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atari2600land's Blog - Adventures in online shopping


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Well, I just ordered something from the Goat Store for the first time today. I ordered Buck Rogers, Krull and Tom-Cat for the 2600, all with "poor label," so I guess that means it's cheaper. Luckilly, I don't care about label quality. My copy of Midnight Magic doesn't even have a label! It didn't fit in my old 2600 (the one that broke), so I took the chip out and put it in an old Space Invaders or something. I have a few chips laying around because i took out various games that didn't fit and put them in other shells. I guess I still can't get over the fact that my zip code had changed. When I was ordering, i entered my old zip code with my new address and somehow it knew that it was wrong. I e-mailed them about it and had to close the ticket because I figured out what the problem was. :dunce:. In the comments section in my order, i wrote "never mind about the help ticket, I entered the wrong zip code" just in case they didn't get the fact that i closed the ticket. You never know about computers. So now once mom gets the money order out, I now am waiting for 2 packages, which, when they both come, will up my total # of 2600 games to 253.



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