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Outrageous ebay prices


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I am really wondering 2 things. When someone has something listed at 2-5 times what it's worth and has the 'best offer' option, do you ever make an offer? It seems to me that when someone is asking far what something is worth it would most likely be wasted time. Also, have you seen many instances where people actually pay these prices? I can only assume that a) people do or b) it doesn't cost anything to list on ebay. I am pretty sure I paid the last time I listed something. I just have to laugh when I see a game go for $5-$10 and see that someone is trying to sell it for $40 an hour later.

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I don't think I've ever bothered with a "Best offer" auction.


I recently bought a Lynx car power adaptor on BIN, and only because I saw it as reasonably priced.


The Atari market here is a joke at times... people advertising games like Space Invaders or ET as being "rare", and setting start prices of $15 or more.

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I know a guy who does selling like this, basically he doesn't have to pay much to list games at $500 when they should be $20, but all it takes is ONE lame bidder to buy it and you're set. This doesn't always work, though. For example, I sold this SMS Geraldinho cartridge (with box, not in the best of condition) for $5 on eBay. The guy who won relisted it in his store for $40. That shows you the logic of some of them. Why would someone pay like 8 times more than YOU did? Seriously.


The best offer option, however, I have used quite a bit. I've gotten some sweet deals using that, from what I can only assume are sellers with slow sales or who just want to get rid of certain things. I low-balled a bunch too and some of them went through.

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When someone has something listed at 2-5 times what it's worth and has the 'best offer' option, do you ever make an offer?

How do you determine what "it's worth"? The going rate on completed auctions for the same item?


Although not scientific, I think its a good barometer of what something is worth at that particular time although things like retro video games tend to fluctuate.


I was watching a CV galaxian that ended over the weekend a final price a shade under $30 US. Now to me thats a bit high but considering how hard it seems to be to find that particular game on ebay, perhaps thats the going rate.


Again, "worth" isn't a term that a person can measure since its different for each individual. But for me personally, I tend to average out a few completed auctions to determine, not its worth, but its going rate for that time.

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I agree you know how many times I find combat for like close to ten bucks with rare next to its title wtf



I don't think I've ever bothered with a "Best offer" auction.


I recently bought a Lynx car power adaptor on BIN, and only because I saw it as reasonably priced.


The Atari market here is a joke at times... people advertising games like Space Invaders or ET as being "rare", and setting start prices of $15 or more.

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I suppose if you can get a dollar off, that's a buck you save. I'm going to pick on whoever listed FF7 recently. Assuming it was a Best Offer auction listed at $100 and I offered $80, the counter might be $99. If I can save a buck, why not do so?


That said, I'm probably not going to go through the hassle just to save $1. If the above scenario did happen, I'd consider myself fortunate, but I wouldn't go looking specifically for an auction like that to save a buck. I'd probably just make a lower bid on a different auction.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Then there is me... I give the effort to look at current and past sales, put the stuff up for the best price (CIB, matched to best CIB price) with best offer, and people offer me $1 or $2.... for $10 - $30 games... WTF?! I made the mistake of rejecting one and saying "you must be joking" in the memo area. The guy wrote me back and told me what a horrible person I was, that it took him a week to save that dollar (he was from Mexico). I appologized, and make it a point not to say anything ever again, no matter how lame the offer is. Holygrails prices are high for example, but he will play a little, you make an offer, he makes one back, you make an offer, he makes one back, but the bottom line discount is never much, and the prices are still high. Buying and selling online just sucks these days. I have more fun dealing in person anyways... its too bad the scene isn't too big around here (nashville, tn).


Sadly, in order to liberate the extra money you have tied up in your duplicates when collecting, you have to try and get rid of stuff online. That hasn't been easy since the crash of '08.



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Sadly, in order to liberate the extra money you have tied up in your duplicates when collecting, you have to try and get rid of stuff online. That hasn't been easy since the crash of '08.


Yah, I've debated just holding onto stuff I don't need until things get better.

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Sadly, in order to liberate the extra money you have tied up in your duplicates when collecting, you have to try and get rid of stuff online. That hasn't been easy since the crash of '08.


To be fair, isn't difficulty in selling just an indication of prices being too high?


I have a friend who is trying to sell her home. She's been complaining that no buyers have come forward. I told her it's just a matter of price! Lower the price enough, and you'll have no problem finding a buyer.


But if you're patient, you can probably get your price. A guy a few doors down from us has had his house on the market for over a year now. He seems content with that.

Edited by Ransom
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Sadly, in order to liberate the extra money you have tied up in your duplicates when collecting, you have to try and get rid of stuff online. That hasn't been easy since the crash of '08.


To be fair, isn't difficulty in selling just an indication of prices being too high?


Short answer: No.


Longer answer:

Price is a function of supply and demand. The current economic conditions have reduced the demand, and probably have increased supply, thus forcing the current market prices down. Once things recover, the reverse should happen and prices will go up.


Most people selling a tangible item have a price floor (intrinsic value, sentimental value, money spent acquiring item, whatever) below which it is not worth selling. I wouldn't sell my Falcon for $50, even if that were the "going rate".


It's not the asking price that's wrong, just the timing. (hence the suggestion to hold on to stuff if that is doable)


OTOH, now would be a great time to buy stuff if you are in a position to do so.

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If you have the cheapest price say $40... on a game that others are selling for $80 in stores, etc, and no other offers are out there for near your price... but you can see history of sales, and know the last few sold for $40... and all you get it best offers for $1... I don't consider the fact that your item isn't selling to be because I have the price marked to high. I don't know why it is, but it isn't because the price is marked too high.



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I have a friend who is trying to sell her home. She's been complaining that no buyers have come forward. I told her it's just a matter of price! Lower the price enough, and you'll have no problem finding a buyer.

Well, sure, but it reaches a point where it's ridiculous. A good example of this: just look at real estate prices in an area like Phoenix. Houses that were selling for $350,000 a couple of years ago are on the market now for under $100,000 - and yet no one is buying at that price.


I suppose if those would-be sellers dropped their prices even lower, say to $50 grand or less, eventually someone with cash in the bank will buy it - but you'd have to be damned desperate to sell such a house off that cheap.

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Holygrails prices are high for example, but he will play a little, you make an offer, he makes one back, you make an offer, he makes one back, but the bottom line discount is never much, and the prices are still high.


I like Sean. Probably one of the few, but some of his auctions he doesn't even want to sell. He just uses it as a tool for advertisement. It's the way he does it. That's why some of his stuff is so high. The higher the price usually is the items just there for advertisement purposes. Make no sense to me but maybe to some it does. Sean is good about certain things. Including premiums. :D

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Sadly, in order to liberate the extra money you have tied up in your duplicates when collecting, you have to try and get rid of stuff online. That hasn't been easy since the crash of '08.


To be fair, isn't difficulty in selling just an indication of prices being too high?


I have a friend who is trying to sell her home. She's been complaining that no buyers have come forward. I told her it's just a matter of price! Lower the price enough, and you'll have no problem finding a buyer.


But if you're patient, you can probably get your price. A guy a few doors down from us has had his house on the market for over a year now. He seems content with that.

Sadly, sometimes the buyers are not there, even with a lower price. As the economy continues to tank that will get much worse as people stop spending or a least slow down greatly.

A buddy of mine works at a local car dealership, he says they are selling lots of cars, however mainly used cars,hardly any new ones. Even moving cars well at 150k miles,no problem. Price and $$$ and worry are what's driving that.

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Sadly, sometimes the buyers are not there, even with a lower price. As the economy continues to tank that will get much worse as people stop spending or a least slow down greatly.

A buddy of mine works at a local car dealership, he says they are selling lots of cars, however mainly used cars,hardly any new ones. Even moving cars well at 150k miles,no problem. Price and $$$ and worry are what's driving that.


True, there is that little credit market problem... :x


The nice thing about that is, I can't tell you how long it's been since I've gotten an unsolicited credit card offer. We used to get several a week, back when credit was as easy as striking oil in Texas used to be.

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