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atari2600land's Blog - Delays malaise


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I have a comics website that I basically update every week with new comics. I do these comics and put them on the FTP server about a month in advance. I drew one about the analog to digital TV switch. A few weeks after I drew it and put it up, they delayed it until June. So this week there's an outdated comic on my webpage. Makes me mad that they delayed it because now i'll look like a moron. oh well, hardly anyone looks at it anyway, I've had a little over 100 hits this month so far on it last time i checked. It's just little things like that that make me angry sometimes. Also, I got a copy of Rolling Thunder for the NES today, only to find out I already had one. Good thing I only spent $5 on it, and the copy I got today has a better label. So now I have two.



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