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Jboypacman's Blog - Jboypacman's Personal 2600 Challenge


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Now i know there like everyone else that is a member of AtariAge there is a 2600 High Score Club but i for a less word.....Suck at playing 2600 games lol.


I love the 2600 more so now then i did in my youth but i never really got the "chops" to throw down some serious points in most of the classic 2600 games.


So today i decided to challenge myself and see if i could improve my classic gaming skills and at the same time get back into full swing with playing my 2600 games(and a added bonus have something that is actually about the 2600 in my blog).


This week am going to sit down ever night after work and play three different Atari 2600 games and log my score every night and see if i can beat my pervious night's score on each game.


Nothing fancy here just pop in a cart and playing it right out the gate and i will play one round of each game i picked out untill i die and move on to the next game.


So i started tonight and i picked out the following three 2600 games......


Donkey Kong(Coleco cart version),Missile Command(Picture cart) and Joust(Sliver label)


and i score the following.....




Missile Command=28028




Now i play DK more than i do MC and Joust when i do pull out the 2600 to play so while i do want to do well in all three of these i really want to push myself on MC and Joust(Joust has always been a weak game for me and with MC i never really like it as a kid so i never played it much back then).


So i will play again tomorrow and see if i can beat today's scores now that i have some goals to reach for. :)








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