter and a hard drive but I don't know. Untested and the disc has some scuffs but nothing that looks like it would affect the discs use. Original case and booklet included. I have no idea what to ask for this, make an offer.


post-4103-1233441393_thumb.jpg post-4103-1233441407_thumb.jpg

Edited by SpendTooMuchOnAtari
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I am interested in this product, but wonder if anyone knows if the movies (intros and in game) are choppy with this. I have a simular product "Freeloader" and all my movie play back has 1 second pauses between. Not so bad on some games light fighters, but on those hard to find rpg's it's not worth your while to even play. The product I use now, uses a hard drive, phat ps2, and network adapter as well.



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A friend of mine has HD Loader installed on his PS2 along with a 120GB hard drive and I haven't seen any problems with the setup. However, I've never seen him play any RPGs or anything of the like with any cutscenes or the sort. Most of the time I've played his PS2 has been for Frequency, Amplitude, and Gitaroo Man...

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It takes some doing to get anything to launch right. The current version is 3.8c, which was supposed to let the thing read dual-layer discs, only it doesn't really work. Most of the newer SCE and Squenix games won't rip correctly.


One more thing, I wouldn't try to download updates through http://www.hdloader.org/. Sony shut down the company originally selling the discs back in 2006 after suing under the DMCA. Whoever is running that site now isn't related, so anything coming from them is shady at best.

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Well I couldn't do dual layer anyways. I'd make an offer on this HDLoader if it will resolve my existings backups cgi issues of playing choppy. Everything that is dual layer that I have is original like God of War anyways. My RPG's are things like Growlancer and Disgea 1 that used to be hard to get (dunno if they are now, I think not any more) everything I have is years old. Would just like to play them in a good way.



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I think it was going for somewhere between $30 and $50 back in its heyday. I'd make an offer on it, but there are better PS2 hacks out there.

DMS4 and the one that you load via Game Shark from a USB pen drive come to mind. IMO, DMS4 would probably be the best if it weren't so difficult to install.

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