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Jboypacman's Blog - The mystery Colecovision owner(s)


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When i was a kid most of us in my neighborhood had Atari 2600s really all my friends on our block had a Atari and we would all go to each other's houses and play games like Space Invaders and Wizard of Wor all day.


Now we knew of a guy on the block that had a Intellivision and a few of us got to go there once to play one of the D+D games he had and a few other games for it which escapes my mind.


But there was always this rumor that someone in our neighborhood had a Colecovision but we never knew or found if anyone actually had one.


Now if you are wondering there were some kids in our "Hood" we did not hang around with for some reason or another i guess even then we were very much a "Clique".


But the thought of being able to play games like Donkey Kong or Smurf just fired our minds with thoughts of never arcade glory which and felt the CV would and could offer us.


We never did find out if anyone had a Colecovision oddly i guess we were happy being in our "2600 Clique" but if we had am sure we could of expanded our little group to include a few Colecovision players.:lol:



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