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atari2600land's Blog - My dog has fleas


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I just wonder who had the "bright" idea to domesticate wild animals. I'd like to go back in time and shoot him (or her.) Case in point: My dog. He has fleas. Fleas don't really have a purpose in this world. No other animal eats or otherwise benefits from fleas. So, there's a strike for intelligent design right there. Whoever (or whatever) made fleas was not intelligent. Same thing with almost any other insect. So now, mom has to stop by the vet this weekend and get some Advantage. When our current dog dies, Mom wants to get another one for a watchdog. So I guess I'll be living with dogs (and fleas) forever, or at least until Mom dies. Then I'll be all alone, but flea-less. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy pets' company, but if they don't have fleas. Fleas are icky. I want to get an animal that doesn't have fur, like a lizard or something. Or a snake. Not a big python or anything, just a run-of-the-mill non-venomous snake that wouldn't try to eat me. Then, I wouldn't care about fleas. Heck, maybe a lizard would eat the fleas that came inside the house. I'm rambling again, so I'll quit right now.



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