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2600 Actionauts, boxed 5200 rares, cheapy handhelds

video game addict

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Actionauts went quick :)


and is still available here........




Maybe this sold below cost? :ponder:


I thought Actionauts LE was to be limited to 300 :ponder:


Rob mentioned that he has a few left.......

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I'm a bit surprised it sold as quick as it did. And I believe the buyer is a member here as well. Not sure how many Rob has left, a couple quotes from him back in June;


I didn't sell them in numerical order, so there are a few left ... most with boxes that were a little damaged ... I have five remaining in pristine condition as of today.


19 as of today ... and then another 8 with damaged boxes that I will sell at a reduced price


The link is still up to buy, but whether they are in good shape or not who knows. Doesn't look like many were left. I was surprised how well they sold at that price.

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lol I've had a lot of interest on the formula. I had 4 different people offer $30 and one offered $20 plus my pick of 3 items they were selling (baby clothes.) I asked the first 3 bidders to make counteroffers and I'd take the highest offer, but they were slow to respond and I was getting more offers coming in, so I just killed the best offer thing and made it a regular auction starting at $30. I do have more formula that were not using anymore, I'd be happy to toss in a can of formula with each BIN on my Atari auctions. :)

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