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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Today's Cross Country Findings


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Below are the findings of my cross country trip(which all took place in the same state):





TNA Impact(PS2) $14.98 at Target

Xbox 360 Handbook .01 at Toys R Us

Viewtiful Joe(GC) .97 at Sears

Viewtiful Joe 2(GC) .97 at Sears

Jewel Cases $3.99 at Target

Xbox 360 Quick Charge Kit $15.99 at a local game store(I needed one of these)


Unfortunately those two Gamecube games are all that I could find from the Sears sale. For those not in the know(you should be reading my discount/clearance video game thread daily for updates) Sears is clearancing out probably half of all their video games. While it goes back to the PS2/GC/XB gen it also includes many games from this gen. Unfortunately none of the three Sears I went to had Bullet Witch or Tenchu Z(both are $4.97 during this clearance) but thats ok because I got two GC games I can sell.


The jewel cases are part of my upcoming project. However, I need two more to complete it. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to rely on on ebay for those because they are special size cases. Finding the quick charge kit for my 360 at that price(half off the $30 retail price in stores) was perfect timing. So now I don't have to worry about my battery dying because I have two so one will always be freshly charge. The best part is that I got it for free by trading in 6 of those penny strategy guides I got from Gamestop last week. 6 cents + free 360 quick charge kit equals epic win. Looks like a winner is me.



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