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Selling Some Cool Things Including Several Very Rare Master System Items


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Ha, NO. The only thing that's kind of common in there is the Asa, a few of them pop up here and there. The problem with Brazilian items like this is they tend to be kind of easy to find loose, but not complete. Brazilians have this habit of throwing everything out, especially the box. The Asa isn't too hard to find in the box, the Manche harder and it usually never appears with all its components, The Arcade hardly ever appears (mine's not in that good of condition anyway). And the Alex Kidd Super Compact variant, this is probably the only one you're ever going to see. They were sold separately from the antenna kit and adaptor, so most people didn't bother buying them. Thus, the Sonic one is easier to find. I wouldn't be suprised if there was one or two of them boxed on Mercado right now. The Alex Kidd version, forget it. Plus, I included the separate, boxed complete antenna kit and adaptor, which aren't easy to find either since anyone who bought the Sonic version didn't need them. The blue light phaser I haven't seen in awhile. Go find me one on Mercado, I doubt there are any.


The most important thing, however, is that most Mercado sellers do not accept Paypal and good luck sending them money, it will likely get stolen. So the chances of being able to get this stuff on eBay or anywhere else are very, very slim unless you can find someone you trust in Brazil. Most of them will likely request you pay them money for the troube, so a chance like this won't come again for a long time. Daffy Duck in Hollywood is not a common game either, especially in a blister pack. So, again, you live up to your previous avatar.

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Do you sell on the chuckwagon? I try to stay away from ebay because of different things and much prefer CTCW these days.


Also, I'm not really looking for boxed or complete, but loose Brazil items. Scratch'n'dent is also okay with me, I'm the worst collector I know :)


Being in El Paso, you'd think Brazil goods would be more common, but they're the most rare. Go figure.

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No, I haven't yet. Are there certain games you're looking for? I come across some of the TecToy exclusives now and then. Some of the hacks are surprisingly more difficult to find than the exclusives. Geraldinho, for example, is a beast to find complete. Are you looking for games or accessories?

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Bonaccorsi, Anyone who knows will know that word is all that needs to be said.


Yeah, okay, you mean Luiz? He's a friend of mine actually. He hasn't sold much recently if you'd pay attention. He used to have a number of items several years ago but now only sells things here and there. I got a number of games from him when he could find them, if you actually knew him you'd know he'd say finding this stuff in Brazil anymore is too much of a hassle. That's why he hasn't sold a thing on eBay since MARCH 2008! Almost a full year now. And Games Brazil, the site where he used to sell this stuff, has been down for awhile now. I also know Mario Martins, you know him? Probably not. He's the only person I know who has an almost complete Master System Girl that he can get his hands on, as well as other things. He's actually the only guy you can expect to find this stuff now. There's hardly anything left, trust me, I don't know Atari much at all, but the Master System, yes. I helped write the rarity guide for this stuff and did a bunch of site work here including all the cool stuff we've recently added to the hardware database (rarity guide will be coming soon enough for that):




I also did that interview with Steve Hanawa you see on the main page, former HEAD of R&D Sega of America. Best not to step on me in this turf. I don't like walking on dancing piles of crap anyway.

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loose games and accessories both. That blue light gun is really tempting. I'll continue this in PM.


Responded. Feel free to read about the history of some of things at the site I posted up there, I wrote a lot of it. If you go in the 'rare items gallery' (it will be gone and separate into the proper databases soon) you will see a picture of the blue phaser as it came COMPLETE, as well as some other cool stuff like the Hong Kong SMS.

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I don't like walking on dancing piles of crap anyway.


Pardon you? Here's an idea, go screw yourself. From day 1 of your membership here at AtariAge you have not made a very good impression on many. I'm just glad losers like you leave just as fast as you arrive for the most part.


Also what was with you putting my name in your custom status the other day? Is your life that shitty that you have to add things about me to your profile and status to make yourself feel good? Wow, thats gotta suck.

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Freddy is in fact a rare SMS collectible. Whenever Sega started their business in Hong Kong, they switched their name to Shi Jia to fit the sound system. After this, a linguist named a doll after the company, which was improperly translated into English by a video game historian from Tennessee. This is THAT doll! Buy it!


As for crap man up there, okay, again, sorry you were incorrect about some things but you don't have to keep harping about it and posting in my threads, especially when you said there was no chance in hell you'd let me buy something from you. Over what, incorrect information about a stupid NES repo? Sorry you were wrong, I apologize yet again for your suffering. You like to crap out your mouth when you think you know stuff, when you obviously don't. You seem like a nice guy and a good father, but you definitely represent dancing crap piles very nicely by the way YOU act on here. Looking at some of your other threads you like to lay it on pretty thick, and I mean with undigested corn and peanuts and everything. I put up a simple auction thread and then you crap out 'that's not rare huhuuuuuuu,' which serves no puprose other than to make you look like an idiot again. Then you try to make it look like you know something by crapping out Luiz's name like I wouldn't know it, too bad I do and too bad I know him too, showing yet again you like to crap out iddy biddy facts here and there to make it look like you know what you're saying, when you don't. Now go bid on some stuff and I'll give you a shipping discount because I feel bad for you.

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Freddy is in fact a rare SMS collectible. Whenever Sega started their business in Hong Kong, they switched their name to Shi Jia to fit the sound system. After this, a linguist named a doll after the company, which was improperly translated into English by a video game historian from Tennessee. This is THAT doll! Buy it!


As for crap man up there, okay, again, sorry you were incorrect about some things but you don't have to keep harping about it and posting in my threads, especially when you said there was no chance in hell you'd let me buy something from you. Over what, incorrect information about a stupid NES repo? Sorry you were wrong, I apologize yet again for your suffering. You like to crap out your mouth when you think you know stuff, when you obviously don't. You seem like a nice guy and a good father, but you definitely represent dancing crap piles very nicely by the way YOU act on here. Looking at some of your other threads you like to lay it on pretty thick, and I mean with undigested corn and peanuts and everything. I put up a simple auction thread and then you crap out 'that's not rare huhuuuuuuu,' which serves no puprose other than to make you look like an idiot again. Then you try to make it look like you know something by crapping out Luiz's name like I wouldn't know it, too bad I do and too bad I know him too, showing yet again you like to crap out iddy biddy facts here and there to make it look like you know what you're saying, when you don't. Now go bid on some stuff and I'll give you a shipping discount because I feel bad for you.



Master System isn't my thing anymore. I had one when I was a kid but it has no current calling for me. Luiz is a cool dude sure, never said you don't know him I just said anyone that does knows that he has access to loads of Tec Toy stuff for lots of Sega products making the brasilian Sega stuff alot easier for north americans to get ahold of. I was not wrong about anything involving the NES reproduction thing, I was correct on all acounts and provided proof to verify everything I was saying. I said you can't buy from me cause you seemed like a real tool when you where arguing agenst backed up facts and I didn't want the headache of doing business with you if that is the way you roll. And as for knowing my stuff, I know a lot about many things and I know nothing about just as much. I have no problem with that. But I'm still seriously wondering why you add things involving me to your personal status\profile.

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Correction, he HAD access, he hardly sells anything anymore. That statement was false starting about three years ago. Once he dried up his sources, there is really nothing left and the majority of the items cannot be found anymore. So showing you up on info means I do bad deals? Okay, don't see the connection between information about making reproduction games and my purchasing ethics. If I did something bad to you you could have just got your money back and probably had me kicked off the forum or something, which I wouldn't have done anyway. I NEVER cheat anyone. I do this mainly for collecting and having fun. You may not like me very much but I certainly would have never cheated you.

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So showing you up on info means I do bad deals?


You *tried* to show me up on the NES cartridge creation thing and you where totally wrong. Yes that was enough for me to decide I didn't want to trade\buy\sell games with you. As for Luiz not being active anymore, Well that kinda sucks cause he was a great source for all types of video game stuff. I've not ordered from him in a good while so my info was dated about being able to use him to get Tec Toy, your correct on that. At least I can admit when I'm wrong unlike you who argues in the face of facts. But Luiz aside, there are still zillions of those street sales with video games in brasil daily with folks looking to grab it up and flip it. End of the day, this Tec Toy stuff isn't all as rare as your trying to make it out to be. Is some, not all, but some of your stuff up hard to get? Sure. It's it the "omg! HTF! only one you will ever see EVAR!@@" ? Absolutly not. In closing, I never said you would have cheated me. I choose not to do business with you on principal.


EDIT: You still have not stated why you feel the need to have my name and things about me in YOUR profile\status. You have been on this board for a month, I've been here for over 5 years. Trust me your not off to a good start.

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EDIT: You still have not stated why you feel the need to have my name and things about me in YOUR profile\status.

All I see in his profile is "My avatar is NOT a dancing pile of excrement". :ponder:



I've been here for over 5 years.

Joined: June 13, 2005 :ponder:



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EDIT: You still have not stated why you feel the need to have my name and things about me in YOUR profile\status.

All I see in his profile is "My avatar is NOT a dancing pile of excrement". :ponder:



I've been here for over 5 years.

Joined: June 13, 2005 :ponder:




This is not my only account (Al is merging my 2 accounts soon with the new board update) :P Also he was told a few days ago to take my name out of his status and he just changed it to making referance to my previous avatar instead of using my name. His location of "I just got back from the gym" was taken from my marketplace thread. This dude has a boner for me and it's kinda gross is all.

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His location of "I just got back from the gym" was taken from my marketplace thread. This dude has a boner for me and it's kinda gross is all.

I don't see how you can be upset with a generic phrase like "I just got back from the gym". If it bothers you that much though just ignore it.



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I guess you don't get me yet. Now you throw out seniority? I've done been here neigh five yeahs, sonny, I done gotz more cred than ya'll. Who cares? In two seconds in this thread you probably ruined anything intelligent you've said over your whole life. I guess you still can't cope with the fact that I was correct by a margin of three dollars. Resorting to anti-gay shots too? You're reaching man, from behind! Hahahaha. Go find me someone with these 'common' items you can supposedly get on the street as you say. I guess you're familiar with Brazil enough to tell me all about it, so go ahead. My buddy who lives there finds this stuff hardly ever, that's where I get most of it. That very Super Compact I'm selling, for example, took him over two years to track down, and he lives there. He can find games like TV Colosso for example, but as I said earlier, usually never with anything more than the box and insert in very poor condition. You going to bid or what?

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If it bothers you that much though just ignore it.


It was just all of it wrapped together that gave me a weirdo vibe. Will do on the lookin' the other way deal.



I guess you don't get me yet. Now you throw out seniority? I've done been here neigh five yeahs, sonny, I done gotz more cred than ya'll. Who cares? In two seconds in this thread you probably ruined anything intelligent you've said over your whole life. I guess you still can't cope with the fact that I was correct by a margin of three dollars. Resorting to anti-gay shots too? You're reaching man, from behind! Hahahaha. Go find me someone with these 'common' items you can supposedly get on the street as you say. I guess you're familiar with Brazil enough to tell me all about it, so go ahead. My buddy who lives there finds this stuff hardly ever, that's where I get most of it. That very Super Compact I'm selling, for example, took him over two years to track down, and he lives there. He can find games like TV Colosso for example, but as I said earlier, usually never with anything more than the box and insert in very poor condition. You going to bid or what?



Dude I'm the last person who would be anti-homosexual. Anyhow, game on or whatever. I got no issues with you if you can get over your issues with me.

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