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Planet Bob - Playing Sidewize (C64)


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Hi there!


So who can guess which Capcom arcade inspired this one:




I have to apologize upfront for launching into this with a screen straight from the final boss battle, but it was the first halfway decent graphics to be seen in this spectrum conversion :ponder:


It is a horizontally scrolling shmup where you're the last hope of mankind, equipped with a jetpack. There's really bad invaders, but you get all the standard formation annihilation boni (speedups/firepower) to beat them.


You're supposed to liberate 4 different planets, which usually happens in 4 steps: 1. Outer Space, 2. Planet Surface, 3. Outer Space and 4. Boss. The main difference between these phases is that there's a boss at the end of the 4th...


There's maybe 20 different enemies/attack patterns in the whole game and you're defeating each of them about 50 times throughout the game. That's it.


It is so mindboggingly boring, that I'm not sure wether I should consider it being even worse than Magmax :-o




I'm so glad it's all over!


Some future day the Playing series may see another horizontal shmup in the form of "IO", but first it'll continue with something different.






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