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5200 to A8


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Following on from the enormously successful 'Oh Maria' thread a thought just occurred to me


Given the identical hardware & electronics between the A8 and the 5200 (despite differences in ram/hardware locations) i was thinking that perhaps something in the same format of 5200-7800 adapter could be done for A8-5200 adapter


All you've have to do is incvlude the xl or xe version of P/A/G, a pia/freddie for bankswitching, xe o/s and basic, a 5200-a8 cart adapter and connectors at the back for sio, xegs keyboard and atari standard joysticks...and of course at least 128 k of ram but with space for an addit. 512k


on the adapter itself you would ofcourse have the xl/xe console keys (but in orig. 800 design)


At least that way the 5200 will be able to play an extended library of games software...just imagine, Alternate realities or Zybex or Goonies on the 5200

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The memory map is too different.


Enormous effort for little reward... with the cross-platform tools we have today, games could be converted in a matter of hours.

In fact, what games exist on the 5200 that don't on the computers?


A whole lot of work for someone, and not a novice at that, for a product that potentially might see a couple of dozen sales.

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It really isn't necessary to do an adapter. Apart from Adventure II and perhaps one or two other recent homebrews, most 5200 titles have been ported to the A8. Although I do like the idea of an adapter that interfaces the 5200 controllers to the A8 because there are some titles that make use of the analog control in ways that the A8 versions of those games do not like Star Raiders and Rescue On Fractalus which allow proportional steering. So for games like that, I like the idea of a controller adapter. The 5200 titles that could benefit would still need to be (re)ported to this configuration. Course that is still a lot of pain for little gain but it isn't as much pain as a device that would require the PCI/ECI and probably internal mods to the A8 as well.

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